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AT&T is putting parents in control - why weren't they in control to begin with?

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  • #16
    I don't understand what the big problem is with text messaging. There are a lot of affordable unlimited text messaging plans (you can never go over your limit) and for those worried about the negative side effects of cell phones..well text messaging gets rid of that worry. I can understand the prepaid thing, limiting the minutes, but what's with the problem with text messaging?


    • #17
      Quoth kibbles View Post
      I don't understand what the big problem is with text messaging. There are a lot of affordable unlimited text messaging plans (you can never go over your limit) and for those worried about the negative side effects of cell phones..well text messaging gets rid of that worry. I can understand the prepaid thing, limiting the minutes, but what's with the problem with text messaging?
      Because they don't want to shell out the extra $5-$10 a month to give their kids unlimited texting.
      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


      • #18
        Quoth kibbles View Post
        I don't understand what the big problem is with text messaging. There are a lot of affordable unlimited text messaging plans (you can never go over your limit) and for those worried about the negative side effects of cell phones..well text messaging gets rid of that worry. I can understand the prepaid thing, limiting the minutes, but what's with the problem with text messaging?
        Well, the money argument is one thing. There are other issues with teens and texting. Dr. Phil had a a girl on the other day who didn't see the harm in texting while driving. When her mother threatened to take the phone away because of it she apparently cried and begged and got mom to relent. She said she "can't not look at the phone"...they had her take a driving simulator test (like the video games with the seat and steering wheel) while texting and she scored a 10. Passing was 70. All of her fatal mistakes (one of them was driving head on into a fire truck) happened while she was actively texting. She blamed it on the fact that the simulator is automatic and she drives a stick. (So in other words, normally she needs both hands to drive and she still texts.) She has also had several accidents in her real car. She still wasn't completely convinced at the end of the show, I think (even after they brought out the guy who had actually killed someone while texting and driving). But mom insisted she would take away the phone (but didn't do it on the show).

        If they're not driving I don't see a problem, really, but getting a teenager to realize they are not invincible is a difficult thing.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #19
          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
          Well, the money argument is one thing. There are other issues with teens and texting. Dr. Phil had a a girl on the other day who didn't see the harm in texting while driving. When her mother threatened to take the phone away because of it she apparently cried and begged and got mom to relent. She said she "can't not look at the phone"...they had her take a driving simulator test (like the video games with the seat and steering wheel) while texting and she scored a 10. Passing was 70. All of her fatal mistakes (one of them was driving head on into a fire truck) happened while she was actively texting. She blamed it on the fact that the simulator is automatic and she drives a stick. (So in other words, normally she needs both hands to drive and she still texts.) She has also had several accidents in her real car. She still wasn't completely convinced at the end of the show, I think (even after they brought out the guy who had actually killed someone while texting and driving). But mom insisted she would take away the phone (but didn't do it on the show).

          If they're not driving I don't see a problem, really, but getting a teenager to realize they are not invincible is a difficult thing.

          Pity st. Dogbert doesn't exist in this reality
          Linux user (Debian and Kubuntu)
          Programmer in C and perl!

          I'm "only" 16 but do NOT try and outskill me with machines


          • #20
            Quoth JustADude View Post
            Because they don't want to shell out the extra $5-$10 a month to give their kids unlimited texting.
            An extra $5-$10 a month would save a whole lot of money in the long run. Plus, one doesn't have to have the phone to their ear at all with texting. As long as it's not used when it's supposed to be (as BookstoreEscapee said, driving), then text messaging is probably the best thing that a parent or anyone could put on their cell phone.


            • #21
              kibbles, I see it a different way, but only because of my text messaging thread in Off Topic. I'm not a kid, I know, but my cell phone provider charges text messages BOTH ways, and I can't afford that as it is, nor can I afford an unlimited text messaging plan, because that would take all the fun out of my stupid friends from texting me knowing it wouldn't cost me a penny. They'd all stop and it wouldn't be worth it.

              It's addicting to, and some kids don't know when to stop!
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #22
                I guess we'll have to agree to disagree 'cause for a parent with a child having a cell phone, unlimited texting would save tons of money. But ITA, if you had to use the plan where you were charged both ways..that would put the bill through the roof!


                • #23
                  I think part of the issue, for me at least, is that parents should be teaching the kids responsibility first. Granted, an unlimited text plan might be super for money issues, but the kids shouldn't be running amok texting everyone and their brother in the first place. And as blas has said, it sucks when people are texting you without your consent, and you're the one paying for it.

                  Granted, my family and I text constantly, but never while driving, and we're all adults who pay for our own phones/plans.
                  "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                  “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                  • #24
                    I've owned a Razr.. is that how you spell it?.. since July and I don't think I even know how to text someone (although playing Mortal Kombat Online has given me much disdain for texting in general). Granted, I only picked it up for nights and weekends free, and as long as I can keep my bill low and get the Overland theme from The Legend of Zelda as my ringtone, all is good.

                    ...though I still prefer my twenty-year-old rotary phone, best. ^_^
                    "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


                    • #25
                      Quoth kibbles View Post
                      An extra $5-$10 a month would save a whole lot of money in the long run. <snip>
                      text messaging is probably the best thing that a parent or anyone could put on their cell phone.
                      I agree completely. Texting is an easy way for me to communicate with my kids while I am working. If someone needs something and I am at work, I cannot answer the phone and have a conversation, but I can unobtrusively reply to a text if there is time between customers. Of course, daughter can also now text her friends a lot, but she was pretty good about counting her texts and limiting her use before we got the unlimited plan.


                      • #26
                        Quoth justZu View Post
                        I agree completely. Texting is an easy way for me to communicate with my kids while I am working. If someone needs something and I am at work, I cannot answer the phone and have a conversation, but I can unobtrusively reply to a text if there is time between customers. Of course, daughter can also now text her friends a lot, but she was pretty good about counting her texts and limiting her use before we got the unlimited plan.
                        Good argument, and good to hear your daughter watches this. Most kids are not like that though, as long as someone else is footing the bill for them. It's like what I saw on 20/20 last night, where John Stossel was talking about people getting elective surgery, and not caring about the cost as long as they don't pay for it. Yet, people who really need a surgery to save their life deal with insurance companies not paying, and the victim having to come up with the cash themselves.


                        • #27
                          I've only had to use texting twice, once a few years ago when I stupidly tried to change faceplates on my old Nextel which messed up the microphone until I could get it fixed. Second time was to let my boss know of the closing that could not be completed due to stupid coworker. Haven't used the feature since.

                          Now a friend elsewhere texts me utterly stupid things (today's was "tuna mint icecream"). I'm fine with "hi, haven't heard from you in awhile" or similar, but I don't reply to random possibly-drunken dumbness. If you're texting because you want to talk, then say so!
                          "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                          "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                          • #28
                            (Might be going slightly OT)

                            I've found texting a really great way to save money, since I don't make a lot of calls during the day I got a MY5 plan (Rogers plan that gives you five people you can call anytime for as long as you want) that let me use LD numbers within Canada (So I've got my folks, BF in Alberta and a couple of local friends) with evening and weekends and almost no daytime minutes and during the day I use the $10 text plan I got. All in all I'm five bucks a month cheaper then I was pre-paid and I can call my folks whenever I feel the need.

