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  • OH NO!

    Remember my thread about the Sheriff, my annoying neighbor who stalks everyone to find someone to talk to?

    He got a job at the local Wal-Mart. Not the one I usually go to. My other neighbor had told me a few weeks ago.

    For some odd reason, I agreed to go shopping with a friend this afternoon. But hell, the doorbuster sales were over and everything was pretty calm.

    When we left the mall, my friend realized her headlight had burnt out. So to Wal-Mart we went! *we later found out they didn't carry what she needed*

    But rewind to Wal-Mart. It was me, my friend, and her 4 year old daughter. We were all walking along towards the auto section when I saw the familiar lanky Sheriff, stalking customers, following them around. Unfortunately, he works in TOYS. Yeah, what a bad idea!

    My friend's daughter desperately wanted to look at toys. I looked out for him while my friend and her daughter looked at toys for a moment. Then he came at us. And followed us. And kept following us.

    That's when I burst out "Kelly, grab Lisa right now! We need to book it!" and my friend scooped up her daughter and we literally booked it to the automotive section.

    On the way out of the store, we walked alongside the walls and by cosmetics and the pharmacy and even went out the wrong doors, and I looked out for Sheriff the entire time.

    My question is how the FUCK is this guy still working at Wal-Mart? How does a person like me fail their personality test, while this guy (granted he is mentally challenged and he probably got a freebie with that one) who most likely stalks all of his customers and won't let them leave without talking their ears off, still has a job there?

    I'm to the point at HOME of where if his car is even home, I am always ready to put out my smoke and run back inside if I hear a door open or those cowboy boots clopping. If I see his car pull up I'm flying inside my apartment.

    Maybe now that he finally actually saw me and my friend try to get away from him, he'll leave me alone at home.

    Good thing I don't go to that Wal-Mart regularly. I feel for ANYONE who has to put up with him. And why did they put a guy with such a stalker personality in the TOY section?
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    How come you haven't reported him to somebody?


    • #3
      Ummmmm.....he is mentally challenged and the worse thing he is doing is following people and talking their ear off right? Sure it's annoying; but, how is this man a threat or a danger and why should he be reported?


      • #4
        Are you serious? You're wondering how someone who follows customers indiscriminately, and talks to them a lot manages to keep a job?


        It's called loss prevention. You really think someone's going to risk pocketing anything when an employee won't leave them alone for anything? To you, he's annoying. He's probably a manager's wet dream.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          Hey, at least he found a job to fill his time.

          If he's working at a store you never go to, then that means less time for him to hang out annoying you where you live.

          Who cares why he still has a job? Instead of questioning why he still keeps it, be grateful someone cared enough to hired a mentally challenged person to give them a chance.

          To me, its a win/win for both you and your neighbour, and as Spiffy mentioned, for Wal-Mart as well.
          Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


          • #6
            Quoth Ree View Post
            as Spiffy mentioned,
            Spiffy! Quit impersonating me!

            Still, good point Ree. Beyond the fact he sounds like a decent employee, he's going to be out of Blas's hair more. Sounds like the coveted Triple-Win!
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Quoth Ree View Post
              be grateful someone cared enough to hired a mentally challenged person to give them a chance.
              ITA Ree, and from the sounds of it he is doing his job right. There is no reason why he should be reported or be deemed a stalker or a threat for just doing his job.


              • #8
                Well at least you know to steer clear of that particular Wal-Mart.

                If the other shoppers don't have a problem with him, what's the harm really? Mentally challenged people have just a much of a right to hold down a job as you and me, if they can perform the job adequately.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  Quoth Broomjockey View Post

                  Spiffy! Quit impersonating me!
                  Please forgive me...lack of sleep does odd things to the brain.

                  Of course I meant Broomjockey.
                  Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                  • #10
                    Aww, sorry Ree No need to apologize.
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #11
                      Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                      Spiffy! Quit impersonating me!
                      Imitation is the sincerist form of flattery.
                      I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                      Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                      • #12
                        You guys are right, I SHOULD be thankful. But you guys, if you remember my threads about this guy, he is extremely annoying. Probably a good detourant for theft, but also holds the potential to scare children.

                        To anyone who already knows him, we know that's just how he is and we head the other way. To someone who doesn't know him or has small kids, there's a chance someone could forget to even think about the possibility of him being different, and automatically assume he's trying something. If I were a kid again, and he came up to me, I'd probably be scared of him.

                        Unfortunately, while it's great that he has a job and he's out of all of our hair back at home, he only works part-time. Really part-time, according to my other neighbor, Randy. Randy is the hero who always takes the heat for me and stays out and listens to Sheriff while I hide inside. Sheriff only works two 8 hour shifts a week.

                        Since my threads are probably several pages back, I'll make it short and sweet by summing it up saying the landlords already know about this guy, and the maintenance man, Mike, has already had chit chats with him, because Randy had told me that way before I moved in, he used to go to people's DOORS and knock on them or look in their windows to get them to come out and talk to him (I never knew it had been that bad before, previously I was only told that Sheriff has been told before to stop hunting people down, that's all). The young college girls who used to live in my apartment got in trouble for smoking in their apartment because they couldn't go outside to smoke without being bugged by him, so they risked the trouble and just smoked inside.

                        Also, I was wrong about my assumption. Several hours after I returned home and went out to smoke, I saw one of his lights were on in his room, I saw him open the shades with his fingers, and I saw the light go out. So I put out my smoke and went inside and sure enough (yes, I'm just as bad for peeping him right back) I saw him out my window running outside expecting me there, but I had beat him to it. So no, no chances of him leaving me or anyone else alone at home.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          THAT is creepy... I can see why you avoid him, Blas.

