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Im so embarressed!

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  • Im so embarressed!

    Today I went shopping at the outlet mall on the other side of the city, but before had my best friend and I stopped in for some coffee at my favourite cafe. I go there so often almost all of the staff know me by name, so does the owner... they were very sad when I went to live in Canada and the owner came over to ask me how my trip was when I came back.

    while I was gone many of the staff have changed and the new ones dont know me that well.... and today I honestly wanted to sink into the floor... I dont know if I can show my face again.

    They have the loyalty coffee cards (buy ten and get one free) and I used one to grab a coffee then added a sandwhich (salami and swiss on ciabatta with aioli and oven roasted red capsicum!) and a muffin, raspberry with white chocolate and cream cheese.... there food is DELISHIOUS!

    I looked at my reciept at the table and saw extra money and was like... crap they charged me for my coffee.... so I go back to the counter and explain that I was charged for my coffee. The owner is like oh crap sorry! Starts to refund my money and the girl (shes a new face I didnt recognise) comes charging up and pulls up my order.... and says "so you had a coffee and a sandwhich, do you remember getting anything else...

    my face drains of blood as I remember the freaking muffin thats sitting out our table.... I got it to go and they put it in a paperbag thats now in my handbag... my pet peeve when I was working, were people who accused me of doing something wrong because they didnt take the time to go through their order properly! I have now become my own most hated customer!

    The new girls was pissed and rightly so, I wasnt rude but I was totally in the wrong! I told the owner that I was an idiot and the girl that I was so extremely embarressed and sorry.... I wanted the floor to open up underneath me!

    I apologuised for at least 5 minutes and hauled my best friend out of that cafe so quick!

    I cant ever go back... and its my favourite place... the girl was still looking daggers at me as we left.... UGHHHHH Im such an idiot
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

  • #2
    To me, it sounds like the new girl completely overreacted. I don't think you did anything wrong, especially if you weren't rude and explained it to them politely to begin with! She should have accepted your apology and moved on, she sounds like she doesn't belong working with the general public if someone making an honest mistake gets her so angry. Wait until she gets some SCs!


    • #3
      no I still feel like an SC, just because I wasnt screaming and stomping my feet... I behaved badly, I automatically assumed that SHE was in the wrong instead of standing back and thinking... lets look at the situation objectively.

      I didnt take the two seconds to go back over in my head what had happened, if I had I would have seen/remembered the muffin. I went right up and accused her of overcharging out of my own impatience and lack of thought. I used to hate that when people would do that to me, and I have turned around and done it to her.

      The same thing I used to hate...

      I feel really bad about it, shame on me. Serves me right for opening my mouth before I have thought things through.
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #4
        No no no no! We all make mistakes, and when a customer makes a mistake it's not the end of the world. That doesn't make them an SC. Being a total TOOL makes one a SC. You were MORE than humble. You're fine, the girl might have had her share of TRUE SCs that day (like we all have) and finally decided that she ain't gonna take it any more. You can go back, as long as you fed ex a muffin to the states here. I'm hungry.
        Well fiddle dee dee!!


        • #5
          Nu-uh. You were NOT sucky. a Sucktomer would STILL insist that they were correct and throw a temper tantrum. A Sucktomer would've actually gone nuclear from the word go.
          You did not. You were not cussing, screaming or insulting the girl's lineage; PLUS you apologised.
          Methinks the girl needs to get her head out her butt and realise that everyone makes mistakes, and you at least owned up and apologised for yours.
          The report button - not just for decoration


          • #6
            I agree with everyone else.

            You. Were. Not. Sucky.

            You had a moment. You realized what happened. You apologized.

            Please, forgive yourself.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              That employee is in the wrong industry if she can't handle minor misunderstandings with customers. These things happen. She should have graciously accepted your sincere apology.

              All I can say is that she MUST be new if she hasn't yet learned to shrug off these silly little things. Its only going to get worse!

              If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


              • #8
                Lets break this down:

                1) You thought there was a problem with your bill, due to a very forgivable brain-fart.
                2) You very politely took steps to correct that error.
                3) When it was brought to your attention that there was, in fact, no mistake you apologized immediately.
                4) You're horribly embarrassed about what you did.

                Nope. No suck at all. The girl, on the other hand, needs to find a new line of work if she can't keep her cool during an absolutely TRIVIAL incident like that.
                And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                • #9
                  Don't worry Kiwi we all have those moments. I had one myself Thursday (Sept. 6th) when I went to Golden Coral (I think thats how you spell it) for lunch and even though I never been to one I still should have know how they do business because it was a bit obverese (sp?).

                  Anyway when I went there I didn't see a sign or anything about seating so I just walked around then I went to where the cash registers which had drink station at each one. I asked the employee who was station there about seating and she explain that you pay first then get your stuff (utensils, napkin, plate, drink) from them then find a table. After that you can got get what ever you want (I tell you they have a great assortment of stuff) and they also had people who refill drinks as well as get you new plates (I did leave a tip). Then I was like duh, that's why they don't have sign seating because of the cash registers and drink stations being in one spot, you pay then you sit. I think the employee got a bit annoy by my stupid question but thinking maybe she had her share of stupid questions that day (it was around 2pm when I was there) and maybe the same one I asked.

                  Oh, yes, I think that girl in Kiwi's story might need to find another line of work if she is pissed at a customer for making a stupid little mistake because as we all know customers are going to mistakes and most won't handle it as good as Kiwi did. I mean if she can't handle that situation well, what would happen if the screw up was maybe bigger (I can't think of a situation now but I'm sure we can find one on this forum) and the customer still doesn't believe it was thier fault, now how is she is going to handle that probably the same way maybe worse.
                  Last edited by rdp78; 09-11-2007, 02:14 AM. Reason: added something
                  Yours truly, Robyn unless your an SC
                  My space

