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Hey! I saw that!

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  • Hey! I saw that!

    Typical Wal-Mart and bf headed to the self checkouts.

    Typical pick of the litter family ahead of us. They decide at the last second that they no longer want a tube of mascara and a quart of motor oil. So what does the lovely mother do?

    Goes to the "impulse" stuff right by the self checkouts and attempts to "bury" the items underneath some candy.

    Yeah...because no one saw her nasty ass bending over and furiously trying to hide the items like some dog trying to hide his owner's shoe, while her trashy teenage daughter played Lookout. Well, they both fail, because bf and I were no more than 10 feet away and saw the whole thing.

    Maybe Maybelline should stop putting that particular mascara in a hot pink tube, and maybe Valvoline should stop putting oil in a white container.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Maybe they should be labeled "Reese's" and "Clark", respectively.
    "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


    • #3
      Why bury it? If they were going to be so rude and lazy anyway, why not just toss the stuff aside and leave it visible? Then a stock person will be able to see these things and put them back. I've never understood why people bury things.

      If I'm in a really big department store, and I decide at the last minute that I don't want something, I'll admit - I don't always leave the line and take it back across the store to the right department. I usually just ask the cashier if I could give it to them. Most of the time they have a small basket of things under their tills to be restocked.

      In my store, I prefer to restock myself. It keeps the shelves nice and neat. But then again, we have plenty of staff members at my store to do it.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        I never do that, but then again, you can find some really interesting stuff buried with the candy. I once found a curious george t-shirt that was so cute I bought it. It wasn't really with the candy, it was thrown on top, but whatever.
        It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
        -Helen Keller

        I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!

