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On-going battle with pizza place

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  • On-going battle with pizza place

    There is a local pizza place around here that is famous for their pizza and cheesesticks. Cheaper and better than Dominos and Pizza Hut if you ask me..

    Unfortunately you can't order online and there is a minimum delivery charge.

    A few weeks ago when I woke up, I looked up their website to get their phone # and to see if I could still get delivery if I ordered enough cheesesticks. I also checked their hours to make sure that they were open. (it was 6 pm and they open at 11 just like Dominos and Pizza Hut).

    I called them over and over and over and over and over and over. And over and over. And over and over. I let it ring at least 12 times each call. I felt kind of bad, because I don't believe in blowing up people's phones if they don't answer the first time, but it's a business and it was OPEN.

    I tried the other location and was told that I had to call the other location (because we have multiple pizza places with the same names on different sides of town and they only deliver to certain areas, and only the closest one will deliver to you). I kind of knew they were going to say that, but I tried to explain that they would not answer their phone despite me calling several times....

    So I gave up and just had Pizza Hut that night.

    Fast forward to Wednesday. Again, it was around 6 at night....way past opening time, and they don't close until midnight or so. I called over and over and over and no one answered. I am just pissed with this place. I just want some damn cheesesticks.

    In the past, they have always answered. Granted, the only other times I've called have been later at night, but if they are open, there is no reason no one is answering the phone. Especially if people are answering at the other location.

    Last night my bf and I were out having a smoke around 11 pm and we saw one of the pizza boys for that place making a delivery to the complex across the street. I immediately became angry.

    They must not want any business during certain times if they won't answer their phone.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Maybe they were understaffed and extremely busy and could not get away from the pizza oven or their customers to answer the phone? :/


    • #3
      For 12 rings, on multiple calls, on two seperate nights? There's benefit of the doubt, and there's rose coloured glasses.

      I think more the manager isn't there at that time and they take the opportunity to slack a bit. Maybe argue over who should answer the phone this time, etc.
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        They aren't as...high tech as Dominos and Pizza Hut, for example.

        I used to date a pizza guy, and his manager let him have friends over if it wasn't busy. So if they were on the phone with a customer and the phone rang, there was always an automated voicemail "Thank you for calling Dominos, one of our employees will be with you in a moment, please enjoy our current specials....blah blah blah blah blah blah...thank you for holding, someone will be with you shortly"

        They don't have one of those at this place. Hence why I kept calling and waiting for several moments.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Would it be out of the question to go to the pizza place and see if they are answering the phone or see if the phone number listed on the website may be wrong? It wouldn't be the first time someone typoed something on a website.
          This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


          • #6
            Wow. Sounds like calling the Casey's Pizza (gas station) here in wahoo. The pizza part of it has a different phone number, but sometimes you have to call the main line for the gas station to get the clerk to yell at the other people to answer their phone.
            Well fiddle dee dee!!


            • #7
              Quoth bigjimaz View Post
              Would it be out of the question to go to the pizza place and see if they are answering the phone or see if the phone number listed on the website may be wrong? It wouldn't be the first time someone typoed something on a website.
              My thought too. I'll bet the website has a wrong number. Which explains why no one ever answers.

              Look in the phone book for their number and/or call 411.


              • #8
                Nope, the phone # in the phone book matches the one online....

                I guess I just happen to call on the days when the slackers work. Hopefully it's just employees and not management refusing to answer the phone.
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  When I worked as a drive at Pizza Hut, I heard some stories about before I worked there. This evidently happened before Pizza Hut implemented the call centers and ticket printers, and still took the calls in-store.

                  Now, the Store Manager was a bit confused, because most days of the week, the store was doing gangbusters business. Lots and lots of delivery orders, take out, etc. Except every once in a while there'd be a blip. Takeouts were down, and there would be maybe 5 deliveries for the whole night. It was fairly consistent, but would jump around, and be unexpected nights... Sunday is understandible, but Thursday?

                  He dug around a discovered a correlation between one shift leader on duty and the dips. On the days when there was a manager in store, things were fine, but when it was just this SL, things dipped. He eventually got one of the drivers to tell him what was going on (Drivers were contract, and this SL had told them to keep their mouths shut or they were gone)
                  Turns out the SL and his whole crew would simply pick up the phone when it rang, and then hang up again. They'd spend the whole time in the back talking, and only come out to deal with customers if there was more than one or two. Less than that, and if they just ignored them they'd go away.

                  Needless to say, an entire shift was turfed along with their SL.
                  Check out my webcomic!


                  • #10
                    You've just inspired me to call in for takeout at that place and see what's going on there. Maybe it's a bunch of dumb lazy college kids.

                    The sad thing is, at my old apartment (which the OTHER store delivers to), they always answered the phone. So one store is good and the other sucks.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      I had that problem once with a local burger delivery joint (smallish town, fabulous burgers, addictive special sauce) so one night as I was driving home I decided to call in in advance and then pick up rather then get delivery. So I call, and call, and call. No response, so I swing by the restaurant to see if it's closed for some reason. Nope lights are all on, so I decide to run an experiment, called again and watched as the employees just ignored the phone ringing and continued to laugh and talk. So I filed that information away, went in to make my order and then went in a couple of days later and talked to the manager. Never had a problem calling them again. ^_-

