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Adventures in Hotel Renovations

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  • Adventures in Hotel Renovations

    I'm actually posting a bit tonight, a few stories from this weekend. Sorry if I'm a bit long on my posts, I'm tired from the traveling and football of this weekend.

    My family and I travel from the Chicago area up to Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI quite a few weekends a year, especially during football season. Given that, we have a very good relationship with the managers at the hotel we usually stay at (a Marriott Townplace Suites), to the point that they once got us a cookie bouquet to thank us for our business. To put it succintly, we love the place, and they always treat us well and usually overcompensate for any little thing that goes even slightly wrong. The management there is great.

    The location was planning on doing some renovations, but were trying to wait til after football season. Unfortunately, the materials showed up, so corporate insisted they go ahead and start. This means they've done a lot of furniture moving and ripping up of carpet, and people sometimes have to stay in rooms where the hallways are being recarpeted, or furniture has recently been moved. We've noted a few things to the manager we know best, i.e. when there are huge dings in the walls, or TV's that are broken, stuff like that, and always tell him not to worry about it, as we don't spend enough time in the rooms to be bothered by it.

    This hotel is a nice hotel, not that expensive, and located right on campus. We're not talking about a resort, we're talking about a hotel you stay at for a few nights when in town, when you want something cheap-ish but slightly nicer than Motel 8. The rooms are huge and the beds are nice. In short, it's a great deal, even with the renovations. I think they've even knocked prices down a bit pre-emptively, knowing about the renovations. What more do you need?

    Well, this weekend, every time we went down to the office to get in on the free cookies and coffee/tea they put out, there were at least two people in there whining, bitching, and moaning like a little bit of torn up carpet was the end of the world. They weren't doing anything that smelled bad, you could still get to your room, and they weren't putting anyone in a room that hadn't either been finished, or hadn't been started yet. I never understand that mindset, that if there is a minor inconvenience, that means it's time to whine until they give you freebies.

    I hate that we live in a world today where people have unreasonable expectations and are taught that they can whine until they get free stuff or discounts they don't deserve.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

  • #2
    You should have waded in about how great everything was and how much you appreciated the discounted rates and how wonderfully you were being taken care of while the SCs were there.

    Help take some wind outta their sails.


    • #3
      I feel for the hotel folk. Most hotel renovations are very orderly - going floor by floor and it is scheduled so reservationists can warn people that there will be construction going on during their stay. Corporate shouldn't have made them start early - that was a bad decision and shows lack of care for the front desk staff that has to deal with the fall-out. I do think carpeting a hallway while people are staying on that floor is a bad idea liability wise, but if I was staying on that floor and really hated it I would ask to get moved or get a refund of my unused nights and move to a different hotel - I for sure wouldn't go moaning to the front desk for a free room.
      That said - none of these people must have ever been to Mexico where construction / renovation is nearly constant.
      I read tripadvisor for a laugh sometimes - a lot of the complainers are people who "shouldn't leave their home let alone their country". Now I'm tempted to go over there are see what the newest reviews for this hotel say...


      • #4
        I stayed one place that was undergoing renovations for a week, a Candlewood Suites. Did not see any signs or had noise issues till my last day. Leave my room to go check out and they had started the rooms on either side of mine. They had already moved all the furniture and fridges out into the hallway, leaving just enough room to walk. Unfortunatly I had a rolling cart with me that wouldn't fit, so I had to wait until they moved some stuff until I could get by.

