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So THIS is what the "Size Zero" craze has caused.....LONG

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  • So THIS is what the "Size Zero" craze has caused.....LONG

    Ok, I was at Marks and Spencers last week. For those who don't know, it is a high-end grocery store which also sells clothes. I was going to buy some clothes and I went to the changing room to try them on.

    When I get near the changing room, I hear a commotion. I go to get in the line and see this woman who is no older than 25, amazing body (I was jealous) and very attractive, arguing with a sales assistant. All I hear the woman say is "I'll ask someone then, shall I"? Then she comes over to me (oh dear......).

    She says to me "can I ask you a question"? and before I can answer "no" she asks anyway. It went like this.....

    "If you were getting fitted for a bra and the assistant fitting you found out that you had just had a baby and asked you if you were thinner before the baby, you would think that she was calling you fat, right"?!

    I felt like shit (still waiting to get my wisdom tooth out and the whole side of my face has felt like it was in a vice for a month, not to mention the horrible earache it has caused me, and headaches), so all I said to her was "I am not getting involved". If I felt better, I should have said "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT"? "You have no reason to be offended over something like that, and even if she outright called you fat, you are obviously not, in fact, I am jealous and wish I looked like shut up, skinny bitch...and you look damn good for someone that has JUST had a baby" But, that didn't happen....this did though...................

    She kinda huffs me away and goes back into her tirade of abuse at the sales assistants (more have come to join in the Abuse Circus). She is saying that the assistant called her fat and she is very upset. They all tell her the same thing, that it was not meant to be taken that way and that it was because she was in a slightly bigger bra and she would be, because she had JUST had a baby and people who have babies are usually a bit bigger in the bust than before and a bit bigger everywhere than before. She only meant it as it was...she asked the customer if she was skinnier before the baby.

    So. the woman will not stop, and the line has gotten large because all the assistants are getting screamed at by this woman. Finally, she asks for a manager.

    While she is waiting for the manager, the line starts moving (yay!) and I get the gossip from a nice lady in line with me. She says that the crazy woman stormed out of the fitting room and almost knocked over an assistant. She started screaming from that moment and didn't stop (unless you count the 5 minutes she sobbed about being fat and had 3 assistants catering to her and calming her down). This started 20 minutes before I arrived...and it was now going on 40 total....yeah, I know.......ridiculous.

    So, the manager finally arrives and I eavesdrop. Didn't really have to with the crazy woman's loud ass mouth, but I still made sure I heard it all. She tells the manager the same story and says that she wants them to do something about it. The manager tells her that there is nothing more they can do. She has gotten apologies from all the assistants, and the assistant that had tried to fit her was crying in the staff room. The woman still carries on, demanding they compensate her for her "stress and wasted time" because she "just had a baby and doesn't need to be upset and called fat" and because "she has already had HER time wasted and is in a hurry". WTF????? SHE is wasting her time, nobody asked her to create such a scene......I am finally called into the changing room.

    The woman who took me in was a former customer of mine and it turns out that she was the one who "called her fat". She was still a bit upset and I tried to use some of my "customers can all go to hell and deserve nothing less" charm to cheer her up. It worked a bit. Also, as I said, she was an old customer of mine and I have been a customer of hers a few times as well and she is so nice and a very caring and attentive worker, she never meant any harm.

    So, I am trying my stuff on and I am still hearing all the commotion (going on an hour now) and I hear the manager say that she will try to get ahold of someone in Head Office to speak with the crazy woman. It was a I am sure she had fun trying to get someone to answer

    That is where the story ends...tried my clothes on, left the changing room and saw crazy lady sitting looking very unhappy, paid for my purchases and left the shop.

    Now, the reason I couldn't believe this was because she went on and on about her stress and them wasting her time, yet I have no idea what she wanted the assistants to do for her.....what the HELL can you do to make something like that up to a customer? I could see if it was a fat woman, then yeah, maybe it could upset her, but when you are very pretty, about a size 6, with great hair and nice clothes, I think that you would not take it too seriously. And also, if she is that worried about herself being fat then she must have thought I was huge (I am size 10-12 UK/ 5-7 USA). It made me feel gross...perhaps I should have yelled at her for hurting MY feelings.

    Next time I am near the shop I shall ask the assistant that I know what the outcome was....and post it, of course!
    "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.

  • #2
    Quoth WHShit View Post
    I could see if it was a fat woman, then yeah, maybe it could upset her, but when you are very pretty, about a size 6, with great hair and nice clothes, I think that you would not take it too seriously.
    Most obvious answer, to me at least, is that she thinks you have to be a xylophone-ribbed stick, and the fact that she is now pleasantly curvy instead of rail skinny makes her think she's a whale.

