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I can feel the suckiness rising in me even now.

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  • I can feel the suckiness rising in me even now.

    We're going to the beach for our anniversary in a couple weeks. It's sort of a tradition.

    Last time, I nearly got into a fight with a time share saleswoman in a restaurant. I got in her face and yelled at her, but that was about it. She tried accosting me, I gave her a brusque "not interested" and kept walking. She had the unmitigated gall to stop my husband with the same sales pitch. He was walking RIGHT BEHIND ME. I whirled around, got in her face, and yelled. "DID I MUMBLE? I SAID NO! NOW FUCK OFF!"

    Probably not one of my finer moments, but keep in mind she'd already accosted us on the way INTO the place, and I'd had to run a gauntlet of the same sort of cockroach between my hotel and the restaurant. I'd had just about enough.

    What I should have done was complain to the restaurant manager.

    Anyways, I'm looking forward to my trip, but I just know I'm going to get into it with one of these people, as here I am thinking about it and I'm already getting steamed. They really are a problem down there.

    I've heard is some places, they've actually damaged the tourist trade. People are starting to choose vacation spots where they know they won't be hassled by time share salemen. I haven't reached that point, but then, I'm not someone who is made nervous at the thought of confrontation. I'll say no and say it loud and clear. It IS really, really aggravating, though.

  • #2
    I remember that post. I agree that blowing up was probably not the way to go, but you were definitely justified in being angry. Don't let those people ruin your vacation and have fun!
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


    • #3
      Hell if they are rude and assholeish about it just spout off with something that would their abilities with anybody witnessing it at the time.

      for example: Stupid Timeshare Whore is now STW: and you are obviousaly RK (wow who'da thunk it)

      STW: blah blah blah come see our stupid presentation or blah blah blah we want your money blah blah bal
      RK: No Not interested
      STW: but blah blah blah investment blah blah free vacation blah blah blah and toaster oven blah blah
      RK: Look why would I want to ever stay someplace that is known to have such shoddy construction as to allow twisted pair lines run inside the cavaties and such as well as infestations of (insert mythical beast that does not exist but may warn people off).
      RK: *walks off smiling and searching for the perfect MaiTai*

      Remember that twisted pair lines are standard phone lines that are allways run inside the wall cavaties, most folks wouldn't realize that and think its something bad, as well as the infestation thing (make sure that you are not saying anything untrue or that could be construed liable, make it funny but a complete play on words that will shake them up). Have some fun with it. Make it a game with your husband as to who can come up with the most off the wall thing to say to them. Hell get a collection of Tracts and try and combat them until they run away and hide.
      My Karma ran over your dogma.


      • #4
        have you ever seen the South Park episode where all the parents get locked in this cabin with people trying to sell them timeshares? every time they tried to escape a timeshare dude appeared and started to give a presentation. I'm pretty sure HP Lovecraft wrote a story similar to that.

        try to have fun anyway though!


        • #5
          Quoth digilight View Post
          Remember that twisted pair lines are standard phone lines that are allways run inside the wall cavaties, most folks wouldn't realize that and think its something bad, as well as the infestation thing (make sure that you are not saying anything untrue or that could be construed liable, make it funny but a complete play on words that will shake them up). Have some fun with it. Make it a game with your husband as to who can come up with the most off the wall thing to say to them. Hell get a collection of Tracts and try and combat them until they run away and hide.
          Hmmm....Wood Motes I think. Yes, just say, "...and the walls are crawling with Wood Motes!" Completely true, as the beams are made of billions and billions of them.
          The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
          "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
          Hoc spatio locantur.

