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...YOU'RE the manager?

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  • ...YOU'RE the manager?

    Oh good LORD, my Dominos is failing me.

    Here's the deal, and it's a lovely one: Front desk special, a large pizza for $5 before tax, two toppings, delivered hot to you. For folks working eight hours without a lunch break, it's a godsend.

    God took it back.

    I'm training my friend, who's now working here too, and we are very hungry puppies. So I go to order a pizza. Now, one other time I called, an obviously new trainee answered the phone and had no idea what the hell i was talking about. Kept saying the special was a large with three toppings. Hey, no objections, but he also couldn't put it in, so he put me on hold and a MUCH more competent man came on and put it through for me in about forty seconds. Nice. I love competent men.

    So today when I called, I got this guy.

    DM: Illogical meanie
    Me: Hungry puppy

    DM: (mumbled terribly) Domino'sPizzapickupordelivery?
    Me: Delivery, please.
    <establishes that I'm at the hotel, front desk, name.>
    DM: What do you want?
    Me: I'll have the front desk special, so a large pizza with two toppings, which'll be-
    DM: Three toppings.
    Me: Pardon?
    DM: Front Desk Special's a large with three toppings for $7.99.
    Me: ...No, the Front Desk Special is a large with two toppings for $5, before tax.
    DM: The old Special's gone, we've got the new one now. Three toppings.
    Me: Okay, cool! <Orders her pizza pie, plus one unexpected topping. Also orders a two liter of coke.>
    DM: Uh, we don't deliver if the order is under $10.
    Me: .... ....What? Then why do you have a front desk special for under $10?
    DM: It's policy, we don't deliver if the order is under $10.
    Me: Alright, may I speak to a manager please?
    DM: I'm the manager.
    Me: You're the manager?
    DM: I'm the manager.
    Me: <inward "heaven help me"> Okay.. But you've always delivered this before.
    DM: No, we don't deliver like that.
    Me: Then why do you have a front desk delivery special for under $10?
    DM: Not for under $10.
    Me: Then why. Do you have. A front desk special. For delivery. That's under $10?
    DM: ...This is for the front desk?
    Me: Yes.
    DM: Alright, we'll deliver. Cash or credit?
    Me: Cash.
    DM: Alright.

    Aaaand he hung up. He never told me the price. He never told me how long it would take. Left me wondering if he'd charge me gratuity.

    What the hell? When in God's name did they make such an incompetent moron manager? HOW did he become manager with his abysmal customer service skills? Jesus CHRIST, I expect this from the peons, but management's supposed to be better!

    On the other hand, I got my pizza pie. It is delicious, and I am happy.

  • #2
    My guess would be that he was basically in training. Hopefully they get the bugs ironed out with this one.
    You're focusing on the problem. If you focus on the problem, you can't see the solution. Never focus on the problem! --From Patch Adams


    • #3
      Quoth BrightEyedKitty View Post
      My guess would be that he was basically in training. Hopefully they get the bugs ironed out with this one.
      I suspect a bit of management turnover recently, since it sounds like someone was trying to undo a reasonably longstanding promotion in favor of something with more profit margin without really thinking it through.


      • #4
        Oh goody. An opportunity for me to whine about the single worst customer-service experience of my life. Sorry to derail your thread, but speaking of pizza....

        I must confess that this happened about 15 years ago (and yet I still get mad every time I think about it, alas). I had 2 kiddos and a hubby and we'd always pickup fast food for dinner on Fridays. It was a tradition. There was a new Little Caesar's store having some kind of special. The big deal with them was that you they always gave you 2 of everything. We didn't actually order the special, we ordered something different. And just to make my life more complicated the school system was offering pizza in the school cafeteria every Friday, which meant my son had had pizza for lunch and didn't want pizza for dinner, but 3 of us were jonsing for pizza. So to make everyone happy, we decided to order from Little Caesar's and I'd swing by Burger King, which was in the same shopping center, and pick up a burger for Son.

        So I call in my order, and go to pick it up. I decided to swing by Burger King first, thinking I'd have a longer wait there (ha!). Then I run into Little Caesar's.

        They don't have my order. They have an enormous pile of pizzas waiting for pickup, but they have no record of my order. "Are you sure you didn't call the other store?" "Yes" I say. I was quite positive I hadn't called the other store. The clerk rolled her eyes and yelled (right in front of me) "Call the other store and see if they have her order." They didn't. (Take that, bitch!) More gusty sighs and eye rolling, like it's my fault they lost my order. "Okay we can make it, but it'll take another 30 minutes." (Gee thanks.) At this point I would have asked to see the manager, but the woman I was dealing with was wearing a nametag identifying her as the manager.

        I would have walked out, but the family'd gone through all the discussing and negotiating about toppings, and I didn't want to go home with something else. No cell phones in those days to call and explain or discuss. In retrospect, I should have made an executive mommy decision and walked out anyway. And meanwhile, my son is sitting in the car with his dinner getting stone cold. I decided to buy him a soft drink so he could go ahead and eat. Get this -- I couldn't buy ONE drink. I had to buy TWO drinks, because that's the way they operate. So I paid for 2 and got 1 and took it out to my son who whined about not having catsup.

        Things the store might have done to make me happy that they didn't do:

        1. They could have given me my food free, or at least at a discount, because they messed up.
        2. They could have at least given me a free soda.
        3. They could have said "I'm sorry."

        What I did to get even:

        I never went back. And I told this story to everyone who mentioned the place.

        Sorry again Magistra, for highjacking your thread, and my sympathies about losing your good deal. With any luck this silly person will get with the program and stop screwing up or at least will stop answering the phone.

        I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
        Women can do anything men can.
        But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


        • #5

          Now I want pizza.

          Thanks, guys!!
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Also, who knows what the first guy you talked to told the manager? I've had a few occasions where my employee who answered the phone told me "X". I get on the phone feeling quite confident that I can handle "X" and, after sounding like an idiot I discover the problem is actually "Y".
            "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

            ~TechSmith 314
            HellGate: London


            • #7
              Quoth NightAngel View Post
              Also, who knows what the first guy you talked to told the manager? I've had a few occasions where my employee who answered the phone told me "X". I get on the phone feeling quite confident that I can handle "X" and, after sounding like an idiot I discover the problem is actually "Y".
              If I'm reading correctly, the "first guy" she talked didn't pause of anything when she asked for the manager and said "I'm the manager". I think the manager WAS the "first guy".
              "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

              I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.