    Oh, and WHShit, "Size 6" is the euphemism for perfect figure in the US. There's no way in hell you're fat at that size unless you're about 4 feet tall.
    And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


    • #3
      Size 5-7 US is hot in my book. Unless you're 4 ft tall........
      I know nothing and I can prove it!


      • #4
        It's crazy women like this that cause me to say as little as possible to the slobs. It's gotten to the point where everything you say can be taken the wrong way.

        I don't talk to the SCs unless I absolutely have to and then it's a simple yes or no when possible. Last year about this time I had a terrible cold and was coughing and sniffling like crazy. Some woman kept coming up to me and asking me stupid questions over and over again. I did get weary of her but answered her stupid questions or took her to the items she asked about.

        After it was all over the bitch went up to the service desk and complained that I was rude and that I growled at her. I was so sick and I told them I may have snorted at her but I certainly didn't growl. Even though I answered all her stinking questions and spent several minutes trying to help her, she still lied about the service she received.

        The bitch in the OP, the woman I spoke of and all the SCs can go to hell for all I care.

        I hate people.

        (Can ya tell I'm not happy about the approaching season?)

        Retail Haiku:
        Depression sets in.
        The hellhole is calling me ~
        I don't want to go.


        • #5
          Quoth WHShit View Post
          And also, if she is that worried about herself being fat then she must have thought I was huge (I am size 10-12 UK/ 5-7 USA). It made me feel gross...perhaps I should have yelled at her for hurting MY feelings.
          Wait, what? You felt gross at a US size 5-7???

          *shakes head*

          Unless you're a dwarf, you're not even remotely heavy. My mom's actually a bit on the thin side these days, at 5'3", and she's a size 9!

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            I'm a size 22 US (I'll probably never be below 14, bone structure speaking for itself). If I were there, I would've eaten her head and then beat her with it.


            • #7
              I would have offered to go to her place that night and prove that I didn't think she was fat


              • #8
                I wonder if she was having some sort of post partum depression? I mean, that's just...nuts!


                • #9
                  Quoth Pezzle View Post
                  I'm a size 22 US (I'll probably never be below 14, bone structure speaking for itself).
                  And that's okay! Jeez, I'm 5'3", 330lbs 50DD, have issues finding clothes on the rack, and guess what, I DON'T CARE. I don't care if people call me fat, I love skinny people who start shit. I just tell them I'm twice(3X,whatever) the woman they'll ever be.


                  • #10
                    Thank you RK . . . this seriously sounds like her body isn't totally back to chemical balance yet.
                    I honestly don't know what could be done to make the lady feel better . . . other than maybe act like the employee who did this was being sent home for the day. (really just sent to back till lady leaves the store) It takes just the smallest missunderstanding for a blow up if some form of post menapausal depression is at work.


                    • #11
                      Makes me wonder if she'll go anorexic.
                      Unseen but seeing
                      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                      3rd shift needs love, too
                      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                      • #12
                        Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                        Makes me wonder if she'll go anorexic.
                        Probably already is, sadly enough. AFAIK, Anorexia is the irrational urge to lose more weight because they believe they're too fat. Bulimia is the one with the purging.

                        Just hasn't gotten to the point where it's caused noticeable damage yet.
                        ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                        And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                        • #13
                          Quoth Tria View Post
                          And that's okay! Jeez, I'm 5'3", 330lbs 50DD, have issues finding clothes on the rack, and guess what, I DON'T CARE. I don't care if people call me fat, I love skinny people who start shit. I just tell them I'm twice(3X,whatever) the woman they'll ever be.

                          lol, i love it when you try and tell people your happy big and all they can do is go O_O. i did that to my dr. once and he looked like he had heard i ate babies for a living.

                          Hobby Twitter.


                          • #14
                            Quoth JustADude View Post
                            Probably already is, sadly enough. AFAIK, Anorexia is the irrational urge to lose more weight because they believe they're too fat. Bulimia is the one with the purging.
                            I've known that for years.

                            And, no, not from personal experience.
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #15
                              I'm thinking this is a case of Postpartum Depression it can be quite severe and make the person seem insane. I suppose if it's bad enough it is a type of insanity. There is nothing anyone but a doctor can do for her. I feel bad for the sales clerks but I also feel bad for her. When you're hormonal like that you KNOW you're being irrational but you can't stop and it's a terrible, terrible feeling.
                              "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                              ~TechSmith 314
                              HellGate: London

