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My Roomie The SC Part 2

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  • My Roomie The SC Part 2

    Previously I have voiced annoyance over my roommates insufferable attitude towards food delivery people. Seen here

    Last night however he made me so flipping mad that I could not even look at him. He ordered a pizza about ten minutes before we ordered (we have separate phone lines). After he found this out he comes storming into the living room saying "I bet those d**ks are going to wait for your pizza to be done before they deliver mine." I tried to ignore that comment but inside was fuming. Sure enough they delivered both pizzas at the same time both hot and in 30 minutes. What more could you ask for?

    Roomie waits until pizza guy leaves and snaps "I told you those a**holes were going to deliver them at the same time." I shoot him a dirty look and he asks if we are mad at him. My boyfriend tells him that he should show more respect to the food delivery people. He gives us a blank look and says "But I tip good"

    He is condescending to the people who take his order, throws a tantrum if the food is even a minute late, and is always saying rude things about the people who bring them and he thinks merely leaving a tip is proper respect?

    Grr where's the salmon when you really need it?
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    So he says he "tips good" & that's a reason to be holier than thou? What planet is he from?


    • #3
      Sounds like your roommate could benefit from spending time as a pizza delivery guy. It would definitely open his eyes and give him a better understanding of things.


      • #4
        Quoth justZu View Post
        Sounds like your roommate could benefit from spending time as a pizza delivery guy. It would definitely open his eyes and give him a better understanding of things.
        On the other hand, the drivers I work with will forgive one hell of a lot if they get a genuinely big tip (as opposed to 20% of a $10 order... oooh, $2... wow... ) at the end of it all. I know this for a fact because there's one regular that is incredibly picky, bitchy, and demanding, but regularly places huge orders (record was like $120) and tips around 33%... on top of the 5% commission they get on every order. They will stab each other in the back for those orders and deliver with a smile on their face.

        Me, I don't see a dime of that, and I hate the fucking bastard.
        And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


        • #5
          You should point out that it's "tip well" just to piss him off.


          • #6
            ......most people that claim to "tip well" really......don't.
            Well fiddle dee dee!!


            • #7
              Why don't you tell your roommate just how big of a piece of shit he is? Maybe it will humble him a little.


              • #8
                He really expects them to make two separate trips to the same address when the orders were placed only a few minutes apart? I don't think 10 minutes is gonna make much difference to the pizza. Odds are his pizza wasn't even in the oven yet when you called and maybe they cooked them together, too, so they'd be fresh. (or maybe not, i dunno)

                Quoth TruthHurts View Post

                Grr where's the salmon when you really need it?
                Maybe you can have one delivered?

                I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                • #9
                  So, how many boogers do you think he's eaten at this point?

                  Seriously, I wouldn't eat any pizza that guy ordered. I'd be afraid to.


                  • #10
                    Quoth TruthHurts View Post
                    Roomie waits until pizza guy leaves and snaps "I told you those a**holes were going to deliver them at the same time." I shoot him a dirty look and he asks if we are mad at him. My boyfriend tells him that he should show more respect to the food delivery people. He gives us a blank look and says "But I tip good"

                    He is condescending to the people who take his order, throws a tantrum if the food is even a minute late, and is always saying rude things about the people who bring them and he thinks merely leaving a tip is proper respect?

                    Grr where's the salmon when you really need it?
                    I have one frozen salmon for you right here.

                    tipping good does not balance out being a shitty customer esp if you call and complain and then make stuff up.

                    tipping good. please define that in his terms. we all know the "good tippers"/nontippers in our delivery area. yup and here is alittle something extra for you ie. $39.75 order = $40 given = $.25 (yes a quarter) tip and a shit eat grin type smile while they say have a nice day.

                    please do not let him "abuse" the pizza place or its drivers for this policy. this policy is just good sense. saves having too many drivers out on the road at any one time and gets orders to people faster. we put orders that are near to each other in time and distance together all the time. if they are less than 7 or so minutes apart and in the same or ajacent pods no prob (gets lots of good double and triples on a busy Friday night like this). and if his life is so vacant that it will fall like a house of cards if a FREAKING PIZZA is one minute late he needs to reassess his life and priorties

                    or another good one can we get 40 ($400 order total with tax) large pizzas delivered at 10am and we give them a DEAL on top of that) no prob an hour before we are supposed to open. hussle to get personnel in at least an hour early 4 or 5 extra hours of labor (including me to help make cook cut fold boxes box pack up and me to run the 12 bags of pizza to this place (making three trips to the front entrance about 200 yards fromthe parking lot) . if the tip is good I usually share with part of it the cooks or whomever helped but in this case I could not $400 order = $405 = $5 tip

                    there are things I will not tolerate even for a "good tip" there are a surprizing number of businesses that seem to thing big order = nothing tip (like the one above not thathey they got a quarter why should they bitch). Yes I will still smile and thanks the customer but that does not mean I have to like it
                    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                    • #11
                      At least he isn't like my ex roomate.

                      Anytime we went out to eat or ordered pizza and it took more than 10-20 minutes, he'd attempt to stiff. I'd always leave the tip, then we'd get into an argument.

                      He'd say "They can choose a different job that doesn't rely on tips"

                      I'd say "You could just be a fucking human being for once and understand that you aren't the only customer and you don't know what the hell the cooks are doing, etc etc etc!"

                      Never got through his tiny head though. And to think, to this day, he's still terrorizing local sports bars with his girlfriend, stiffing servers constantly.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #12
                        Unfortunately I have done everything I can to enlighten him towards food service people (or anyone in customer service. I have yelled at him, I have made him listen while I read horror stories from this site about people similar to him, and have reminded him at length that I used to work in food service and that his attitude is downright insulting. Nothing just that blank look and the repeated iteration that he tips good.

                        And sadly he does with the exception of the Italian eatery mentioned in my first thread about him. His abuse is luckily unheard by the delivery people, he super polite to their faces. I get angry though that the pizzeria workers were instantly relegated to d*cks and ***holes for simply being logical about delivering the two pizzas together rather than send the poor delivery guy on two trips. As for complaining he waits until he places another before whining about what they got wrong before. He never thinks to call them when he gets the order.

                        Sadly roomie has never worked customer service ever and nothing I do seems to go through his thick skull. My boyfriend thinks it's funny that roomie constantly has problems with delivery orders while boyfriend and I have never had a problem.
                        My Horror Blog


