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Parking lots and schools

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  • Parking lots and schools

    Each day, I drop off my kids at the local pre-school. I try to get there early in order to get a parking spot, because otherwise, I have to park very far away in the dirt lot, which at times is muddy from the rain, or I can't get a spot at all. With that, I have to circle around until I find a spot.

    In any case, I was running a little late this morning, so the lot closest to the classrooms was quite full. Upon my approaching the lot, I saw this lady walking to her SUV, so I figured I would wait for her to leave. Not that easy being she came out, then fumbled around in her purse for her keys, then fumbled around some more, then got in her car. Then, I could see her fumbling around some more, and some more, and some more, to where out of her purse came.......her cell phone! And of course, she had to dial her party, and sit there, and sit there, and sit there, knowing I was waiting on her to leave. Then, after she finished with her call, she had to monkey with her seatbelt first. Meanwhile, a line of cars were beginning to back up behind me, and one lady began going around me to circle the lot. Right as that lady circled, this inconsiderate woman pulled out without looking first, and was nearly broadsided.

    I can only imagine what this woman does when she has her kids with her.

  • #2
    Resisting urge..... Parking and schools..... must prevent desire to Kill!!!

    Crazylegs has been removed for his own safety, normal service will resume shortly, thank you for your patience
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      Maybe she is like I've heard some of the people here post about and thought you were spot stalking so she purposefully dragged out everything she was doing in the intent of irritating you. Granted, given your circumstances I can see why you'd be waiting on an obvious spot so I'm not trying to say you shouldn't have been politely waiting... it is just the only reason, aside from her being a jerk, I can think why someone would do that.
      "Oh, the strawberries don't taste as they used to and the thighs of women have lost their clutch!"


      • #4
        I can understand being grumpy about spot-stalking, but in a situation like this, with children involved and a lot that is ALWAYS and consistently full up, I think it puts you into the rude category to sit there forever and a day, knowing that someone is waiting for your spot.

        Granted, I'm probably glad she stayed in park while on her cell phone, rather than trying to drive at the same time.
        "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

        “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


        • #5
          Quoth Heksubah View Post
          Maybe she is like I've heard some of the people here post about and thought you were spot stalking so she purposefully dragged out everything she was doing in the intent of irritating you. Granted, given your circumstances I can see why you'd be waiting on an obvious spot so I'm not trying to say you shouldn't have been politely waiting... it is just the only reason, aside from her being a jerk, I can think why someone would do that.
          I've even posted threads about this sort of thing, but I think an exception can be made on this one. It was not as if I was following her to her car, like others do around here. I happened to see her getting into her car, so I thought I would wait instead of circling around for someone else to leave. The lot was full, almost like it is the day after Thanksgiving, or the weekend before Christmas. If I'm there, I will look for someone that is leaving. If I am the one leaving, I get my stuff done quickly and drive off to let someone else that needs that space to have it. The only thing I fumble with is my seatbelt, and it's the first thing I do when I start the car. The cell phone, rummaging through my purchases, etc, can all wait until I'm outta there.


          • #6
            Quoth greensinestro View Post
            Right as that lady circled, this inconsiderate woman pulled out without looking first, and was nearly broadsided.

            I can only imagine what this woman does when she has her kids with her.
            This is the part that got me. She backs out with out looking in a school parking lot?!
            We never got rides to school and we lived 2 miles away (just under the busing zone), but I went to school in the *cough*70's*cough*. Is this ride thing because it isn't safe for the kids to walk to school? If it is that is too bad - the walk home from school was my favorite part of the day.


            • #7
              Quoth auntiem View Post
              This is the part that got me. She backs out with out looking in a school parking lot?!
              We never got rides to school and we lived 2 miles away (just under the busing zone), but I went to school in the *cough*70's*cough*. Is this ride thing because it isn't safe for the kids to walk to school? If it is that is too bad - the walk home from school was my favorite part of the day.
              We're in that situation where we are just under the two miles. But, my kids go to pre-school for now, so I wouldn't feel right having them walk to school and then home.

              As for her leaving without looking, these are the same people who probably fly through school zones and not caring about endangering the children's lives.


              • #8
                I used to live close enough to school that I could walk, but I was too young to walk alone. Since my mom was a stay-at-home mom, she could either walk or drive us to school. If it was really nice, we always walked. We only drove when it was cold or raining.
                Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                The Office


                • #9
                  Sorry greensinestro - I didn't catch the pre-school part of your original post - for sure too young to walk themselves! I don't think these days I'd let a grade schooler walk to school either - even in a group like we used to - sad statement on the state of the world.
                  It was a knee jerk reaction on my part because I have to deal with the traffic volume of parents dropping off their Jr High school kids every morning - these kids I know for a fact can walk because they manage the nearly two miles to the 7-11 after school. Maybe their folks don't think the kids will actually arrive at the school if left to their own devices? (judging from some of the kids I wouldn't doubt it)


                  • #10
                    Quoth auntiem View Post
                    Sorry greensinestro - I didn't catch the pre-school part of your original post - for sure too young to walk themselves! I don't think these days I'd let a grade schooler walk to school either - even in a group like we used to - sad statement on the state of the world.
                    It was a knee jerk reaction on my part because I have to deal with the traffic volume of parents dropping off their Jr High school kids every morning - these kids I know for a fact can walk because they manage the nearly two miles to the 7-11 after school. Maybe their folks don't think the kids will actually arrive at the school if left to their own devices? (judging from some of the kids I wouldn't doubt it)
                    Nah, not a problem there. I know where you're coming from. There were times I walked home from or to school, and it was actually good for you. Now a days, it's not after being exposed to shows like "Dateline" and seeing who's possibly "watching" your children.


                    • #11
                      Ooh, and let's not forget "Unsolved Mysteries" and those shows! My mom used to be so paranoid about letting me do anything on my own. I couldn't walk down the street by myself to a neighbor's house. She didn't want me going to the mall alone. If she had her way, I'd be stuck in a plastic bubble where the meany heads couldn't hurt me. *rolls eyes*

                      It's ok to be cautious, but some people overdo it. Let's talk about the schoolbus on my street that stops at every single house because the little junior high kids can't walk 20 feet on their own. It's a PITA to get stuck behind the bus.
                      Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                      Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                      The Office


                      • #12
                        I live less than a mile from where I went to high school, but I live in the Township, and the school is in the Boro, so I got a bus. But my parents drove us in the morning (since it was so close and we left at the same time) and I preferred to walk home. By the time the bus got out of the school grounds, I was halfway home. Though my brother still got home before me.

                        When I was in 6th grade there was a kindergartner on my bus who literally lived right next door to the school. But their rule was all kindergartners get a bus. I guess his mom let him take it for the experience of riding the school would have taken her 5 minutes to walk him to school and get home.
                        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

