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Festival Sighting.

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  • Festival Sighting.

    I'm not sure what kind of sighting this is, beyond the guy being a total arse. Thought I'd share it.


    My city has this small festival each year around the end of Sept. This year, the fest's organizer happened to be a friend of my family. Knowing one of my hobbies being photography, he asked if I would mind taking some pictures of the fest for him. He'd pay me of course, and I could get in free. Plus, the photos would later be published in a local travel magazine/brochure. Needless to say, I jumped at the chance.


    Most of the day was spent wandering around taking pictures of people, mostly the visitors to the show, but also some of the vendors. So everyone knew what I was doing, I was wearing this garish neon green shirt with the word "Staff" in black letters across the back. (that will be key) During one of my passes, I came across this elderly lady and who I guessed to be her son (could have been husband though) who were selling these nice wooden toys. I didn't remember seeing them on my first pass (though to be honest the beauty pagent girls kinda did have my attention) so I figured I'd take a few shots of his stall. I had maybe four or five shots left on this roll, so no point in wasting them.

    Raising the camera, I clicked off one shot of the stall and then paused to clean my lens. While doing this, the man at the stall came up. He seemed nice, speaking to me and all. After a moment he asked me what type of camera I had, and then asked if he could see it. I shrugged, and handed it over for a second while I dug some more film out of my bag. As I was doing this, he's looking it over talking about it how he loves photography and such; and how it's a nice set up. About halfway through this I hear a distinct click. Looking over I find he's popped it open and has proceded to pull out the roll of film. As he's doing this, the organizer is coming my way, making a circuit as I have. He too has a camera, though a lower grade. This is the conversation that ensued.

    R (me)
    V (vendor)
    O (Organizer.)

    R= Hey, what do you think you're doing!?

    V= (snidely) I don't allow any photos of my stall.

    R= I am. Give me that back. I need that for my work.

    V= (Exposing the whole roll and handing the camera over) No photos.

    R= (staring at the now exposed roll, some hour worth of work. Seeing O coming I wave him over) Hey, hey! Come here a sec.

    O= What's can I do for you?

    V= I caught him taking pictures. I don't allow photos of my stall.

    O= (seeing the film in my hand he turns a rather nice shade of puce) Your contract says you have to allow staff to take photos.

    V= He's not staff.

    O= Oh? And you think he's wearing that shirt just for fun?

    By this point, the vendor seemed to realize he'd made a serious mistake. I mean how could you miss that shirt in the first place? He started hemming and hawing about how he had made a mistake and was sorry, but he didn't want just anyone taking photos. O wasn't hearing any of it. After a few minutes of this, O told him to pack up and leave. The festival could do without him. The guy of course balked, but O stood his ground. He even went so far as to tell the guy he wouldn't be allowed back the next year.

    As we walked away, O did tell me that there had been several complaints from other people that the guy was being very difficult about having photos around his booth. He'd even gone so far as to threaten one of the local TV crews reporting on the fest.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    What the hell was the big deal with you taking pictures of his stall..? Why was he so upset about it?
    My Myspace, add me!


    • #3
      As best I can figure, he thinks he's cornered the market on tiny wooden toy trains and trucks. No matter that you can buy them at your local wal-mart cheaper and better quality.

      best way I can explain it is something that happened to my uncle.

      My uncle sells a kind of game called "Flip Out" He's got the copyright on it and has it patented. Meaning that right now he's the only one who can legally sell or produce the game. A few years ago, he was at a show in Augusta Ga, when he happened to see this guy selling identical games with the same name. Shoddier construction though. My uncle took a picture of this for his records, and then sued the guy. Drove him out of business as I recall. Talking with him, my Uncle theorized that the guy had seen the games at another show, or had taken a picture of them and then reproduced them.

      At most festivals like this, you'll see vendors with signs requesting no photography; but if you look at their contracts it expressly states that they HAVE to allow festival staff, local media, and news to take photos and video if they so desire. Failure to do so can result in them being removed from the festival.
      Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


      • #4
        Quoth repsac View Post

        V= (Exposing the whole roll and handing the camera over) No photos.
        Um, isn't that criminal damage? Could you have not called the police at all?

        Stay Safe
        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


        • #5
          What a jerk! You think he could have told you that without destroying your film.

          edit: I told my family this story and my grandmother thinks he wrecked the film because he's wanted by the police. My brother then said he may be a terrorist, and then my dad said to ask if his name was Osama. My family is weird.
          Last edited by mariamousie1; 10-05-2007, 08:51 PM.
          It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
          -Helen Keller

          I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


          • #6
            Well - he may well have been claiming some sort of benefits from the state, while still running a business. Or not declaring his income, thus evading taxes.

            Or maybe he was just a nutcase.


            • #7
              im going with a mix of all of you guys and the added bonus of he thinks your from the cia.


              • #8
                The nerve of that guy! I'm glad he got tossed out of the festival. I'm surprised the police weren't called -- criminal damage, as crazylegs suggested.
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!


                • #9
                  I can't believe someone can be that much of a jerk to an adorable little white fox-thing with a camera.


                  • #10
                    Holy biscuit.

                    Dude has issues.

                    And I hope everyone has learned an important lesson: NEVER hand over your camera to vendors.
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      Oh, that REALLY pisses me off. Not only did he think he had the right to open your camera, he ruined EVERY SINGLE SHOT on the film. Please tell me that he's been fined heavily for the damage.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                        im going with a mix of all of you guys and the added bonus of he thinks your from the cia.

                        He thinks I sent Repsac? Cool!
                        Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

                        I'm a case study.


                        • #13
                          I doubt he was fined, but most of the festivals in my area are linked to some degree. Same groups and people organizing them, so it stands to reason he's been blackballed in this area.

                          One festival, to give you an idea of what we have here, draws around 10k people a day and lasts four days. We've had groups like the Blue Angels and Canadian Snowbirds come repeatedly.
                          Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                          • #14
                            Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                            NEVER hand over your camera to vendors.
                            If ayone wants to look at my camera, I keep the neck strap on, if they want to look at the images (Its a digital SLR) fine, but I control it, and the memory card stays with ME

                            Stay Safe
                            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                            • #15
                              Quoth repsac View Post
                              As best I can figure, he thinks he's cornered the market on tiny wooden toy trains and trucks. No matter that you can buy them at your local wal-mart cheaper and better quality.
                              I was at a festival just last weekend and noted alot of vendors had similar if not exact copies of each others work. Makes me wonder how many make thier own stuff, and how many buy in bulk and claim it's hand crafted.

