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the 90 minute wait turned 4 hours

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  • the 90 minute wait turned 4 hours

    My debit card info was WRONG and had been wrong in the system for THREE months and no one notified me, though granted it was my responsibility to double check at the bank, but that PIECE OF SHIT BANK wouldn't return any phone calls/assist me with the log on online or send me any freakin' statements for about TWO months. (needless to say I'm no longer with that bank.)

    Anyway, I noticed the error when my direct deposit got declined at said bank out of the blue. (I'd already bitched out said bank about reversing insufficient fund crap that I hadn't done myself and had it reversed). Long story short, I work the same time that the financial office for my car company works.

    Needless to say, by the time I get off work, they're closed and since money's been tight since we moved out from the old roomie's place in such short notice, I've been doing overtime. (Yes, ladies and gentlemen, 7 days a week, usually 8 hours every day).

    To top it all off, the god-forsaken website is being worked on, so I can't log in to make a payment thusly.

    I finally got a hold of a representative on my first half day in almost a month and a half. I get told I'm THREE months, going on four months behind on my car payments and I need to pay half of it all right THEN AND THERE (they were closing in twenty minutes) or I'd get rep'od...I asked if I could get a 24 hour extension so I can get the funds ready (It was like three hundred bucks more than I had at the time) and guy says its okay. Not to worry... car'll get repo'd by the end of the week if I can't pay it.

    Cut to three hours later:

    knock. knock. I'm here to take your car away. Pay it in full tomorrow and you'll avoid an extra night of storage fee.



    I turn around, bawl my eyes out and call my mother *again* to tell her what happened.

    Western union wouldn't let my mother make more than 400 dollar payments at one time... and at the SECOND transaction, the bank thought it was a spam. Couldn't pay on Thursday.

    Friday, I had to miss work again as alas, I have no car, and I need to get shit paid off before 12pm my time or I won't get my car until MONDAY.

    Thank the gods all went through, now I owe my mother 1300 bucks, bt hey, its my mother and she'll let me take my time paying her off (not that I want to). I call, make an appointment with the repo guy to pick up my baby. The call goes as follows.

    Guy: so , can you be here at 4?
    Me: I don't know how to get there via the bus, so it'll take me a while... I can't say that I'll be there at four unless I get a ride.
    Guy: okay, lets make it 5 pm, is that okay?
    me: Yeah, it should be okay (its one pm, I can get lost on the bus all day, its okay)...I don't have a cellphone, though, so I can't reach you until I get there if I'm late.
    Guy: Its okay, the lot is adjacent to my home and I'll be there all day. Its my day off.
    me: -relieved- oh thanks! I'll be there as soon as I can..but just in case, what time do you close?
    guy: I live have until midnight to pick up the car or I'll have to tack on another 40 bucks.
    me: oh okay. I'll see you at 5ish then.

    I got lucky. Just as my husband and I were walking toward the bus stop, my old roomie drove by and pulled over. Asked us what we were doing. We explained, she was horrified and offered to give us a ride-- if we gave her money for gas (the impound lot was quite a bit away). "Its too far away and you'll never make it," she said.

    Okay, she'll give us a ride.

    Of course, we forgot it was traffic hour. We have no phone. There's an ACCIDENT on top of the jam.

    Needless to say the 45 minute drive turned into almost an hour and a half.

    I get there at 5:45

    the freaking lot is closed and there is no residential home next to it.

    Naturally I freak out. Husband goes into the veterinary office and calls the guy.

    It turns out the repo guy decided to go to the freakin' movies because I didn't call him. (didn't I tell him I had no way of doing so once I was on the road?). Oh, but its a SHORT movie so, if we could please go find a place to eat, he'll be back in ninety minutes.

    We only had the money for the stupid fees and ten dollars worth of gas. Ex-roomie buys us food at a cheap teriyaki place. We get back to the lot ten minutes to the 90 minute mark.

    And we wait.

    And wait.

    And Wait.

    ANOTHER repo guy rips us a new one for parking on their driveway (hey, the vet place didn't let us park there unless we were customers, back off!). We explain what happened. He says 'oh' and calls Repoman1.

    No answer.

    Guy decides to wait with us until Repoman1 shows up or answers the phone.

    Repo2 calls Repo1 every five minutes for TWO HOURS. Finally he decides HE'll give me my car.

    R: where's your recipt.
    M: I don't have one. The car company faxed it to Repo1.
    R: well, fuck.
    M: ....I need my car. I can't be missing work.
    R: -nods- let me get in touch with this asshole.
    M: O.O;

    ANOTHER HOUR goes by. Nothing.

    By this time, its almost 11pm.

    FINALLY Repo2 gets in touch with Repo1, rips him a new one and Repo1 is on his way. (HEy, the dude FORGOT I was there to meet him. wtf?)


    End of story? NOPE!

    The ass forgot my car keys (which have my insurance policy attached to them ) at home, so he has to make another round trip.

    He gets back (with my keys) and realizes, he left the lights on in my car overnight. I need to get jumped. Do I have cables?

    "Yes, I have cables." I say. "But I can't open the trunk door unless I open it with the key remote."

    Longer story tiny: He jimmied the door open, we got the cables, jumped my car.

    The time: 12:30.


    My husband was about ready to kill him so we didn't have to pay the extra night.

    -sigh- I need a beer.
    "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa

  • #2
    Holy Hell. And I thought my towing story was bad.

    Short Version. Road trip to Iowa. Got saddled with an unexpected passenger I only sort of knew on the way back, after his ride left him in Iowa. On the way home, he convinced me to take him to Ikea, where he purchased a coffee table. After we parked in a no parking zone outside his downtown Chicago apartment, he promised me my car would be safe. We took the coffee table up, then went up to the roof for a cig before I headed out. From there, we got to watch my car get towed. As we walked to the corner to catch the bus, it started pouring. The tow lot was far away and scary, and very very wet. It took several hours to get there, explain why the car was not in my name (my dad bought the car, we never transferred the title), and get it out. I ended up paying to park my car in a lot and just stayed downtown on his couch that night.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


    • #3
      I have to remember this stuff for when I have my own car.
      "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


      • #4
        AnqeiicDemise, that sucked. Hard. (And not in a good way.)

        I hope you filed a complaint with the company.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Quoth AnqeiicDemise View Post
          R: where's your recipt.
          M: I don't have one. The car company faxed it to Repo1.
          R: well, fuck.
          M: ....I need my car. I can't be missing work.
          R: -nods- let me get in touch with this asshole.
          That was AWESOME!


          • #6
            AngeliicDemise, Check with your states DOT, there are certain requirements that the TOW Operator has to adhere to, at least for standard tows like towing from a private lot. But it sounds as if he may have violated state law. I know that my wifes cousin owns a Tow Company and has very specific Laws he has to follow. Faliure to follow the laws can cost him a shit load.
            My Karma ran over your dogma.


            • #7
              Quoth digilight View Post
              AngeliicDemise, Check with your states DOT, there are certain requirements that the TOW Operator has to adhere to, at least for standard tows like towing from a private lot. But it sounds as if he may have violated state law. I know that my wifes cousin owns a Tow Company and has very specific Laws he has to follow. Faliure to follow the laws can cost him a shit load.
              How would I do that?
              "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa

