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Tales of greyhound(long)Part One

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  • Tales of greyhound(long)Part One

    I was reading Cancelmyservice's tale of woe with the Phillips tv and that reminded me of two stories, both of which are fairly recent, the first is my experience with the greyhound bus.
    Disclaimer: I am certain that in my stress and haste there was at least once person I was a SC to and for that, I am sorry, particularly the woman I snapped at in New York. I have no excuse for my actions despite how nasty the employees were being and how bad my experience was. But I also tried to give credit where it was due, and apologised profusely to some people. So just incase anyone is thinking of replying with 'well I think you did this wrong!' Yes, I agree, I probably did, I know. Don't worry, I thought I was a dick too. Also, if in someway, some of my descriptions of the workers was offensive, I apologise. I mean it mostly in jest. Mostly.
    Here's a little background. I have a friend I met online about nine years ago and every year we travel back and forth to visit one another. Normally I take an airplane and didn't think I was going to be able to go this summer, then I saw the offer greyhound had to go anywhere in the us for $99 so I called in and ordered a ticket. They ticket came to just over three hundred dollars, plus what I would have to pay to get from New Brunswick, Canada to Bangor maine but it was still half of what a plane ticket would be. So I called a friend, got him to take work off and we drove down.
    The morning of the greyhound epic trip of doom rolls around, low, peril on ye weary traveller and pity upon my unsuspecting soul for not knowing better...
    The bus driver shows up in Bangor and he has this look about him like he just stepped off a military base with a weekend pass. My first impression, was that he was just another passenger and I didn't think much of it. Now there was this old lady who was dumber than a brick. She didn't have any of her stuff together and I admit she was HORRIBLE. I won't divulge the details of her story because in the face of my tale, it's nothing, all you need to know is that she was ANNOYING
    So anyway, this woman is arguing and at first I feel sorry for the poor misplaced military-escque bus driver. But then he becomes beligerent. I mean this man YELLED at this woman, and not just her, ALL of us. This was my first trip like so many others, and so we were patiently waiting by the door of the bus as he grabbed out poor little belongings and HURLED them on the bus.
    So he turns to the line and SCREAMS at us 'get on the bus, get on the bus!!'
    And you might be thinking 'that's horrible' BUT. IT. JUST. GETS. WORSE!
    Flash forward and we're about to leave, only one problem, the bus is overbooked ('this has never happened before' says he, and I believe him until later. 'YOU LIAR' thinks I, for the rest of the trip) Now this is unfortunate, and we assumed they would call another bus, but NO. This people refused to get off and were forced to stand for an HOUR as they met up with the relief bus in another location. Yes, it was their choice but the bus should not have left with people standing. I'm sorry, but they should have been forced to stay behind for their own safety.

