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Way to upset the pregnant lady..

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  • #16
    If she had gone for scheduled doctor's visits, and had informed work well in advance (as far as I can tell) then that doesn't really count as an absence. It's medical/personal leave, that is supplied to the worker as per LABOUR LAW. So, she shouldn't have any sort of warning if she had advised them in advance of her doctor's appointments. I really think that HR should be informed, and if they don't do anything, if the sup is not put through discplinary process, the matter should be taken further.
    What would have happened if she hadn't gone to the hospital, and her baby died? The company could very well have been held liable as a member of management prevented the mother from responding to urgent medical advice. That's not good. I think that should be mentioned to HR as well, in case they're the kind of people who cannot see further than the tips of their noses...
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #17
      Wow. You guys remember my thread about the Nazi Camp that I used to work for-the one that fired the 3 pregnant girls? All due to having "too many occurances", mainly due to severe complications that left mother and child in intensive care for weeks, and in the case of one little (1.5 lb) baby, a whole year? Yeah, I'm thinking the OP works there.

      Can I be a dick? How come they faxed her the information if it needed to be dealth with right away? Hows come they didn't call her?
      Well fiddle dee dee!!


      • #18
        Quoth SnapAddict218 View Post
        Can I be a dick? How come they faxed her the information if it needed to be dealth with right away? Hows come they didn't call her?
        I am confused by this as well. I've worked in several offices where an incoming fax can sit for hours before someone notices it. Something smells funny here.

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


        • #19
          Quoth Bright_Star View Post
          I've heard of instances at Wal-Mart where a few associates actually threw up in full view of the store manager only to have the store manager tell them this..."Just walk it off & you'll be ok. Get back to work in FIVE minutes".
          That'll be the day some idiot manager tells me I can't leave cause of a medical emergency. Life happens.
          Not to threadjack but...I work in one and i can tell you that a cashier threw up in full view of CSM, at her register in front of customers, and was told by the CSM that she could go to the bathroom if she needed to but not home. Thankfully that CSM transferred to a different department, unfortunately it made her go into a higher position as well. Sigh.
          "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
          George Carlin


          • #20
            Quoth Boozy View Post
            I am confused by this as well. I've worked in several offices where an incoming fax can sit for hours before someone notices it. Something smells funny here.
            to play devil's advacote(sp?) here at my work, we cant get phone calls. No cells on the floor. Get a phone call into the bridge, you don't get the message for 5 minutes. It may have been the fastest way to get her the message. I think it depends on what kind of work enviroment (like theres always someone near the fax to hand out messages or something)

            *oh and why this bugs me so much-
            I have a big soft spot for pregnant women.
            Theres a part of me that wants to be a big protective mother bear and maul people.
            This also that part of that is basically an overproticitve guy (im weird, i can prove it, i have a book and pictures, and well... me).
            So when i hear stuff like this i wanna get a gun, or a knife, or both, and start a swinging*
            Last edited by Sliceanddice; 09-10-2007, 12:09 AM.

