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Price hikes and reasons they are being implemented

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  • Price hikes and reasons they are being implemented

    I wanted to list this under sucky customers, but thought it should be under this thread instead. In customer service, the prices of things, as we all know, do not always stay the same, and much of the time, the prices go up. Thankfully, many customers understand this, but you have the asshats who will try to get what they don't deserve, or try to get you to turn back the clock.

    When I worked for Bellsouth as an operator, the biggest aggravation for me were the customers who would call to interrupt someone's line because they were too impatient to wait for that other person to finish up their conversation. At the time, it cost the customer 75 cents to do it, which was much of the time, not a big deal to many. What was terrible about this though was ninety-five per cent of these calls were from children, and sometimes it was at times you would think they were supposed to be in bed asleep.

    Sometimes, the calls would be from pay phones, and you would deal with the argumentive customers rants with "I shouldn't have to pay for that service!" Most would try to bill the party they were interrupting, or try billing to another number, which usually was not theirs. It was annoying doing that, because to me, interrupting someone's line is rude and impolite, especially if you're just doing it for the hell of it.

    Years later, the rate I last saw was.......$9 to interrupt someone's line! Later on, when I was in customer service, I dealt with customers who were outraged about their bill having this charge. "All I did was interrupt someone's line! How dare you bill a charge like that!" My reply much of the time was, "Sir, the operator advised you of this charge, plus the rate is that high as a way to discourage people from interrupting a line due to the excessive complaints by customers." The complaints usually were due to these kids who thought it was a neat thing to do, interrupting someone's line because it was fun. My advice is....control your children!

    I think price hikes also go for things like cigarettes and booze. The people out there that put these items ahead of their families and other priorities are the first ones to bitch about how it's becoming unaffordable to smoke and drink.

    Gasoline is another story. We need it and that keeps going up. Can't really do anything about that one.

  • #2
    The reason gas keeps going up (although get a company to admit this) Is because people are paying that price. They grumble and complain but they still buy. There is NO WAY IN HELL the gas price will ever come down to what it was before the U.S.A.'s "war on terror" because the gas companies can use the excuse of "Oh but the world is running out of oil".


    • #3
      I recently found out that there's an annual worldwide diesel shortage because of the use of heating oil in the northern hemisphere.

      However, despite diesel being around 15 cents a liter more than petrol, my dad's car is still cheaper to run than the petrol engined version of that make and model.


      • #4
        Quoth greensinestro View Post
        I think price hikes also go for things like cigarettes and booze. The people out there that put these items ahead of their families and other priorities are the first ones to bitch about how it's becoming unaffordable to smoke and drink.
        Sorry, beg to differ. Cigs and booze themselves are not expensive it is the "sins tax" states put on them. We have really high "sins tax" here so my habits are actually helping families by paying for schools, fire departments, EMTs and so on.
        Just doin' my part


        • #5
          Cigarette prices are increasing by $1something this January.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            I find it strange that utilities and insurences, specially in America, are not regulated more heavily by the government. There is plenty of chances for that greedy organization to bank roll on such plans...

            Another factor on price increases, is supposed to be the strength of the monentary unit used to buy said item.

            The american dollar is weakening, meaning it takes more dollars to buy something.
            However I refuse to accept that as a reason that gasoline was 3.00 a gallon when the barrel cost was 52 dollars, and how gas is only 3.00 a gallon, when the barrel cost reaches as high as 100 dollars.... Obviously barrel price isnt as a large a factor on the end consumer, as they want you to believe it is.

            Woe to us Americans, when China switches to the Euro. Good bye illusion of succession, hello reality of depression.
            Cyberpunk mayhem!


            • #7
              Quoth symposes View Post
              I find it strange that utilities and insurences, specially in America, are not regulated more heavily by the government. There is plenty of chances for that greedy organization to bank roll on such plans...
              The thing is, we really don't trust the government that much more. Less in fact. Corporations will care if you pay them too. Governments take much more to make them take notice of problems.

              As for the price hikes I am feeling, it is the price of ammunition and reloading components. it is nearly impossible to find 22 caliber bullets in bulk. Copper and lead prices are going up again. (Mainly because China seems to be using so much to make children's toys.)

              I managed to anoy the layaway person at the local Cabela's when I put 106 pounds of bullets on layaway to hedge against rising prices. (2,000 .452" 200 grain LSWC, 1,000 .452" 250 grain LRN, and 1,000 .312" 115 grain LFN) I plan on ordering more before the year is out. (Mainly some .357" 158 grain LSWC.) I really need to get into casting my own, but I just don't have the space and time. My gunpowder and primer supplies are currently holding out.
              "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


              • #8
                Quoth symposes View Post
                I find it strange that utilities and insurences, specially in America, are not regulated more heavily by the government. There is plenty of chances for that greedy organization to bank roll on such plans...
                They used to be regulated much more heavily, or were just part of the local government in many cases. And can be brought back into the fold, so to speak, if they abuse their powers too much. In most cases, US governments hold the threat of opening the doors to competition— or actually doing so— to convince utilities not to spike prices.

                What they do to prevent environmental abuses, OTOH, isn't all that much, really.

                Quoth symposes View Post
                Woe to us Americans, when China switches to the Euro. Good bye illusion of succession, hello reality of depression.
                Actually... it's going to be one of the oddest "depressions" we've ever been in. Because I anticipate high employement during the period, as billions upon billions of US dollars return to the US as we send "cheap" exports abroad at record clips. A highly profitable time to be a businessman.

