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I Feel So Dirty...

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  • #16
    No one ever called you lazy. Far from it. We were simply saying that maybe you're expecting a bit too much from a newspaper delivery person. If they're willing to accomodate you, great. But they're not obligated to. And if it's such a hassle, why don't you buy your paper at the store? (right, cause you save money by subscribing, right? Well, you get what you pay for!)

    Honestly, this whole "Thanks for insulting me" is really unnecessary. As said, if they're willing to accomodate, that's great, and it's a favor to you.

    Have you ever met your carrier? If you politely make the request in person, they may be more likely to go the extra mile for you. I assume you get to prepay rather than having someone collect the money every week. It may be a bit more difficult to get in touch with your carrier, but the distribution centre should be able to put you in touch with him/her.
    GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


    • #17
      If there are no paper boxes by the mailboxes, then surely it is the job of the delivery person to deliver the paper to the actual apartment? Just asking, as I'm not too clued up on how newspaper delivery works - I read all my news on the internet
      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #18
        Quoth Dave0523 View Post
        Update: Paper was again on the ground in the (thankfully) dried up puddle. Called to complain; they claim the district manager will call me, since it is the paper's policy to use the box if the customer requests it. We'll see.

        Update to the update: Aside from the 1st time (which I suspect was the driver's day off), still haven't gotten the paper in the box. This morning, the rain hadn't dried and I made them deliver another paper to replace the soaked one. Unfortunately, the little old lady who delivers replacement papers isn't the driver. My wife suggests calling for a replacement every day it's not in the box, regardless of the paper's condition in the morning, but I'm too much of a softie to do that to the nice little old lady replacement paper driver. Oh, and the district manager hasn't bothered to call either. Maybe I should make a trip to PlanetFeedback.



        • #19
          I don't know if your schedule allows it, but perhaps being awake at 4 AM (or whenever the paper is delivered), and speaking directly with the delivery guy may be a good idea?
          Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


          • #20
            My paper just goes in the end of the driveway, if it's raining, too bad. But they do double-bag it on rainy days; they put it in one bag, and then twist the open end and put it (open end first) into a second bag. We've rarely had a truly soaked paper; if anything, sometimes just the edges get a little damp.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #21
              Way back when I subbed for two different paper routes. Teresa and Terry both gave me copies of their route lists which included where the subscribers wanted their papers placed.

              Terry's route was mainly apartments and you had to go inside to deliver the papers. Up and down 4 flights of stairs in 5 buildings, that was just the start of the route. I swear that bag of papers weighed a good 40 - 50 lbs.

              Teresa's was mainly single family homes but it was uphill (both ways ).

              I walked alot but I never received any complaints. I had a few complaints of my own - mainly big, mean dogs behind flimsy snow fences. What were those owners thinking?
              Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

              I'm a case study.


              • #22
                Latest news: 4 days in a row in the box. I think they finally figured it out!



                • #23
                  See, and here I was going to suggest leaving a note for the carrier stating that when he finally got it right, he'd be rewarded with cookies.
         do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                  Chickens are Asexual!


                  • #24
                    I used to deliver papers with my mom and siblings. We did a rural route, which means we got to drive our car around to do it. 90-95% of the people we delivered to had boxes that we installed for them (or their previous driver did when they signed up) and that's what we used. Sometimes their boxes would get smashed, in which case we would either use another paper's box or hang the papers off the mailbox. We never ever threw them on the ground unless they requested them to be thrown in the driveway-- especially not since there was a box there most of the time!!!! That's not stupidity, that's extreme laziness. Especially if they are throwing the paper on the ground into a puddle.

                    As an FYI to everyone else who gets a paper delivered, if you ask them to do something special, like bring your paper inside your front porch door, or bag it every day, make sure you tip your delivery guy. That's extra work for them, and in some cases, they have to buy the bags themselves, so it cuts into the super meager profits. And pay your bills on time! The carriers have to buy the papers from the company, and if you don't pay on time, you cut into their paycheck. I think that's all the important points...

                    Oh yeah, baked goods and candy count as tips too!
                    Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                    Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                    The Office

