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Sucky Amazon Seller

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  • #16
    Was this item a Marketplace seller (item from Amazon's catalog, but purchased through a third party)? If it was, I believe Amazon sets the shipping rates and the seller cannot change it.
    Quoth fma_fanatic View Post
    FYI - the sellers get a shipping credit on their accounts for items they sell in Amazon marketplace.
    Yup. I do take issue with them (Amazon) deciding it should cost no more than $6 for shipping a ~6 pound, oversized item (which in no way qualifies for Media Mail as they claim it should...who decides the allowances anyway?).
    Last edited by Dreamstalker; 09-06-2007, 12:20 AM.
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


    • #17
      Why does everybody keep saying that USPS is a downgrade from UPS? I've been much happier with USPS. As I said in another thread, I ordered a t-shirt from a shop in Edinburgh, Scotland and got it within a week from the time they mailed it. Pretty damn good for having to go through two countries mail services. And I sent a card to Scotland for all of 92 cents! Pretty damn cheap!
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


      • #18
        ya know Amazon setting the shipping rate gets me too. . . .
        I had a series of books that I wanted to buy and one vendor had 5 of the 8 in series. Well each one was going to be $3 in shipping for each book . . . sorry but shipping combination should be an option. I don't think it is right to the buyers that they have changed this.


        • #19
          Can you send me their name too? I buy quite a bit there too, and I'm planning on doing a good bit of my x-mas shopping on Amazon.


          • #20
            Quoth Pagan View Post
            Why does everybody keep saying that USPS is a downgrade from UPS? I've been much happier with USPS. As I said in another thread, I ordered a t-shirt from a shop in Edinburgh, Scotland and got it within a week from the time they mailed it. Pretty damn good for having to go through two countries mail services. And I sent a card to Scotland for all of 92 cents! Pretty damn cheap!
            It depends where you live. Some places have absolutely horrible USPS service, others have excellent service. Here it's hit or miss. Some days are better than others in terms of the service.

            I think the issue at hand here is that the seller is talking out of his butt because he certainly doesn't know what the hell he's talking about in terms of which companies will or won't do delivery services on Saturdays.

            ETA: SO needs a new gaming microphone for everquest. can you pm me the name of the seller so I can keep him from buying from this guy?
            Random conversation:
            Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
            DDD: Cuz it's cool

            So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


            • #21
              Okay, here's the you know, I sent them an email:

              ITEMS: Sony F-V120 Uni-Directional Vocal Microphone with Built-In On/Off Switch

              Comments:This email does not actually concern the item in question, but rather the unprofessional conduct of the seller.

              First, I did not, in my opinion, recieve the item in a timely fashion. that, and the fact that I paid $8.00 for shipping, and the item came packaged in a padded envelope. I felt that I did not recieve a good value in neither shipping time nor material, and I indicated so in my feedback. On Sept. 4, 2007, I find an email from
              the seller, threatening legal action if I did not remove the feedback. I did so, feeling that if I did not, I would have to waste even more time and money on a protracted legal battle.

              What the seller sent to me via email is copied verbatim, spelling errors and all. Please note how the seller resorted to insults as well as threats:

              (Crybaby seller's rant from the first post, you don't want to read it again.)

              I do not take kindly to being threatened, regardless of circumstance, so after removing the feedback, I responded to the email.

              (My response)

              I feel that I was placed under duress to remove the feedback, and if possible, would like it to be reinstated.

              I will not ask for monetary compensation, as the item was recieved, and was paid for. All I aak is that my feedback be reinstated, and that this seller to possibly have their Amazon selling priviledges revoked.

              and here's what Amazon sent me:

              Greetings from

              I have brought this to the attention of the appropriate department within for investigation. This team deals with possible violations of our use policies. Please know that for account privacy reasons, we cannot disclose the outcome of any investigation we may perform.

              Thank you for contacting us with this information, and thanks for shopping at

              Please let us know if this e-mail resolved your question:

              If yes, click here:
              [link removed]
              If not, click here:
              [link removed]

              Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail.

              To contact us about an unrelated issue, please visit the Help section of our web site.
              Yeah, it's a form letter, but it's better than nothing. At least I got the chance to put that asshole seller in his place, whether or not his selling priviledges are revoked. Thanks everyone for the replies!

              P.S. Just think, if this guy had spent the extra nickel to wrap the Mic in bubble wrap and put it in a free Priority Mail box, none of this would've ever happened.


              • #22
                Damn, we receive our mics inside a little, cushioned, zippered bag - packed inside a box - packed inside another box with crispy critters.

                I am trully not impressed with the ebay seller's selection of packaging.
                Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                I'm a case study.


                • #23
                  Quoth dendawg View Post
                  Are you totally clueless? How about going to a store and buying a padded envelope and see how much that costs? How about your time? How about the physical stamp cost? Shipping and handling is not the same as just shipping cost. How about GO online and buy some tickets,,, there is a 12.00 Processing fee for a piece of paper... just printed out!!!! . . .
                  U didnt pay for expedited shipping, and you actually got better service from what you paid for. Your statements are liable because it is slander ; it directly damages our reputation for something we didnt do wrong. . .
                  Why in the world did you not call us? . . .
                  - By the way . . .
                  Insults, generally unprofessional wording, poor grammar ("U" instead of "you"?!), bad vocabulary . . . if this is an actual "company" instead of someone just selling their stuff, then they need some serious help in the customer service department.

                  I dealt with a sucky Amazon seller once. Ordered a DVD, it arrived the very last day possible, turned out to be the wrong film. I contacted Amazon and the seller, Amazon told me to give the guy 3 business days to respond. He never responded, so Amazon refunded all of my money via store credit and I got to keep the other DVD. Ordered the DVD from another seller and got it in about 4 days.

                  Left negative feedback, obviously. I checked the seller's feedback again about a week or so later and discovered that I was the beginning of a customer service downfall for that seller. Everybody was getting either the wrong stuff, the right stuff in bad condition, or stuff in general very late.

                  But oh well, he lost money and will no doubt lose business.
                  ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~

