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Crazy (and rather rude) lady at the post office.

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  • Crazy (and rather rude) lady at the post office.

    This gem happened at my local post office one day.

    So, I had to go to the post office to buy more stamps and mail off a resume today. For future reference, the post office I went to is the slowest post office EVER! Anyway, I was standing at the nice desk on the side, filling out an envelope, when this lady came in wearing a red apron and holding a stack of fliers for something. Right after this lady comes in a UPS driver comes in with a package for the post office. Now, I don't know what the lady was on, but it sounded to me like she had one too many cups of coffee to drink this morning. She turns around, sees the UPS driver, and says:

    Crazy lady: Heywhatarethenewpostalrates? Youmustknow! Youworkforthem!
    Translated into normal person speak: "Hey, what are the new postal rates? You must know! You work for them.

    Apparently what this lady failed to realize is that UPS has nothing to do with the USPS, other than to maybe deliver packages of office supplies, which is what I'm sure this driver was doing. $10 says this guy has no clue what the new rates are, other than the price of stamps going up to 41 cents.

    Then the lady said: Ohwearentreallysupposedtouseourcellphonesinhereare we?
    Translation: Something to the effect of you're not supposed to use your cell phone in the post office.

    Now, not using your phone in the post office, especially when said post office is busy, is not so common sense these days. Chances are in the time it takes you to wrap up a conversation, the clerk behind the counter could have helped three or four people.

    After the cell phone comment, she went on to tell the UPS diver about how she had three boys, but she really volunteers for girls organizations, but she actually has three boys (pardon the awful grammar, but that's literally how she said it). Did she mention she had three boys? I so badly wanted to say to her, "Congratulations, you have three boys. Lots of people have three children who all happen to be male. You aren't special just because you have three boys and you like to brag about them."

    But wait, there's more... The lady then had to tell the UPS driver about how the girls organization she volunteers at is having a make your own sundae drive this Friday night somewhere and that he should come for a free sundae. At this point she was shoving a flier at the poor guy. The UPS driver had this look on his face like, "Who is this crazy lady and why is she trying to get me to go to something I clearly have no interest in?" Once again she told the guy about how she had three boys, but this was for the girls organization she volunteers for.

    Then, what takes the cake, was that she decided to get on the cell phone and ask her boss (quite loudly mind you) if she needed to buy more stamps or anything since she was at the post office. Keep in mind this is the same hyperactive lady who made the comment about not using cell phones in the post office. At this point, the clerk called for the next patron, who happened to be her. She flops her wallet down on the counter, flops the fliers down, and said to her boss, "Yeah, I'm just here and I'm going to ask (clerks name) to keep some of these fliers here to hand out. Yeah, it's so-and-so's mom." The clerk was not amused at all by this woman and actually told her that she had to step aside and finish her conversation before she was helped, since there was a long line and it's busy. The woman was pwn3d... OWNED! In the time it took this lady to step aside and finish her conversation, the clerked signed for the package delivered by UPS (boy was he glad to get out of there), got my stuff processed, and helped the two people behind me as well.

    In all the time it took the four of us to be helped, crazy lady had just left all of her overfilled with credit cards wallet just flopped out on the counter, with her nowhere near it. Who honestly does this? Seriously, these days I would never leave out important stuff like credit cards, I don't care where you live or how safe you think it is there. Someone asked me if I forgot my wallet on the counter. I just said, "No." and kept on walking. What I really wanted to say was, "Uh, no? Do I look like the kind of person who would carry around a hideous wallet like that?"
    Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.

  • #2
    I feel sorry for those three boys. It was three boys, right?

    But they are probably going to have some issues, as mommy obviously wanted some girls. I'd entertain the notion of altruism, but I don't think this lady could sit still long enough to have the concept explained to her.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      I've had people step away from their wallet/purse on my counter...then again I wasn't able to help the next person since I was usually in the middle of the SC's transaction. More frightening, I've had people sit their KID on the counter and then walk away to look at something. Thank dog I never had one fall off.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        I had a customer today who left his wallet on the counter as we left the counter for me to show him something. I noticed it sitting there, open, and asked him if it was his. He did pick it up, but said to me about a lady who was standing at the counter "that's alright, I trust that customer". Uh, why would you trust her when you don't even know her? Looks can be very decieving.


        • #5
          Quoth Broomjockey View Post
          I feel sorry for those three boys. It was three boys, right?

          But they are probably going to have some issues, as mommy obviously wanted some girls.
          Unfortunately, my husband's mother wanted daughters only. He had an older sister who died young. He was the only other child. She treats her grandsons as second rate merchandise, too. Then gets shocked when I call her on it.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            Quoth Broomjockey View Post
            I feel sorry for those three boys. It was three boys, right?

            But they are probably going to have some issues, as mommy obviously wanted some girls. I'd entertain the notion of altruism, but I don't think this lady could sit still long enough to have the concept explained to her.
            That reminds me of this t-shirt I saw yesterday:

            " I don't have Tourettes - you're just a c!nt"

            Total surrender
            Your touch is so tender
            Your skin is like water on a burning beach
            And it brings me relief
            "Nails in My Feet" - Crowded House

