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Winter Assault (Rated M for Language)

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  • Winter Assault (Rated M for Language)

    I posted before the last hack, but I have since been too busy to write. Today, though, I witnessed something I had to post. Not a sucky customer, but definitely not a model human being. It is snowing voraciously. There is about 12 inches on the ground already, and more is coming down. It is slippery, v. slippery. To illustrate how bad it is, let me give you some background. I learned how to drive in the winter. This included driving through snowstorms, sleet, and ice while it was dark. Sunset is around 1600. I have never had a problem driving, but I was stuck twice tonight, and had to have the person with me get out and push.

    So, we get to the grocery store for provisions and as we were leaving, I heard yelling. I turned around, and there was a pickup truck stopped and a woman was talking to the driver through the open window. Here is the "coversation" to the best of my recollection:

    Bitchy, Irrational Woman: BIW
    Man in Truck: MIT

    BIW: Hey! You almost took off my door!
    MIT: (He was too far away to hear any of his replies, but since they were quiet, I am assuming he was slightly calmer and rational than the woman.)
    BIW: Oh, and I see you have a weapon in your car with your children, isn't that safe? (This is a small farming community. Everyone hunts and therefore has at least one shotgun or rifle in the automobile. Her statement also becomes ironic later.) You almost took off my door and then you just drive away?? What the hell is wrong with you? What is your name?
    MIT: (Probably tells her he is not giving her his name).
    BIW: You fucker! You almost f*cking took off my f*cking door and f*cking killed me! What the hell is f*cking wrong with you!? Now you give me your f*cking name, so I can call the f*cking cops!"

    At this point, the man starts driving away from her. I could understand being angry that someone wasn't very considerate in almost hitting your car in the snowstorm and just driving away since he didn't actually hit or injure anyone. I'm sure most perfect people would maybe stop and say, "Hey, are you all right? I'm sorry I almost hit you, but I started sliding in this icy, slushy snow. Are you sure everything is okay? Great! Have a good evening and drive home safe!" I can, however, also understand trying to escape from the threatening situation.

    To put the icing on the cake, this woman starts to hit the man as he tries to get away from her. So, it is not okay to own a weapon of any kind and keep it in plain sight to comply with the law. And it is not okay to drive away from the scene of an accident that almost, but never happened. But it is okay to verbally and physically assault another person, at least in this woman's view. Oh, and all in front of children, too.

  • #2
    Now you give me your f*cking name, so I can call the f*cking cops!"
    Yeah, sure, I'll give you my name, so you can call the cops and tell them I have a legal firearm in full compliance with carrying regulations, and that I didn't actually hit you or your car. Here, wait, let me get you my card.

    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
      Yeah, sure, I'll give you my name, so you can call the cops and tell them I have a legal firearm in full compliance with carrying regulations, and that I didn't actually hit you or your car. Here, wait, let me get you my card.

      And to boot you're now acting illegally by being abusive in a public place, go for it!
      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #4
        I've noticed that usually when women start fighting and attacking someone they just will not stop unless something forces them to. I can now see why cops usually use pepper spray to stop two women from fighting instead of trying to physically break it up. That seems to be the ONLY effective way to put a stop to them. PPCT (Pressure Point Control Technique) seems to work well when a woman refuses to stop fighting and let go of another woman's hair. A social studies teacher told me that's how he once broke up a girl's fight in school.


        • #5
          Quoth ditchdj View Post
          I've noticed that usually when women start fighting and attacking someone they just will not stop unless something forces them to.
          And guys do stop? The only time I see guys stop fighting without intervention is when one's too hurt to continue.
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            Working in the public schools in Indianapolis for a year, I have found it's a lot easier to break up a guy's fight than a girl's.


            • #7
              Ask any teacher which they would rather break up: Two 98-pound girls fighting, or two linebackers fighting. Everyone I've heard answer will take the football players everytime.
              The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
              "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
              Hoc spatio locantur.


              • #8
                I'll put it like this. I've been stabbed six times in my life. Three times by guys, three times by girls.

                I've only ever broken up two fights between girls. I've broken up/been involved in fighting with guys easily dozens, maybe even a couple hundred times. And both fights between girls were the same two chicks fighting over some gap-toothed redneck dumbass who could barely remember to breathe and looked like Mel Gibson...after he'd been set on fire and stung in the face by bees. One bitch stabbed me TWICE, on TWO seperate occasions.

                Girls are fuck-all meaner than guys have ever dreamed of being.
                "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


                • #9
                  Quoth SemperFi View Post
                  To put the icing on the cake, this woman starts to hit the man as he tries to get away from her. So, it is not okay to own a weapon of any kind and keep it in plain sight to comply with the law. And it is not okay to drive away from the scene of an accident that almost, but never happened. But it is okay to verbally and physically assault another person, at least in this woman's view. Oh, and all in front of children, too.
                  This is too good, he almost hits her but avoids it. She then attempt to physically assault him.

                  Hmm, had the cops been called, just who does she think would be the one charged?


                  • #10
                    Funny that even Steve from Jerry Springer said it's easier to break up a guys' fight than a girls' fight.


                    • #11
                      What mysty said, but without all the stabbing.

                      I must be getting boring, the only physical fight I've been in in the last few years was laying a guy out for touching a boob.......

                      And Steve did say that.....
             do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                      Chickens are Asexual!


                      • #12
                        she was obviously dead wrong, but it is extremely frustrating not to be able to retaliate when someone nearly kills you while driving. some dude peeled out in front of me the other night after it had been snowing and the roads were icy. I had to slam on the brakes, but slid on the ice. It could have been horrible, and there wasn't anyone behind me, it's not like he couldn't have waited for me to pass. So yes, frustrating, but what can you do? Being irate while driving is just a terrible idea.


                        • #13
                          The problem with driving in bad winter conditions is that you can get a kind of tunnel vision while driving because you are so focused on keeping the vehicle moving in a straight line. This makes it easy to be unaware that you slid a little close to someone/something since you were in a slide and are now just glad you did not hit anything.


                          • #14
                            I read a study on violence in pre-teen girls for my psych class. It's definitely on the rise, and the author hypothesized that it was caused by society's double standards. Guys are expected to fight and therefore grow up doing so. Girls are now being told they can do anything guys can, but at the same time are discouraged from fighting by authorities' semi-conscious double standards. This means that not only do girls have more pent-up agression, they've not been taught the "proper" way to fight. Hence the irrational levels of violence and the nonstandard, more vicious attacks such as hair-pulling and eye-gouging.

                            Personally, I will encourage all my children to wrestle constructively, and they will all go to karate class whether they like or not. Interpersonal violence is part of our culture and I want them to be prepared.
                            "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                            "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


                            • #15
                              And here I thought this was going to be about Dawn of War

