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Oh dear...little long

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  • Oh dear...little long

    well I have a few sightings that I thought I would smoosh into this little post. This is a little long, so sit back and enjoy

    characters in the first story:

    SW: Sucky woman
    SWM: Sucky womans mother
    O: Owner
    AL: Alterations lady
    SW2: Sucky woman 2

    Well I went Wedding dress shopping on the weekend, and went to this one shop that had many different dresses that you could try on then and there and have ordered in.

    While I was there, there was another lady trying on dresses, and SW who was there doing a fitting for her brides maid dresses.

    Now While I was trying on a dress I suddenly heard some raised voices. I don't remember what was said exactly, but what I basically heard was that SW had got alterations done at the store, but the alterations were not done very well. When I came out of the cubicle to look at myself O was trying to calm SW down and was trying to work out what was wrong.

    SW kept going on and on about how the dresses where not hemmed well, that they were crooked. I had a look and couldn't tell, but meh. Then SW kept going on about how she was taking the dresses and would get them fixed somewhere else and was not going to pay O a cent for the work. She then went on to say that she had had nothing but amazing service up until now and was very happy, but that she wasn't going to pay for the alterations.

    O tried to understand, she tried to reason with SW saying to her that if she was happy with the service why was she not willing to let O fix the problem. SW didn't want to hear it and demanded to have the dresses. O called AL to come look at the dresses to see if there really was anything wrong. And this is when SW started to get madder, and wanted to leave ASAP. Demanding the dresses and refusing to wait the 15 min that it would take for AL to get there. She tried to leave, but O stopped her saying she had not paid for the dresses. SW kept yelling that she had, showed what I assume were recites, and then left very quickly when O went to answer a call.

    Now AL came about 1 minute after SW left. O Was irate because she thought SW had not paid for the dresses. AL and O started yelling at each other. Then O went outside to look for SW.

    Meanwhile everyone in the store is like and just went on with trying on dresses. A few minutes later I hear...OMG my dress is too small! What the hell! My dress is too small! They have taken to much off.

    That was my cue to leave.

    Next one: a lot shorter

    Basically I came out of Big W and walked across to Sanity only to notice it had been closed. I walked over to have a look at the little sign that had been posted on the door, and noticed a girl that worked there in tears talking to some lady. The lady looked rather pissed off. I read the sign, basically it said the place had to be closed for unforeseen reasons. I wasn't fussed, and when I went to leave the woman that was speaking to the girl walked up to me and said "sorry they are closed" in a rather rude sarcastic voice the girl was in TEARS OMG have some compassion you old witch!

    I really would like to know what happened to the poor girl. It must have been bad for her to have to close the place at around noonish. If you work at Sanity and it's across from a Big W in Australia, Sydney, I won't say the suburb, but it happened on Sunday.

    Anyways thats my story for the day
    I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha