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Rather egoistical...

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  • Rather egoistical...

    Hey all... This is my first post on the boards, and seeing as I currently don't work in customer service (Huzzah!), I'm not really surprised to be posting at "Sightings" the first time

    But first, an explanation. it's going to be a bit long, but please bear with me.

    This girl, C, I used to attend classes with, is currently one of my contacts on one of my (many) messenger programs. Now, neither of us have English as our native language, and it's not really required around here to learn it, either (you can pass public school while barely speaking English, and never have to worry about it again. In theory.), but to me, English is like my second mother tongue. I love it, and I speak it fluently (or at least as well as I speak my first language ).

    This is no secret to anyone who has met me. It's also no secret that quite a bit of my friends are American (including my girlfriend <3), and that I usually speak with them over the same messenger program that I have C listed in as a contact. C barely spoke a word of English. Trust me, it'll be relevant.

    Now, I'm sure a lot of you are aware of people sometime writing cute and/or funny sentences after their nickname. I'm one of them, although they sometimes tend to be more weird than anything else. And of course, I write them in English, since most of my local friends speak and write English, too.

    But not C. Oh no.

    Yesterday, she wrote me a message. Basically, all she wrote was "Why do you keep writing those sentences in English? No one understand them!". And the rest of it could be boiled down to this:

    Me: Sorry, but you know a lot of my friends only speak English, and no offense, but you're the only of my contacts who doesn't speak a word of English and has mentioned it as a problem. I'll gladly translate it, though.

    Her: But no one can understand any of it! (...Didn't she read what I just wrote?)

    Me: ...Actually, they can... I've gotten quite a few comments for it already, all positive. Want me to translate?

    Her: Well, you don't have to be so rude about it! Just change it to a language people can understand! B*tch!


    ...I was so tempted to put her on ignore, but I figured it wouldn't help if she realized what she had said. This was yesterday morning. It's currently early evening here, and still nothing. Oh well. Can't have them all
    "You're a ninja. You can't be a fan of pirate rock"

  • #2
    Well, isn't it obvious. The world revolves around her, and she is the smartest person in the whole universe. Therefore, if she doesn't understand it no one else possibly could. Also, English isn't a language anymore, it's like latin. It's a language in theory, but no one uses it.
    The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


    • #3
      why would you *want* to keep one like that? Yeesh. Talk about being the center of the universe.
      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


      • #4
        Quoth tollbaby View Post
        why would you *want* to keep one like that? Yeesh. Talk about being the center of the universe.
        The problem is, she was rather nice in school. Heck, I even pretty much tutored her in Math and, well.... English

        But her attitude just got worse and worse as her pictures got more and more wanna-be gothick, and more attentionwhore-ish...

        Guess I am kind of an optimist, because I keep expecting her to apologize
        "You're a ninja. You can't be a fan of pirate rock"


        • #5
          Yeah, she sucks more than the vaccum in the intergalactic medium.


          • #6

            Nice to see the Linguicentrics* aren't limited to English speakers. Given that English is the current Lingua Franca** for most of the world, though, thinking that NOBODY knows it... well... to put it tactfully... is your friend a Blonde?

            *Aka, idiots that think everyone should speak their language, and anyone who doesn't is a moron.
            **The dominant language used for international trade and relations.
            Last edited by JustADude; 09-13-2007, 05:44 AM.
            And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


            • #7
              Quoth JustADude View Post
              is your friend a Blonde?
              Very much so. With all possible respect towards her (*snerks* Yeah, right), she's not... ah... the most intelligent person I've ever met. And lately she's kind of lost the idea that others might have a different view than her
              "You're a ninja. You can't be a fan of pirate rock"


              • #8
                Just got another message from C today

                Appearently, I'm not "doing what's best for me" quickly enough, since my funny/strange sentence is still in English. And so, she says, she's not going to talk to me again until I change it to a language that "everyone can understand".

                Oh noes.

                I think the sad thing is that I already have written it in a language most people understand. She just doesn't realize that.

                "You're a ninja. You can't be a fan of pirate rock"


                • #9
                  Quoth Mistress of Foxes View Post
                  J And so, she says, she's not going to talk to me again until I change it to a language that "everyone can understand".
                  Last time I checked, there was no universal language that "everyone can understand", at least not a spoken one...


                  • #10
                    I can think of fun ways to mess with her.

                    Write her name, and then after it, in English, write something totally innocent, but use big words that she won't have a chance in hell of understanding. it will drive her nuts


                    • #11
                      Quoth April View Post
                      Write her name, and then after it, in English, write something totally innocent, but use big words that she won't have a chance in hell of understanding. it will drive her nuts

                      Or I could write something in German Or Japanese. I know people who'd love to help me with the latter, and it would grive her completely nuts

                      But I think I'm just going to stop bothering with her. If she doesn't want to talk with me, fine. It's not like I can force her, or like she was a very good friend to begin with...
                      "You're a ninja. You can't be a fan of pirate rock"


                      • #12
                        Quoth justZu View Post
                        Last time I checked, there was no universal language that "everyone can understand", at least not a spoken one...
                        Not even unspoken ones beyond smiles and frowns, and possibly dazed looks. Flipping someone the bird will get puzzled expressions in a few parts of the world, still. And most of the unwritten expressions I learned in South America would get me an odd "what's that?" expression here.


                        • #13
                          Quoth JustADude View Post
                          Given that English is the current Lingua Franca** for most of the world,
                          Am I the only one who LOVES the irony of that phrase?
                          Seshat's self-help guide:
                          1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                          2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                          3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                          4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                          "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                          • #14
                            Quoth JustADude View Post
                            Given that English is the current Lingua Franca** for most of the world
                            Quoth Seshat View Post
                            Am I the only one who LOVES the irony of that phrase?
                            Well, perhaps it's a reminder to anglophones to not get quite as bent out of shape as the French did if/when English gets replaced with something else as the Master Language of the world.

