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Thanks library worker

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  • Thanks library worker

    So the new Terry Brooks book is out. Being that I am seriously lacking in nice green things til next Thursday - I thought I'd go borrow it from the library.

    I go to the library online site where I can conveniently find said book and place a hold for it. It won't let me. I go to my account and it states that I owe a $.60 fine for a book that I specifically remember reading in one day and returning the next. I remember this b/c the woman that checked me out the day before was there and commented on how fast I read it.

    So, I go to the FAQs of the site and it states that books can be borrowed as long as your oustanding fines don't exceed $4.99.

    Ooookay. I'm miffed about the fine b/c I never bring books back late. However, it's just $.60. I'm more miffed at today's events.

    The library is closed Saturdays for the summer. I looked online to see if there were special hours for Labor Day weekend, and there were none. I called the phone auto service to double check. Library hours for Sunday - 1pm - 5pm. One Terry Brooks new book in stock - the site read.

    Yay. So I get my beach chair, and my stuff and some bottled water and head off to the library to collect my prize. Then my plans were to shoot across the street to the nice park, overlooking the little man-made park lake and read away my afternoon lost in the world of fairy.

    I pulled up 10 minutes to one. At one pm, a man with a library badge exited the building, looked at the 20 odd some people waiting to get in, walked to his car and drove away. Okay...

    At 1:20pm, one of the girls called the library. No response. There were no signs posted stating it would be closed. Other people confirmed with me that the website and phones said it would be open. They were pre-teens waiting outside who had their parents drop them off and wouldn't be back until a couple of hours. There were elderly people who took the bus.

    So at quarter to 2, I finally left and went home bookless.

    How hard would it have been for the guy to look at us and say, "I'm sorry but we're closed." Maybe some family emergency came up - who knows. I wouldn't have been mad. I'm just mad that no one changed the outgoing message on the phone or hours on the website, and the guy didn't even bother to acknowledge everyone standing there and say something before he left.

    Grrr. Nice to know my taxes are paying for people to take an unauthorized full labor day weekend off. Maybe they figured no one would come so they'd just sneak it in?
    If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.

  • #2 library always posts any special hours on the door. i guess you are the next county over? I know mine is closed Sundays for the summer and closes early on Saturday.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

