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Are you always this inconsiderate?

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  • Are you always this inconsiderate?

    Here is a list of pet peeves I have of people who fit into this category:

    * People who hold conversations right in front of stairwells, escalators, or elevator doors, and do not move out of the way when the polite person says "Excuse me".

    * People who wait at the elevator doors, and right when the doors open, they try to shove their way inside without waiting for the other occupants to get off first.

    * At elevators (yes, my biggest peeve), right when the doors are almost all the way closed, some moron that comes along and forces the doors open instead of waiting on the next car.

    * In parking lots, the asswipe who will block an entire aisle waiting on someone to leave that close as hell parking spot so they can grab it, when there are other spots not too far away.

    * Express check out lines in any department store or grocery store where a person with four times the maximum allowance, who sees the sign, yet still unloads his shit. Then, he's the same person who gripes because one item rings up at four cents higher than is should. On top of that, the cashier allows this person to do all of this without saying anything or turning him away.

    * People on highways that definitely were in the wrong when they decided to change lanes into the side of your car, you blow your horn at them, and they give you the finger in return, even though they were at fault.

    * SC's that call in to my department, and it takes thirty minutes before they get to telling me why they were calling.

    * And, everyone's favorite......cellular phone users. We can name all kinds of examples with this one. Mine are those who talk so loud we know all about this person's life, his likes and dislikes, what he had for dinner last night, the name of his mistress, his sick hobbies, etc. In traffic, those who concentrate more on that call than the road in front of them.

    Anyone else have others they wish to add?

  • #2
    People who drive past the first drive-thru window without paying and who come to the second drive-thru window to pay and change their minds about their food at the last possible second.

    People who let their dogs snarl and bark at me when i try to give them their food in drive-thru and find it funny.

    People who think all of us in drive-thru are deaf and SCREAM into the ordering microphone so loudly that it hurts.
    Last edited by Bramble; 08-30-2007, 09:52 PM. Reason: added another
    My Wajas cave


    • #3
      Just as an aside, I found it ironic that "Get the hell out of the way" was the thread immediatly after this one.


      • #4
        Relatives who think I'm some sort of god just because I'm 6'2" and have red hair.
        Although that may just be me.
        OH WAIT SOMETHING THAT MAY BE RELATED: Relatives who expect me to know their names.
        I have 94058074523490570934509450984353946592434957934598 34759834459435734 x 10^45734 family members.
        On one side.
        "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


        • #5
          Quoth greensinestro View Post
          * People who hold conversations right in front of stairwells, escalators, or elevator doors, and do not move out of the way when the polite person says "Excuse me".
          Either that, or they'll give you a dirty look for politely excusing yourself before they move out of the way, like they own the place or something. Also really annoying when both parties have shopping carts in the middle of a crowded aisle.
          "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


          • #6
            *Tow truck drivers who leave their truck blocking the parking lot while they fill out paper work. This happened last night when I was leaving work. He was blocking the exit to the employee lot at 5PM sharp. Way to endear yourself, dude.

            *Car carrier drivers who block an entire street while unloading cars because one is parked on one side, one is parked on the other, with maybe enough room to squeeze a bicycle between them. This happened at lunch today.

            *People who park their U-Haul truck at my apartments completely blocking the lane, so that I have to drive all the way around the complex to get to my garage, which was 20 feet on the other side of the truck. This happened last night when I got home.
            I know nothing and I can prove it!


            • #7
              Quoth Bramble View Post
              People who think all of us in drive-thru are deaf and SCREAM into the ordering microphone so loudly that it hurts.
              Heh, that reminds me of a Dane Cook sketch.
              'And why is it that people insist on yelling into the drive-thru? 'Welcome to Burger King, what can I get for you?' 'WHOPPER! WHOPPER NO PICKLES!' 'Excuse me, I'm bleeding from the ears.''
              Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

              I like big bots and I cannot lie.


              • #8
                When the bus driver is late and makes me miss my other bus by doing stupid crap. There is ALWAYS this one bus driver who will come to my bus stop at 7:18 am, and won't get to the bus terminal by 7:35. I know other bus drivers who will get to the bus terminal ON TIME. Believe me, there was no traffic, just a few people on the bus.

                I also can't stand some people just gabbing away with the bus driver.
                I also find those bus drivers who will gab away with a passenger and just STAY there very inconsiderate.

                The worst ones are the bus drivers who will STOP the damn bus mid route to get something to eat! If you have to do to the bathroom fine but don't be making OTHER people late by getting something to it.


                • #9
                  Quoth greensinestro View Post

                  * In parking lots, the asswipe who will block an entire aisle waiting on someone to leave that close as hell parking spot so they can grab it, when there are other spots not too far away.
                  I hate these assholes. I just go around them (if there's room, that is) and get another spot. By the time they've managed to squeeze their Suckmobile into the Almighty Parking Space, I'm already halfway to the store's front doors, if not inside the building.
                  ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


                  • #10
                    Quoth greensinestro View Post
                    On top of that, the cashier allows this person to do all of this without saying anything or turning him away.

                    In most cases, the cashier is not allowed to say anything or turn him away. They'll get in trouble because this customer is also the kind of customer who's chomping at the bit to go complain about something to the manager.

                    I dislike it when the customer sees the large sign on top of the garbage can that says "NO LIQUIDS IN TRASH, PLEASE" yet they toss their cup filled with ice in the trash because obviously, being their cup, it's magic ice and will not melt. Or they just ignore it completely and throw the full cup in the trash.


                    • #11
                      Cell phone at the ATM are also a pet peeve of mine. Yesterday, I went to my bank to get $20 and nothing else. Right when I got there, there was another car, so I thought okay, not a problem. I can wait. However, right after I got there, I saw the man in this car waving his hands profusely, and when I looked closer, he was talking on his phone! My next thought was okay, he's waiting to get his money, and he's talking at the same time. No problem.Well, there was a problem being I sat there for about a minute before he finally stuck his card in the machine and began doing his business. Some out there may ask, well, why didn't I blow my horn or say something. My reply is you just don't know what people are capable of, nor do you know what they're carrying on them, besides their wallets. The way this man looked like he was talking on his phone, I felt it best to just let him finish up, and I could wait. Still, there was no consideration for anyone else that might have pulled up behind him, waiting to get some money.

