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Stupidity at the grocerey store!

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  • Stupidity at the grocerey store!

    Wow. People are stupid.

    It began even before I got into the store. Someone pulled into a space but didn't slow down enough, their front tires went OVER the parking spot head (those concrete things they put to make it so you cannot pull though). I don't know the damage but backing over it probably didn't help.

    Blockbuster (before the grocery store): word of advice to the sucky customer who was in there. If they say a movie is out of stock, they're out of stock. The manager isn't going to come out with a magic want and pull one out of his ass for you.

    Grocery store:
    I really *really* hope that people do NOT drive their cars like they do the shopping carts / carriages / buggies (whatever you call them). If so, I'm inventing a teleporter so I don't get killed going to work.

    Yes, seafood salad has seafood in it. Yes, it's imitation crab meat, but that's usually made up of pollack and other odd and end fishes (some shark, too). Shrimp is also seafood. So is lobster. Most of the sushi (except the veggie rolls) have seafood in them, too. Just go buy some chicken or beef.

    Lady, putting a box of cereal in a produce bag is futile. You're still going to get the BACTERIA and GERMS when you open the box. Putting a paper towel on the handle of the cart won't help either. Here, let me sneeze near you.

    Don't leave the freezer door open for 20 minutes while you look at all the packages, there's a reason why they're glass and leaving it open causes all the other doors to fog up so no one can see in them.

    Putting canned goods in a produce bag won't help either.

    Oh, I see, it's OK to have chicken leaking over everything because that's packaged, but everything else has to go into a bag?

    Buy one, get one free means you buy one, you get an IDENTICAL ONE for free. You can't buy an 8 ounce container and expect to get a 10 pounder for free.

    There's no milk in the cooler that will last a decade. Give up.

    Germ lady, you use credit cards because cash has too many germs on it. You just swiped your card where thousands of people swiped their cards. Putting your cards in a marijuana sized ziploc bag won't help you. Oh and acting this way will make things worse for you. You're not letting your body get exposed to germs so it won't know how to fight them off. I bet if you get a small cold you're out. If I get one, it's sudafed time and I'm at work. Go live in a plastic bubble.
    Quote Dalesys:
    ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"

  • #2
    I think I've seen that "bag" lady...or maybe a relative.
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Well, if you are related to germ lady, then you and I must be kin. I have a female cousin who we affectionately call "Mr. Monk."


      • #4
        I used to have someone like the Bag Lady at the evil yellow smiley face place. Anything with any kind of condensation or natural 'sweat' went into a produce bag. Or two or three. Then she would ask for those to be double bagged when I bagged them 'because they're wet'. Oh yes, and all her stuff had to be 'separate' as well. We were lucky if she let us put more than three things in a bag because heaven forbid, the packages of frozen vegetables and bologna might get the milk carton wet. (Don't worry, this evokes just as much of a "" response in me as well)

        She always had a small wad of cotton jammed into each ear, and we were always, ALWAYS careful to discreetly remove the roll of produce bags from her cart before sending her on her way. That's right, every time she visited the store, she would attempt to lift an entire, almost full roll of bags from the produce department. Maybe she thought she was the wicked witch of the West and that water would make her melt or something . . .
        The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


        • #5
          We had a young woman used to come in wearing long sweatshirts, wool gloves, long pants, hats. Germaphobe big time.

          This is South Carolina.

          She was a very nice woman, but I always wondered how she did it.

          Did I mention this is South Carolina? For those of you who don't know, South Carolina is HOT. Yes, we have winter here, and sometimes it actually gets really cold here. The weather is odd here. I've literally sledded in snow wearing jeans and a short sleeve t-shirt. But for the most part, it is either warm or downright hot here. Summer is crazy with heat and humidity. Long stints of 90 to 100+ weather with extremely high humidity is common.

          And yet, no matter the time of year, no matter the heat index, this woman would be wearing her woolens.

          She should have been less worried about germs and more worried about heat stroke.


          • #6
            Lady Barbarosa - you guys should have charged her for all of the extra bags she used. If she complained, she could bring her own from the last time! That is, if they weren't "contaminated." Yeesh.

            Kinkoid, that woman may have been on a medication where she had to be very careful about the amount of sunlight on her skin and kept covered as best she could. Or something similar.


            • #7
              Oh, no. Not her. It was all about the germs. She was a friendly regular, rather well liked in the store. She'd come in and hang out and chat. She was rather against meds. She was insulating herself against the outside world.


              • #8
                The big scary outside world . . . that I think we were actually meant to live in

                Slightly OT, but I've found from personal experience and acquaintances that those who spend more time indoors in immaculately vacuumed homes complete with air purifiers, etc, spend more time sick with colds than those who are more lenient with the OCD cleaning and let themselves get exposed to dirt and such more often. As someone said earlier, becoming a germaphobe only increases the likelihood that you'll get sick, because you're not giving your body the chance to build immunities.
                The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                • #9
                  Quoth LadyBarbossa View Post
                  Slightly OT, but I've found from personal experience and acquaintances that those who spend more time indoors in immaculately vacuumed homes complete with air purifiers, etc, spend more time sick with colds than those who are more lenient with the OCD cleaning and let themselves get exposed to dirt and such more often.
                  I'm not a slob, I'm building my immune system!
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #10
                    Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                    I'm not a slob, I'm building my immune system!
                    Ooooh, I'm gonna say that!!!
                    Unseen but seeing
                    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                    3rd shift needs love, too
                    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                    • #11
                      Quoth draggar View Post

                      Lady, putting a box of cereal in a produce bag is futile..
                      was it cheerios?

