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Crazy towel lady

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  • Crazy towel lady

    Seen at Target a few months ago. I had the bad luck to be behind her in the queue...

    There were some hand towels on sale, and this SC wanted to buy a whole heap of them and a bunch of other stuff (including a queen sized quilt). Instead of letting the CSR count the towels, scan one and enter the quantity, she insisted that he scan each one individually and make sure they all scanned at the sale price. This took enough time for my partner to leave the store, use a public restroom, and come back to find me still waiting in line.

    But it gets worse.

    Queen size quilts are too big to fit in the stantard sized disposable shopping bags. Quilt manufacturers are aware of this and package quilts in their own bags complete with handles. This SC demanded that the quilt be made to fit into a bag, when this proved impossible according to the laws of physics she then pulled out the "I just spent $400, the least you could do is give me some service!" line (how come they never thank the CSR for the $400 of merchandise?). She demanded that disposable bags be taped to the quilt bag "so people won't know what I bought".

    It was at this point that another CSR got done rebuilding a nearby display that SCs had demolished and opened another register, so I didn't get to see how the exchange ended.

  • #2
    "Tape this TARGET bag over the TARGET logo on this item im buying, because I dont want people to know I shop at TARGET!!!!111eleventy1!!!1!"

    Cyberpunk mayhem!


    • #3
      And here I thought you were supposed to hide TVs and Ipods and things like that when you carried them out of the story.

      My bad, I guess I forgot all about the quilt black market...
      "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


      • #4
        Quoth edible_hat View Post
        She demanded that disposable bags be taped to the quilt bag "so people won't know what I bought".
        Why am I totally imagining some porno quilt* covered in pictures of nekkid bits and she wants it in a plain brown wrapper so the uptight nosy neighbors spying on her from behind their mini-blinds won't think she's some kind of pervert.

        *Yes, I know Target does not sell porno quilts.


        • #5
          insisted that he scan each one individually and make sure they all scanned at the sale price
          um, wha--? if you scan one and put it in as a quantity, THEY'LL ALL BE THE SAME PRICE!!!

          Maybe the quilt was a gift for someone in her house? Of course, I'd just leave it in the trunk of the car until that person went to bed, or work/school. Not like it'll melt. If she doesn't want other shoppers to see it as she's walking out of the store, well, then she's got issues.
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            um, wha--? if you scan one and put it in as a quantity, THEY'LL ALL BE THE SAME PRICE!!!
            Yeah, as much as I've thought about it I fail to see the logic behind that one. All you have to do is make sure the first one scans at the sale price.

            As for the quilt, maybe it was the last one and she was afraid other shoppers would get jelous.

            The worst part was the "I just spent $400, how about some service?" line. If I'd been the CSR, I would have said something like "And you just got $400 of merchandise, what's the problem?"


            • #7
              Ugh. I had the same thing happen to me once. This guy bought a replacement toilet seat. They come in a plain white box. He insisted that I put it in a shopping bag. I knew it wouldn't fit and I told him so. He insists that he MUST have a bag. While he stood there watching me, I tried to get the box in a bag. It didn't fit. It tore the bag. I look at him and shrug, and say "I'm sorry, Sir, it just won't fit." He gives me the silent stare. You know, the one that says: "I'm not going to ask you again but the power of my stare will get the importance of this through your thick skull and make this object magically fit in the bag". Yeah, that stare.

              I give him a neutral, blank stare back. He finally stomps off to who-knows-where and I ring out the last customer. I thought he'd left the store but about 10 minutes later he comes by my register with his toilet seat stuffed in a shopping bag that was in the process of tearing. He lifts it up to "show" me and flips me the bird.
              My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


              • #8
                Quoth edible_hat View Post
                She demanded that disposable bags be taped to the quilt bag "so people won't know what I bought".
                Yeah. Like they couldn't see right through the cheap store bags anyway.
                Women can do anything men can.
                But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.

