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An interesting day

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  • An interesting day

    Well three interesting thigns that togther make me sit here shaking my head but are not really post worthy by them selves.

    Umm thanks actually.
    Ok I had to go out and haul some scrap metal for a person so I was in my truck with the name of the Farm and our logo painted on the doors. The name of the Farm is Elysian Fields. In case you don't know its from Greek mythology its where the honored and blessed dead go. Basically another term for paradise. Kind of fits how I see the farm. Our logo is a running horse in a circle with a field under it. Very simple yet atttractive. Even if we dont have horses, yet.

    But anyhow. I stop and get gas. There is a lady standing across the island from me so I nod and smile to be polite. She asks me "Oh what sort of horse is an Elysian?" Not impossible for a person to not know the breeds of horses so I tell her what it means. She gets this look and goes. "Oh well thats ok I guess then."

    DO you LUUV Jesus?
    Coming back out of the gas station I ran into this interesting person who was at the pump on the other side of my truck. He goes "Do you know Jesus? DO you LUUUVVV Jesus?" My response as I'm jumping into the truck to make an escape is "Yeah he was great in the last superbowl!" Okay.

    Well they do call them mobile homes.
    I finally get to the scrap yard and while I'm waiting to get my number to drop off there is a sheriff's deputy there talking to the yard manager. Apparently someone in the area went on vacation and when he got back his mobile home was stolen. Not an RV a full size mobile home like you find in a trailer park. The deputy was there warning if someone came in with a load of copper wiring or aluminum siding to let them know about it. They think that the scrap metal value of the trailer is why they stole it. All I have to say is I would talk to the nneighborhood watch or something where that guy lives if I was him. WoW.

  • #2
    I had better keep an eye out around here in case a trailer goes missing.

    This Saturday night, a new episode of COPS:

    "What seems to be the issue here?"

    "Offica, he stole mah traila!"

    "Excuse me, sir? He stole your what?"

    "He stole mah traila! It ust ta be right der on dose rocks!"

    "But how? What?"

    "He stole mah traila I say!"
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      Quoth Rahmota View Post
      DO you LUUV Jesus?
      "Do you know Jesus? DO you LUUUVVV Jesus?" My response as I'm jumping into the truck to make an escape is "Yeah he was great in the last superbowl!"
      I am so stealing this!


      • #4
        I had the common "Have you found Jesus?"

        My stock answer is "Yes I did, he was under my porch with the hounds eating moss and mushrooms! We cleaned him up and gave him a hot meal and called immigration on him."


        • #5
          My answer to the "Have you found Jesus" question is: "No, not yet, but I'm not worried. We're playing hide-and-seek."
          Last edited by Becks; 10-13-2007, 02:51 PM. Reason: forgot a word
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            I found him. I have Jesus in the trunk of my car!
            Cyberpunk mayhem!


            • #7
              I didn't know he was missing. But I'll let you know if I see him.

              I remember a story a while back wherein a woman had her pool stolen from her backyard. They couldn't figure it out because there was no evidence of the water having been emptied in or near her yard. This was a regular above-ground pool, 3 feet deep or something, and apparently disappeared within a 4 or 5 hour window during the night.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                "Do you LUUUV Jesus?"
                "I thought homosexuality was a sin."

