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It's three items!

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  • It's three items!

    To start, I have to admit that I'm a bit touchy right now. I've been sick for a week and showing no signs of getting better soon. Nothing serious, but certainly irritating.

    About 30 minutes ago I headed off to the store for some milk, juice and cold medicine. With one regular lane open, but all four self scan lanes open, I opt for self scan. I don't want to breathe on some poor unsuspecting cashier.

    The self scans in my store are set up like regular lanes. You scan and send stuff down a conveyor to the bag area.

    I stand around waiting for one to open up. Finally, a middle aged man stops scanning and pays. Once he's clear, I start scanning. Yeah, ok, maybe I should have waited for him to finish bagging his gazillion cans of soup, veggies, tuna, and candy, but I feel like crap and want to go.

    I send my milk down the belt and scan my club card, and the next thing I hear is

    Guy: "Ma'am?! Is this your milk?" He's holding my milk above his head like a damn trophy.
    Me: "Yeah, sorry. I'll take that."
    Guy: "It's with my stuff now. Must be my milk."
    Me: (Oh FFS!) "'Fraid not. Give it to me please." (In retrospect, bad choice of words.)
    Guy: "Ok." and he slams the milk to the ground, splitting the carton open and splashing milk all over my legs and feet.

    For crying out loud! Was that really necessary? I mean, whenver I have a bunch of items at the self scan and someone else's starts to move into mine, I just use the order divider. -=le sigh=-

  • #2
    Quoth FenigDurak View Post
    Guy: "It's with my stuff now. Must be my milk."
    . . . really?!?
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


    • #3
      That sounds like a way to INSTANTLY burn a fever out of me. Why is it things like that NEVER happen to me?? I have anger issues I'd love to explain to some asshat. I'm an easy going guy but that would have sent me over the edge especially if I was sick at the time.


      • #4
        You should have got all up into his face.

        And coughed.


        • #5
          Oooh...that would have been fabulous. Wish I had thought of that. My parents and I (they're doctors) are fairly certain I've got a respiratory infection. That shit spreads fast. Instant karma.


          • #6
            Quoth FenigDurak View Post
            Me: (Oh FFS!) "'Fraid not. Give it to me please." (In retrospect, bad choice of words.)
            Guy: "Ok." and he slams the milk to the ground, splitting the carton open and splashing milk all over my legs and feet.
            Where's karma when you need it? It would've been priceless if, after doing that, he had to step in the end up slipping and falling and banging his head (hard?) on the floor.

            Is that wrong of me to say?
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Hell, if some jerk did that to me, I'd knock his ass out. You must have a lot of self-restraint.
              "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


              • #8
                Guy: "Ok." and he slams the milk to the ground, splitting the carton open and splashing milk all over my legs and feet.
                Had somebody done that to me, he'd never know what hit him.

                What an ass
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  Quoth Greenday View Post
                  Hell, if some jerk did that to me, I'd knock his ass out. You must have a lot of self-restraint.
                  I don't know about self restraint, but I'd rather let the guy get what's coming to him at someone else's hands than do it myself.

                  It snowed last night, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someone hits his car.


                  • #10
                    Quoth FenigDurak View Post
                    Guy: "Ok." and he slams the milk to the ground, splitting the carton open and splashing milk all over my legs and feet.
                    You are under arrest for criminal damage, You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not not mention, when questioned something which you later rely on in court, anything you do say may be given in evidence.

                    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                    • #11
                      That...what the hell was that all about?! Your milk was close to his precious groceries, so he had to be the Big Bad Bully towards an obviously ill woman?! I just don't understand that. What was the point?! That is so far out of line it's beyond comprehension.

                      Wasn't there an employee in the vicinity? Or better yet, a security guard?

                      I so hope he gets what he deserves. Like your respiratory infection x 100. Or a skid on ice and a slam into the side of a building.
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        Weird - my husband and I were just discussing this sort of thing an hour ago.

                        He gets really annoyed when someone puts their things down on the self-scan before he has cleared the area. I told him that I sometimes found it mildly irritating, but not really a big deal in the greater scheme of things. Especially when I'm loading my cart with a whole bunch of groceries and the person behind me only has one or two items.

                        He conceded that he could never see himself getting so upset by it that he'd say anything to the person. Let alone throwing a carton of milk to the floor like a two year-old.

                        What's wrong with people?! (Rhetorical question - no comments from the peanut gallery please. )

                        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                        • #13
                          Quoth BeckySunshine View Post

                          Is that wrong of me to say?
                          Yes, yes it is. That's why we love you
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                          • #14
                            WOW! I would have asked him..."what the hell is your problem???"


                            • #15
                              To a very small extent, this guy's already getting some of what he deserves: mockery. Now if only he were to stumble across this thread and see it...

                              If the internet has taught me anything, it's that I shouldn't do stupid stuff or act like a jerk in public. I know now that, if I do, somebody is fairly likely to, at the very least, tell their friends and co-workers. My story just might end up online for the world to see in someone's blog or on a forum like this one. Suddenly, my isolated moment of idiocy is being laughed at the world over, and dozens of people begin plotting my demise.
                              I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                              - Bill Watterson

                              My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                              - IPF

