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O.M.F.G...he did not just say what I thought he said.

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  • O.M.F.G...he did not just say what I thought he said.

    SO and I went out for our usual date/errands that we do every Friday night. We were rather imbivalent as to what we wanted so we ended up at the local IHOP.

    Usually this particular location is packed but tonight it wasn't. I don't mind it busy, it just makes it hard to hold a conversation over other people talking. We could even hear the music for once.

    Anyway, about 30 seconds after we're seated and I'm taking off my jacket, the waiter comes up, introduces himself, asks for our drinks and what we wanted to eat. I mention to the waiter that we just got seated, could we please have a couple of minutes. I happen to put my cell phone on the table and see the time, then just get to open the menu when the waiter sails by, plunks down the drinks and then asks if we're ready to order.

    SO speaks up this time, saying we're still looking, can we please have a few minutes. The waiter sort of sneers at SO, sighs and walks off.

    I understand that he wanted to take our order, but I HATE HATE HATE pushy people. I mean there were a total of 3 filled tables in the restaurant. I don't think that our table was coveted by any means and seeing as there was plenty of room elsewhere if it was needed, I doubt that it would be a problem seating people.

    We finally place our orders, mine with just one minor detail. I wanted all bacon, no sausage.

    20 minutes later, we get our food. And there is sausage. All sausage. I let the waiter know that I had requested bacon. No, I wanted sausage, he counters. *blink* SO says, no, she asked for all bacon.

    Well, she doesn't need bacon, sausage is better for her, because all the bacon fat will just go to my hips. *blinkblink* I push my plate away and ask for a manager. I'm not hungry. I may be heavy, but I do not and will not tolerate being insulted. I strive to eat well all week, and I don't go over the 1500 calorie mark daily. This is the first time in about 3 months I've had something like pancakes or bacon. A little treat now and then is not going to make me fall off the wagon.

    Manager comes up, I'm trying not to get angry and let SO take over. Meals are comped, offers of anything else we might want, can they box up the food.

    And the waiter tried to give some half ass apology, then had the nerve to ask for a tip. I dug into my pocket, handed him a penny and told him to spend it wisely before I walked out.

    SO told me later as we were heading to Borders that another waiter told him he'd been owned by the cute chick. Someone called me cute!
    Random conversation:
    Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
    DDD: Cuz it's cool

    So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

  • #2
    That waiter was beyond beyond and beyond sucky! I'm glad that it all ended up good for you


    • #3
      The nerve some people have, and the utter idiocy. Is sausage really that much better for you than bacon? Enough so that you're willing to risk getting yelled at? I don't think so. Whatta twit. Probably related to a waitress I had once.

      I'd ordered Coke to drink, she brings me ice tea. I ask a passing waiter if they can switch it, no problem. My waitress comes back later with a refill, it's ice tea again. I ask if I can please have the Coke I'd ordered, as this is ice tea. She takes, turns around, and mutters under her breath "Would it kill you to have something without sugar?" Wtf. I know some places have basically tea with ice thrown in, but up here it's all sugared syrup mix. The stuff has as much, if not more sugar than Coke. I refrained from pointing that out, and I can't remember if I tipped her or not.
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        Hey FMA, which IHOP was that? I want to make sure I avoid it.

        Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


        • #5
          Quoth fma_fanatic View Post
          I let the waiter know that I had requested bacon. No, I wanted sausage, he counters. *blink*
          I've waited a LOT of tables. I suppose (we all know that SC's are capable of just about anything...) that it's possible for a customer to order something, change their mind, then take the "That's what I said to begin with." route instead of just flagging down the waiter and saying "I'd rather have..."

          I've never had it happen to me though. I HAVE had people SAY "I want 'A'" when they meant "I want 'B'", and honestly think they said 'B'. But what the heck is the difference? Once they inform me (especially with an easy fix like yours), I apologize, say I must have misheard, and replace the item.

          My reasoning is that there is really no scamming involved, so what motive would the customer have to lie? If I heard "sausage" but they said "bacon", my bad. If they said "bacon" but meant "sausage", hey, they aren't getting away with anything. Switch the items and change the ticket (if there's a price difference).

          Quoth fma_fanatic View Post
          And the waiter tried to give some half ass apology, then had the nerve to ask for a tip.
          Wow! I'm really curious. I've never requested a tip even after perfect service. I realize you were probably too irritated for details at this point, but do you remember exactly how he phrased that request? Rushed service, botched order, personal insults and "May I have a tip?"


          • #6
            The waiter is also stupid. Sausage is frequently fatty. At least with bacon you can cut off the fat, absorb the surface grease with something absorbent - maybe the serviette the cutlery was wrapped in - and have a tasty, lean treat. You can't do that with sausage.

