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Nice ethics, lady...

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  • #16
    Quoth Geek King View Post
    Bully was pretty good. Give it a rent and try it at least.
    Eh, I'm really more a FPS kind of girl.
    Would you like a Stummies?


    • #17
      Quoth marty View Post
      One thing that bothers me when people buy games like this for their kids is that they put so much more emphasis on sex than violence.
      Can't figure out that one either. Beating up prostitutes for their money is ok, but don't let Johnny see a breast.

      Cognitive dissonance still makes me stare at afflicted people when I see it in the wild.


      • #18
        Quoth ForestDragon View Post
        Not quite. I own Bully and your description's not accurate. In Bully, you play Jimmy Hopkins, a kid who's been thrown out of about seven schools and you've just been dumped off at Bullworth Academy while your mother goes off on honeymoon with her flavor of the year. The school is indeed loaded with bullies - in fact, the Bullies are one of the cliques whose respect you have to earn along the way. The cliques are The Bullies, The Nerds, The Jocks, The Greasers and The Preps.

        You are not 'permitted' to beat up teachers, doing so will get you into deep, deep trouble - you immediately get dragged off to the office. A few of those and you have detention and need to do things like mow the football field. Same thing if you hit a Prefect (and can't outrun him), a smaller kid or a girl. Stick to pounding other guys and don't let the prefects or teachers see you doing it and you should be all right. You don't have to do this, btw, it's just an option. During the course of the game, you have missions and side missions during which you gain the respect of all the cliques and of the Townies (everyone not at the school, most of whom don't have much use for you) and can even get girls to like you (and a few guys , one from each clique, but they're pretty closeted).

        There are no guns or knives; your main weapon is a slingshot. Others include things like marbles (to stop pursuit), stink bombs, firecrackers, itching powder and so on. You get to explore the town, buy things, play minigames, attend (or skip) class - attending is better since you get definite benefits to your skills for doing so. No blood, no gore, not that much bad language, a good deal of violence in the form of fist fighting. The game might be made by the same folks who did GTA, but it's a different beast entirely.
        you forgot to mention you can attack cops (which btw I wouldn't suggest, because you will get caught, you will go down in flames, and it will be painful)... and just out of curiosity how did you find out about the guys...
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #19
          justadude, consider it a by product of our american sense of false modesty; we abhor anything sexual in nature, yet have more porn than you can shake a stick at, while violence is ok, even if at it's very core, is far worse than teaching things like sex ed, which help educate the masses.

          god forbid we should actually gain some understanding on our natures, after all.

          my son pulled that stunt with gta *insert incarnation here* by trying an end run around my 'absolutely no way in hell' rule about that particular series by tricking grandma into buying it. after i found out, my mom took it away, and got her cash value from it as a turn in. it doesn't keep him from trying, but there are some things he just doesn't need to have at hand, after all.

          some games are just pure crap; those types are on that list, imo.
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #20
            Quoth chainedbarista View Post
            justadude, consider it a by product of our american sense of false modesty; we abhor anything sexual in nature, yet have more porn than you can shake a stick at, while violence is ok, even if at it's very core, is far worse than teaching things like sex ed, which help educate the masses.

            god forbid we should actually gain some understanding on our natures, after all.
            Very good point, ChainedBarista. Makes as much sense as anything else does... which isn't much ... but it does fit the observed facts nicely.
            And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


            • #21
              Quoth MamaMootz View Post
              Wasn't this came called Deathrace 2000? Or am I confusing it with a different one?
              Maybe you're thinking of Carmageddon, which I did have in my late 20s.


              • #22
                Quoth Jack7957 View Post
                Maybe you're thinking of Carmageddon, which I did have in my late 20s.
                No, this game was from the 70s. Black and white monitor, blocky graphics. Probably within three or four years of Pong.


                • #23
                  Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                  No, this game was from the 70s. Black and white monitor, blocky graphics.
                  I think you're thinking of Death Race that Gurndigarn mentioned earlier in the thread.