                OTOH, the average american, with more debt than savings, is going to suffer system shock as he doesn't understand how to survive on a budget, and since credit is likely to be in short supply and prices are going to spike.

                What it's going to do to the US government, which has the same problems only compounded... I anticipate high turnover in congress several times before it all works itself out. On the plus side, though, they'll have to spend less on social programs since there will be high employment levels. Not that people won't whine about their money not covering all of the things they were accustomed to... but face it, we shouldn't be able to afford all the things we buy right now, anyway.

                Oh, yeah, that's why we have credit cards. I forgot.



                • #9
                  Quoth Raieth View Post
                  The reason gas keeps going up (although get a company to admit this) Is because people are paying that price. They grumble and complain but they still buy. There is NO WAY IN HELL the gas price will ever come down to what it was before the U.S.A.'s "war on terror" because the gas companies can use the excuse of "Oh but the world is running out of oil".
                  Actually, the recent price jump has nothing (or at least very little) to do with supplies being cut, or refineries closing. The speculators on Wall Street made a big run on oil, and when they buy a lot at one go, the prices shoot up per barrel because of sudden demand. Long term? We'll see when they start to sell.
                  The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                  "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                  Hoc spatio locantur.


                  • #10
                    Quoth greensinestro View Post
                    Gasoline is another story. We need it and that keeps going up. Can't really do anything about that one.
                    It'll be a great day when gas goes up to $6 a gallon, which is still less than they pay in Europe for their gas. I can't wait to see the shocked looks on Americans faces. No one will weep for them but they'll still keep on thinking the rest of the world is being unfair towards them.
                    Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


                    • #11
                      Quoth Crosshair View Post
                      My gunpowder and primer supplies are currently holding out.
                      Off Topic: Where are you getting said supplies, or are you referring to what you already have on hand? (and yes, this is where my screen name comes from)
                      Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                      • #12
                        The price of pet food is going up due to increased shipping costs for both ingredients and the finished product- can't say I'm too upset, though, since the more food goes up, the more people will start to realize that shipping food long distances is not sustainable. I'm a big proponent of locally grown food for pets AND people, but Colorado's only homegrown pet food... well, the company owner is a NUTCASE, so I don't trust her to feed my dog.
                        My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                        Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                        • #13
                          Speakign as a farmer. Someone who produces goods. I am not seeing one damn penny of all these price increases. yet you listen to the food companies and they are tryign to pass teh buck along to the farmers sayign their (the companies) costs are goign up because farmers are charging more for their products. Bull! I am getting paid 30 cents a bushel more this year than i did last year for my soybeans. My fuel costs though have doubled! Agrichems are at least 150% from last year depending on which ones and where i get them.This is with beign a farm bureau member and local cooperative member. Small time and scale farming is just tannking. I swear if things keep goign the way they are by next spring when it comes planting time I may have to really look at my options closely.

                          The reason why prices keep goign up is plain and simple corporate greedy bastards wanting to have as much profit as they can.

                          symposes : I find it strange that utilities and insurences, specially in America, are not regulated more heavily by the government. There is plenty of chances for that greedy organization to bank roll on such plans...
                          They used to be somewhat more regulated, still not sufficiently in my opinion. I'd liek to see the oil companies nationalized for the greater good of americans but that would be fought tooth and nail by the capitalist pigs. Right now in many places the corporations managed to buy their freedom from governmental oversight and get to do whatever they want with no punishment. Be it environmental abuses, employee abuses or price gouging and such.

                          Actually... it's going to be one of the oddest "depressions" we've ever been in. Because I anticipate high employement during the period, as billions upon billions of US dollars return to the US as we send "cheap" exports abroad at record clips. A highly profitable time to be a businessman.
                          I'm not as sure it'll be that easy. What exports america has turned into a mostly service industry country. We consume more than we produce on average. I see it a lot more cynically than you do I guess in that I see the corporate overlords not hiring anyone else, forcing the people they have to do even more work than they already do and taking those extra dollars that have come back into the coutry and using them to preserve their fat cat lifestyle.

                          Anythign more and this is probably goign to be heading for fratching.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                            Actually... it's going to be one of the oddest "depressions" we've ever been in. Because I anticipate high employement during the period, as billions upon billions of US dollars return to the US as we send "cheap" exports abroad at record clips. A highly profitable time to be a businessman.
                            There's already some grumbling in European countries about the suddenly cheap American goods flooding their markets and hurting the local economy.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Rahmota View Post
                              I'm not as sure it'll be that easy. What exports america has turned into a mostly service industry country. We consume more than we produce on average. I see it a lot more cynically than you do I guess in that I see the corporate overlords not hiring anyone else, forcing the people they have to do even more work than they already do and taking those extra dollars that have come back into the coutry and using them to preserve their fat cat lifestyle.
                              I don't know that they can make people work more than they do. At a certain point, people are as productive as they're going to get. Personally, I'm looking at it less from a big corp standpoint and more of a small corp standpoint... mostly because I think big corp is in a world of hurt. Small corp, though, has a chance, because many smaller owners have a clue about real-world workplace and marketplace realities.

                              I'm not saying it will be fast, or that it won't hurt during the building process, but I suspect that's where the money's going to be.

                              Quoth Captain Kidd View Post
                              There's already some grumbling in European countries about the suddenly cheap American goods flooding their markets and hurting the local economy.
                              And it's going to get worse, unless someone starts spending boatloads of US dollars for real big-ticket stuff, or convinces China to revalue the yuan, so that our "cheap" goods start heading over there instead.