            Rude, stupid and out of line. What a trifecta.
            Seshat's self-help guide:
            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


            • #7
              First off. That waiter didnt even deserve the penny you gave him. Wow. Insulting, rude, arrogant and insulting...I know I said it twice but he went overboard by directly comment the way he did as well as messing with your order.

              Is sausage really that much better for you than bacon? Enough so that you're willing to risk getting yelled at? I don't think so.
              If its done properly heck no sausage isnt better for you. The fat and all the goodies are left in when you grind it. Though when it cooks a lot of the fat cooks out with sausage. Its what I fry the eggs in when I make sausage and eggs. If I dont use butter that is. Reminds me I need to talk to my cousin and see if porky or petunia has been slaughtered yet..Homemade sausage is gooooooood!.

              And bacon isnt that much better but like seshat said if you dont want it its a lot easier to get rid of the fat


              • #8
                What. The. Hell.

                That guy probably doesn't have any business at all being in customer service if he plans to keep behaving like that O__o He would have gotten the middle finger instead of a penny, had it been me.

                On the topic of fat and eating out, unless going to a restaurant is something one does on a daily/regular basis, I say go ahead and splurge. It's rather frustrating trying to eat out with someone who won't order anything because it'll 'spoil their diet'. Oh well.

                Kudos for not losing your cool and just walking out though. I don't imagine he'll be there much longer if people keep lodging complaints against him . . .
                The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                • #9
                  I waited tables at IHOP for a month (I needed money bad). I didn't quit because of the volume of sucky customers, and oh my god only about one out of fifty customers were decent human beings, I quit because the vast majority of my coworkers were just that ridiculously and obnoxiously stupid.

                  Trust me, they'll hire anyone at IHOP.
                  Would you like a Stummies?


                  • #10
                    MY god was a jerk it does amaze me PPL get away with this crap!
                    happen to me at a sub shop i been going to for years!
                    a mom pop place!
                    i was bit OVER weight BUT it happens After giving birth
                    i am known there for i used to go there as a kid on the way home to get a diet coke and maybe a bag of Chips!! anyways
                    this guy who has seen me before the weight gain ....takes my order,
                    as i order subs for me , hubby mom and dad and a small pizza for my friend!
                    he LOL @ me says "Ya you look like you can Eat all this at once" and WINKS!!!
                    ok????????????? then he just kept saying" i guess at your size there is no turning back".....WTF....enough!!! i was getting so mad! I Called For the Owner..who of Course i know!!

                    i told him what happend!! HE was SO Sorry and told the guy to stop and take a brake As he makes my order!...only charged me the Food tax! and gave me a free large pizza coupon for my next visit!
                    ( hubby liked that...i was in tears and I had to stop my husband from knocking the Bloody crap OUt of him!)


                    • #11
                      It's not the waiter's place to dictate what you should or shouldn't eat. He went wayyyyyy over the line with that.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Blade_Raver View Post
                        Hey FMA, which IHOP was that? I want to make sure I avoid it.

                        The one over in Chesterfield Commons. I really was hoping that they'd opened The Original Pancake House, but it won't be open till after Thanksgiving. Dang it.
                        Random conversation:
                        Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                        DDD: Cuz it's cool

                        So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                          It's not the waiter's place to dictate what you should or shouldn't eat. He went wayyyyyy over the line with that.
                          Agreed. I mean, I've managed to drop 30lbs the last 3 months, as well as being very disciplined, so it's hard to think that I wanted something to make me feel good. And IHOP was perfect for that. I really wanted the Pancake Surrender, but they were out of Pumpkin batter, so I opted for the Breakfast Sampler.

                          As for the tip, I can only guess that because SO ate his burger (I swear! the man is going to turn into one!), that he deserved the tip for that. I don't feel bad about giving him the penny now that I think about it. I just think that he was really asking for it. Jerk.
                          Random conversation:
                          Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                          DDD: Cuz it's cool

                          So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                          • #14
                            Quoth fma_fanatic View Post
                            The one over in Chesterfield Commons. I really was hoping that they'd opened The Original Pancake House, but it won't be open till after Thanksgiving. Dang it.
                            Yeah.. I could see something like that happening there... I'm sorry you had to deal with that snooty wench.
                            Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


                            • #15
                              Quoth fma_fanatic View Post
                              The one over in Chesterfield Commons. I really was hoping that they'd opened The Original Pancake House, but it won't be open till after Thanksgiving. Dang it.
                              If it's the Original Pancake House I'm thinking of, holy crap that is my favorite restaurant. The chocolate chip pancakes that they make are awesome!
                              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