    Now, we have a stop in Chicago(I could be wrong, it's been a while) and me, being eternally paranoid must ask said angry, emo busdriver to assure me that my luggage will be SAFE! He does and I toddle off to get a big mac (by the way, what the H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICK do you americans put in your big mac suace? Dear god...)
    After said big mac order is placed, I return to the boarding door, some employee takes my ticket and I go to step back onto the bus, but the bus driver has been changed. Luckily I can see the military bus driver on board, so I know I'm in the right direction.
    I step forward, the the new bus driver puts his hand out to stop me.
    'you can't get on this bus.'
    "What? but.. it's my bus."
    'nah nah you gotta get on dat one.'*points to bus next to us*
    "But my LUGAGGE is on THIS bus, THAT'S my old bus driver!!"
    But no no, sponge bob idiot bus driver decides I'm on the wrong bus and orders me to vacate! Fine! I step next door and see that, yes, this bus is indeed headed for New York, so I get on and turn to the new bus driver and ask him if my luggage was transferred, because the previous bus was mine. The man rudely waves me away impatiently, muttering something and, quickly growing infuriated, I find a seat.
    Fast forward another five minutes and the bus driver steps back on the bus 'yeh, wheres the lady who was asking about da luggage?"
    "That was me!" I frantically exclaim-since I am fully aware by this point that all greyhound employees are given full frontal labatomies(dear god and I was going to WISCONSIN)
    "Yeh, you're on the wrong bus." Says he, as I quickly rise from my seat and slide into SC-mode.
    "That's what I TOLD you" I snap, storming my way up the row.
    I'm on my previous bus not two seconds as the new one rolls away and I thank whatever DEITY is looking out for me.
    Finally on the right bus, we eventually take off for New York.
    Our estimated time in New York is 9:30 local time, my depature from New York to Chicago was 10:20 local time. The bus NEW TORK.. at TEN..THIRTY...AND. AND. AND. He stopped at MCDONALD'S. SO HE COULD USE THE BATHROOM! I did the math. It would have taken him two minutes to use the onboard bathroom(which was perfectly functional) instead he was in the restraunt for fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes that meant I could have made it to my connecting bus on time.
    I get off the bus after checking the trusty mp3 player for the time and I GLAAARE at this particular waste of space known as a bus driver. "What time we were supposed to arrive here?" I growled. The man glances at the ground as if a seven year old, caught in the cookie jaw. "Nine-thirty." He replies in a bashful voice. Well, at least he's got the good graces to know he's Dead
    I asked him for directions in a bruising tone, not at all sorry because of the attitude he and his fellow co-workers have had since I stepped on the bus in Bangor and I proceed to run(over some poor woman's ankles twice. dear god. ) to the greyhound ticket counter. I later found out, that there was a connecting bus to chicago at 11:30 I could have taken, which was where I ended up being picked up anyway, but the woman was so worried about me having a LONG LAYOVER somewhere else, that she ended up wasting a half hour and making me miss the connection to chigao as well. Her reasoning, was tyhat it would be better for me to have an ELEVEN HOUR LAYOVER IN NEW YORK than two shorter layovers somewhere else.
    Eventually she figured out a schedule, and I tried my teary eyes(it wouldn't be the first time on the trip I would burst into tears) and left to go call my roommate and notify them of the delays. It was only as I was glancing over my ticket that I realised with all of the schedule trip..had been delayed an etra seventeen hours. Their idea of compensation? One free meal voucher.
    Horrified by the extened wait, I dash back up to the ticket counter and point out this new revelation. The girl had NOT told me it would be an extra wait, they had not actually GIVEN me the food voucher. 'Well she opened up your ticket' said the manager. 'you can come back anytime.'
    'THAT'S GREAT' I exclaimed. 'EXCEPT THAT I'M DUE BACK TO WORK THE DAY AFTER I RETURN. If I had wanted to stay later, I WOULD HAVE BOOKED IT FOR LATER.' (I probably was really screaming at that point too. I really had lost my mind by that point) Finally the woman tells me if I wish to I can speak to the bus manager down stairs. Back down the elevator I go to information, information tells me he just got on an elevator. UP STAIRS I GO, no sign of said manager. I ask an employee, no one even knows who I'm talking about. Finally the janitor tells me where the manager's office is and back down I go.
    The Manager had me wait..for an hour. and I know this, because I stood, staring at the clock. I waited, and waited, no one came. Finally after an hour, my knees aching, I grabbed another employee and had them track down the manager only to tell me the same thing. Finally I get the food voucher and for anyone who doesn't know, the greyhound bus station cafeteria in New York.. is disgusting.. That's all I'll say.
    The cashier yelled at me, I had to yell to be heard by the cook. The cashier then yelled at me AGAIN, I gave him the food voucher, recieved my food ate sitting on the dirty floor and waited for the bus. While I waited, there were two young men who had been stranded as well but not told they needed a ticket for their check baggage. The bus driver proceeded to berate said young men and I quote, told them they needed to 'get THEIR shit together'
    We got on the bus, tired and by this time I'm sure you're wondering when this is going to end, surely the employees were not this abusive, I must be crazy, exaggerating, well to you I ask, 'you've never taken the greyhound bus before have you?'
    We stopped in Philly, they forgot to give me a new bagagecheck and I almost lost my bagage. I had followed the young men to chat in the smoking area and saw my suitcases sitting against the wall, alone. I sent another prayer up to whatever deity was watching me (I hope you got a vacation after that trip.) My luggage was replaced onto the bus, thankfully and we reboarded. Now.. here, we got a decent bus driver. He was funny, intelligent and chatty. I was in a good mood. After that I was too tired to remember most of it. We drove to Chicago where I called my friend and had her pick me up because I could not STAND to wait until wisconsin Dells. And that ladies and gentlemen is part one. The return trip was almost as bad, but with a mix of sucky customers and employees. Perhaps I will regale you with the tale another time, but for now I tire of typing. I hope that my particular style of writing made this story funny and that you got a chuckle, but I learned a very important lesson from this trip.
    'You get what you pay for.' Take the damn plane next time.
    Ever get those customers with no information? They've been waiting for HOURS but they don't have their info!
    'Well I had it just a minute ago..'

