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Don't tell us to be sucky customers, lady!

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  • Don't tell us to be sucky customers, lady!

    Some people just don't know when to keep their mouths shut!

    The bf and I needed to go to the bank to make a deposit this morning (his credit card payment didn't get there in time so I put some money in and spotted him the money to pay online. Hey, might as well pay twice then not at all, right?). Anyway, while we were down by the bank we decided that we might as well do our grocery shopping and save a second trip down there at night. We much prefer to do our shopping at night because there is usually very little crowding at the stores we like to frequent.

    Anyway, we picked a few things up at the grocery store, then proceeded to wait in line. Now, of course, this being the weekend before Thanksgiving means that everybody and their grandmother is out at the grocery store. We had a few too many items for the express line, not to mention that the line was long there as well, so we waited behind everybody who had a cart full of stuff.

    That's when we ended up behind this winner... She looks at us with our small basket of stuff (about 14 or 15 items) and says, "Why don't you go down to the express line? There's nobody waiting there!"

    At this point, my bf said, "Well, actually, we have too many items for the express line. It's ten items or fewer."

    Not to be outdone, snarky woman said, "Oh, who cares! They'll take you anyway!"

    I wanted to smack snarky woman at this point. Bf was obviously agitated and responded. "That's not the point. The point is, we obviously have more than ten items! And besides, in some places people actually get beat up for even having so much as one item over the limit! Didn't you hear about the person in Massachustts that happened to? I'd rather not take my chances."

    The woman shut up and ignored us at this point. Good, the conversation was going nowhere anyway. It was a bad day to go grocery shopping. Don't even get us started about the woman who let us in line since we had so few items and she had a cartload and just proceeded to totally cut us in line when a new line opened up. Then to top it all off she just had to write a check and get two cartons of cigarettes! Boy am I glad I'm home now!
    Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.

  • #2
    See, I have principles. I know I probably wouldn't have been shooed away, but to me "10 items or fewer" means 10 items or fewer. (Oh, and for those who forgot about the incident I referred to, here's a link.)

    Gah, I hate shopping in that town on a Saturday morning. All it does is torque me off.
    Last edited by chops; 11-17-2007, 06:58 PM. Reason: Added link to beat-up story
    "Well, ergo cogitum daltitum e pluribus shut your piehole." -Mike Rowe


    • #3
      Quoth GolfCart34 View Post

      Don't even get us started about the woman who let us in line since we had so few items and she had a cartload and just proceeded to totally cut us in line when a new line opened up. Then to top it all off she just had to write a check and get two cartons of cigarettes! Boy am I glad I'm home now!
      sounds like the Broad WHO cut me and my hubby last week at "T"
      MY god!!! she knew SHE cut to! picture it:
      one cashier to the left and to the right each had a person we were waiting in the middle as this is how it goes there! Broad hears " next" ( us ya think)
      she runs up and FLIES right by US!!!! OMGshe Address' the clerk by NAMe and smiling LOOKING back at us!!!ordering her million dollar Tickets and her BLUNTS!!! hmmmm?
      the clerk KNEW what happend!!!
      When she was done and walked by me; Hubby went to the counter and i Whispered "bitch" she heard me and LOOKED then Walked off!

      i told the clerk IF i was Working this I would have Spoken up!
      HE says "Im sorry I should have wasnt thinking"
      BS...i think its cause she was regular!!!

      out side there she is in her Little crap box of a car rejected sticker Duck tape EVERYWERE scratching Away on her tickets!
      I look at her shake my head and she i guess "HAD IT" WITH me FOR SHE ... rolls her window down yells out "what?"
      I then say what?
      she then says whats the problem?
      ******HUBBY grabbing me!
      I said YOUR A SUCKY Bitch WHo cuts thats What!!

      she just sits there

      I know its OFF topic!!! BUT it Just EERKS me That Regular Customers At stores
      think THEY are The OLE high Mighty!!!
      for I never had or will let a REGULAR get in the way OF any NEwcomer! EVER!!!


      • #4
        Quoth GolfCart34 View Post
        Didn't you hear about the person in Massachustts that happened to? I'd rather not take my chances."
        Uh oh, someone found out about that? *Looks out window for flashing blue lights*
        "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


        • #5
          Quoth MMATM View Post
          Uh oh, someone found out about that? *Looks out window for flashing blue lights*
          Crap! I knew I shouldn't have called the cops on you! Just kidding!

          Seriously, I grew up about 30 minutes away from Lowell not too far over the border into New Hampshire, so I heard all about that when it happened. And at Market Basket of all places. Market Basket is my favorite grocery store. I just wish we had them in Vermont!
          Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


          • #6
            It takes a lot for me to be confrontational, but I can be passive-aggressive quite easily. I would have said, "No, only an asshole would do that!"
            Sometimes life is altered.
            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
            Uneasy with confrontation.
            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


            • #7
              Quoth MadMike View Post
              It takes a lot for me to be confrontational, but I can be passive-aggressive quite easily. I would have said, "No, only an asshole would do that!"
              I was really surprised that bf spoke up because we're both passive people and we absolutely hate confrontation. I'll have to keep the "asshole" comment in mind, though, just in case it happens again (especially with the holidays fast approaching).
              Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


              • #8
                It would help a lot if the store's would let the cashiers kick people out of line if they have over the amount. I would even let 1-2 items over slide, when it's 15 or 20 items or less, it's possible to miscount, I've done it.