  • #2
    Wait a sec... you had someone drive THREE hours from the Dells to pick you up in Chicago? Dude! I made the mistake of DRIVING to the Dells from Ottawa, all in one shot (14 hours to Chicago, 18 HOURS to the Dells!!! ARGH. TOok me more like 20, because I went around the UP and down into WIsconsin from there). - Never again!

    I can sympathize with your travel woes... I've had similar issues when using Delta and Continental airlines. (Air Canada and US Air are fantastic though!)
    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


    • #3
      Quoth tollbaby View Post
      Wait a sec... you had someone drive THREE hours from the Dells to pick you up in Chicago? Dude! I made the mistake of DRIVING to the Dells from Ottawa, all in one shot (14 hours to Chicago, 18 HOURS to the Dells!!! ARGH. TOok me more like 20, because I went around the UP and down into WIsconsin from there). - Never again!

      I can sympathize with your travel woes... I've had similar issues when using Delta and Continental airlines. (Air Canada and US Air are fantastic though!)
      Actually, they were in whitewater, so it turned out the distance from there to chicago was the same as from whitewater to the dells. If I had known this, I could have cut my trip down to LESS time and caught the 11:30 bus from new york.
      When I found this out, I
      Ever get those customers with no information? They've been waiting for HOURS but they don't have their info!
      'Well I had it just a minute ago..'


      • #4
        wait wait wait.... You went from Bangor, Maine to Chicago to NEW YORK?!!! Surely you don't mean Chicago.... You'd have driven a third of the way across the country just to turn right back around.

        .................................................. .................................................. ......BANGOR
        .................................................. .................................................. ..
        .................................................. Chicago.............................NEWYORK


        Ok ok. I think you meant Boston, Hartford or Providence. So you went from Bangor -> some new england city -> new york -> philly -> chicago
        Last edited by trunks2k; 09-27-2007, 05:22 PM.


        • #5
          Big Mac Special Sauce Ingredients:

          Soybean oil, pickles, distilled vinegar, water, egg yolks, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, onion powder, ketchup, mayonnaise, corn syrup, spice and spice extractives, salt, xanthan gum, mustard flour, propylene glycol alginate, sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate as preservatives, mustard bran, garlic powder, hydrolyzed (corn gluten, wheat, and soy) proteins, caramel color, extractives of paprika, turmeric, calcium disodium EDTA to protect flavor.
          This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


          • #6
            Big Mac Special Sauce Ingredients:

            Soybean oil, pickles, distilled vinegar, water, egg yolks, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, onion powder, ketchup, mayonnaise, corn syrup, spice and spice extractives, salt, xanthan gum, mustard flour, propylene glycol alginate, sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate as preservatives, mustard bran, garlic powder, hydrolyzed (corn gluten, wheat, and soy) proteins, caramel color, extractives of paprika, turmeric, calcium disodium EDTA to protect flavor.
            WOW. And we eat that crap. *shudder*

            I have had very similar greyhound woes though. Avoid buses if you can, for the love of god.

            Just a note: for any of you out there who are 23 or under AirTran has this thing called AirTran U that allows you to take a one-way flight anywhere in the country for $80. The only catch is that if you're going to california and have to stop in chicago and switch planes or something, you have to pay the $80 again. But it's pretty sweet for the most part, I've done it a few times.


            • #7
              Take the "trip from hell on Greyhound"... and add two young children (aged 5 and 2, only one potty-trained). Then add in misplaced luggage, 3 overbooked buses, one bus driver who didn't know the turn signal from the windshield wiper (and who never traveled over 35 miles per hour... on the highways), and many refusals of any sort of food voucher at all.

              That would be the trip that I made from Seattle, WA to Dallas, TX in April 2005. What was supposed to be a 3 day bus ride became a 6 day nightmare from hell. I ran out of clean diapers on the 4th day and only the kindness of strangers (other bus riders) kept my 2 y/o from messing up the seats.

              By the end of that trip... I was passing out from lack of food and sleep. I crashed with a friend who took care of the kids while I slept for 48 hours straight.

              It was, indeed, a nightmare of epic proportions.

              Greyhound sucks big, fat, hairy donkey b@ll$.
              hea·then [hee-thuhn] noun
              1. an unconverted individual that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible.
              2. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
              3. the children of NotSoInnocent.


              • #8
                Quoth NotSoInnocent View Post
                Take the "trip from hell on Greyhound"... and add two young children (aged 5 and 2, only one potty-trained). Then add in misplaced luggage, 3 overbooked buses, one bus driver who didn't know the turn signal from the windshield wiper (and who never traveled over 35 miles per hour... on the highways), and many refusals of any sort of food voucher at all.

                That would be the trip that I made from Seattle, WA to Dallas, TX in April 2005. What was supposed to be a 3 day bus ride became a 6 day nightmare from hell. I ran out of clean diapers on the 4th day and only the kindness of strangers (other bus riders) kept my 2 y/o from messing up the seats.

                By the end of that trip... I was passing out from lack of food and sleep. I crashed with a friend who took care of the kids while I slept for 48 hours straight.

                It was, indeed, a nightmare of epic proportions.

                Greyhound sucks big, fat, hairy donkey b@ll$.

                Good god, why didn't you write a letter?! They should not be allowed to get away with this kind of thing.
                Ever get those customers with no information? They've been waiting for HOURS but they don't have their info!
                'Well I had it just a minute ago..'


                • #9
                  Quoth AcctNmbrNinja View Post
                  Good god, why didn't you write a letter?! They should not be allowed to get away with this kind of thing.
                  I did. I also called several times to try to speak with management. Nada. Zip. Zero. *shudders* Never again.
                  hea·then [hee-thuhn] noun
                  1. an unconverted individual that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible.
                  2. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
                  3. the children of NotSoInnocent.


                  • #10
                    Quoth NotSoInnocent View Post
                    I did. I also called several times to try to speak with management. Nada. Zip. Zero. *shudders* Never again.
                    If you would like the name of the greyhound CEO and the address of where to send the letter, please let me know.
                    Which reminds me..I need to send my letter next week once I get my laptop back from the shop..
                    Ever get those customers with no information? They've been waiting for HOURS but they don't have their info!
                    'Well I had it just a minute ago..'


                    • #11
                      Went to pick up my brother at the local Greyhound terminal years ago, he was coming home from college for break, I think it was Thanksgiving. Bus pulls up, he and several other people get off, then the driver gets off, turns around and shuts/locks the door, leaving about 20 or more people still on the bus wanting to get off. Someone inside the terminal must have noticed on the security camera that several people were trying to rip the door off the bus to let the people off that the driver came back out and unlocked it.


                      • #12
                        I traveled from Hendersonville, NC to Little Rock, AR once to visit a boyfriend and a trip that would have taken 12 hours in a car took more than 20 via the bus. I only got one nasty bus driver, who yelled at me in Knoxville, but by and large the worst part of it all was the fellow travelers. Going by Greyhound is like traveling by laundromat. I won't be doing it again.
                        Drive it like it's a county car.


                        • #13
                          Quoth hauntedheadnc View Post
                          Going by Greyhound is like traveling by laundromat.
                          That is one fine quote. I salute you as I steal it for my collection.
                          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                          Hoc spatio locantur.


                          • #14
                            So, am I the ONLY person who didn't have a shitty trip?