                I love Sunflower Market, but I'm beginning to think that they don't let their cashiers do that. Two days in a row now*, I've been in the express lane (15 or less) and the people in front of me have way more. Not only did the bitch in front of me today had at least 25 (I only had a gallon of milk), she had some bulk items. Did she close them with the twist-tie that where you write the bin # on? Would I be typing this if she had? And the poor cashier, poor thing, she was in training (still learning codes, etc.), the Sunday before Thanksgiving, on express, and this treasure of a woman had the nerve to start getting impatient with her! She looked so thankful that I only had one easy item and even had exact change ready for her.

                I think that one person in the article about the dust-up in Mass. is right, nobody has any manners, consideration, or realization that they aren't the only people in the world, nor are the "special". Although, it is fun calling 'em on it!

                Yes, I'm known to go there sometimes once a day. They're across the street and I can get fresh fruit and veggies there cheaper than Wally World!
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                • #9
                  Quoth Pagan View Post
                  I think that one person in the article about the dust-up in Mass. is right, nobody has any manners, consideration, or realization that they aren't the only people in the world, nor are the "special".
                  Well, we are called "Massholes" for a reason... (No, not everyone is a jerk here, just the vast majority... especially when driving!)

                  I hadn't heard about that incident, but I live 2 hours away from that part of the state where it happened. It really doesn't surprise me though. I mean, people today not only have less manners and poorer role models, we also live in higher stress, so for someone to snap like that? It's a shame.
                  Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
                  Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
                  The Office


                  • #10
                    Quoth Zoe1975 View Post
                    MY god!!! she knew SHE cut to!....
                    i had a similar instance one weekend at the state fair. Normally i'm quite passive, but i dunno why, i just snapped this time.

                    Lady sitting in line, then we line up behind her and then an adult with 5 kids comes up and queues next to her.

                    i asked my fiance, "did that just happen?" so i asked the lady (quite nicely i think) if she could let us in front of her since we're only 3 and she's currently 7 and she said no. and that's when i started to lose it.

                    don't remember all the conversation because it took place over a month ago, but the gist of it was this:

                    she said that there is only 5 of us and only a couple more coming. I point out that there were already 5 people there and she gets more pissy and starts to say that's how it's going to be and that's how the world is. At that point i called her a bitch and walked away i was so pissed. all this for free ice cream! so then later my fiance brought me some ice cream and told me that 7 more ppl came and cut in front.

                    way i see it, i feel sorry for any people who have to serve her in a customer service role.

                    i think that "holding someone's place" in line ended in elementary... apparently it hasn't for her, and i think it's unfair that other ppl get to run around and do whatever they want and then get in front of a busy line just because someone they know was there.

                    my .02


                    • #11
                      They are multiplying!

                      Day before yesterday I was in Fred Meyers (Kroger) picking up a few things, and then a few more, and then my bead mags and ooh look, a new Horse is out! So I have more than the appropriate 12 items by now and go to stand in line.

                      Lady does the same thing: Why don't you go to the express lane, they'll take you."

                      Well, now, I have more than 12 items don't I?

                      "Oh, they'll still take you, they can't enforce that dumb rule."

                      "Well, ma'am, only a cunt would be that discourteous."

                      "Mommy! You said a bad word!" Yes, my kids were with me, (I'm a bad mom).

                      "Well, honey, only people who deserved to be called those bad words would be that rude."

                      She didn't utter another word.

                      Sorry, the holidays already have me in a bad mood as far as customers go.
             do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                      Chickens are Asexual!


                      • #12
                        zzapp, yeah, Kroger doesn't enforce that rule. I don't see why they even HAVE the express lanes when they don't even enforce it. When I quit there (almost a year and a half ago), there was a certain way for checklanes to be opened. If I'm remembering correctly, it was (not counting self-scan):

                        1 - regular lane (w/cigarette corral)
                        2 - express
                        3 - regular
                        4 - regular
                        5 - express (if applicable)
                        6 - regular (if applicable)

                        Well, 6 wasn't applicable at either store, as the two stores I was at had a total of nine checklanes (5 at one, 4 at the other). I would get into verbal confrontations with the supervisors over the fact that we had an express lane, but weren't able to adhere to it. I even had a lady complain at me about it, and I told her "Yeah, management won't allow us to adhere to the "express lane" idea". I think she complained AND got a ten dollar gift card (along with something else to kiss her ass).
                        Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


                        • #13
                          I was in line at an express lane once and the lady in front of me had lice treatment in her full cart.

                          Oh, what a fun few minutes of "oblivious" thinking out loud that was.
                          "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                          • #14
                            Quoth daleduke17 View Post
                            Well, 6 wasn't applicable at either store, as the two stores I was at had a total of nine checklanes (5 at one, 4 at the other)..
                            fred meyers are usually bigger than kroger's, they are affiliates, but fred meyer does what target wants you to think target does(slightly better products at slightly higher prices than wal-mart) and our 2 local stores have about 20 registers each


                            • #15
                              Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
                              I was in line at an express lane once and the lady in front of me had lice treatment in her full cart.

                              Oh, what a fun few minutes of "oblivious" thinking out loud that was.
                              I have that kind of fun when it comes to feminine cream. I just keep it to myself though
                              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

