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The yard is not the driveway

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  • The yard is not the driveway

    Ok I need to share with you this. I am not sexist as I know there are women who can handle anythign with wheels. heck I've known several big rig drivers who are female. Being female doesnt mean you cant drive, it also doesnt mean you can though either. Unfortunately this is about a female who cant drive and who worked for a rental company.

    Ok backstory: My wife(2) who lives in another mobile on the farm here rented a washer from these people. Well recently a friend got a new one and wanted to give her the old one which was better then the one she is renting. So she called the folks to come get it. Supposedly if we loaded it up on our pickup and took it in it would void somethign in the contract and they would charge us a lot more in fees and "damage" assesment. Yeah okay.

    So for the past month she has been trying to get them to schedule a time to come out when A: one of us is here, B: they are open.A is relatively easy right now as I am sick and not doign much or having many odd jobs come in. B you would think is easy as they are open 10 hour in a day. BUT here is the rub. They have either passed the uck around and not given a time to her or they have scheduled and then not shown. Which is rather annoying at the least. I mean i wasnt goign anywhere anyhow but she at least has to go to work and stuff herself.

    Finally today they show up. At 1500hrs when they said they would be here between 1000 and 1200. Onlly 3 hours late. And didnt call. With clear ice free roads. Lovely.

    My wife(2) had already had to go to work so she wasn't home and I was getting ready to leave with the family to go somewhere (only to the local library but still) so I told the lady that she was late, the person wasnt home and she needed to come when they say they where. Yeah I was grumpy and not starting the conversation very well but oh well.

    So this lady immediately cops an even bigger attitude by starting in (after giving a huge weihg tof the world woe is me huff) that those times are just a guideline and that they have a right to come get their stuff when they can do so and that they hadn't heard from or received a payment from the wife(2) and that since she hadn't contacted them and they had made several attempts to contact her (which they havent) they where goign to come get their stuff.

    So basically I told her she needed to leave as this is my property, the person they have the contract with is not here (I'm not on the contract) and that if they want to talk to the person they have then they should actually do so and if they wanted their stuff they are welcome to it but only when they come when they are scheduled to do so when the contractee is home.

    She got all bent and stormed off and got in her van. A big F-350 extended cargo van. OK now a little info about my driveways. I have two of them she chose to use the old one. Well the gravel on the old one only goes so far and then it turns into mud. My wife doesnt care as she drives a jeep. Also when it turns to mud it goes downhill on a slight grade. With trees on oneside, a woodpile in another and the trailer straight ahead. There is a turn around which goes to the garage but I have a tight time in my D150.

    Anyhow she was so pissed she threw the van into reverse on the gravel (she had at least parked there) and didnt go anywhere. Yes the roads are clear but the driveway is not. All who belong on the farm here know how to drive on snow and Ice and so i dont plow my diveways.

    Well since she couldnt go backwads she decided to go forwards. Into the downhill sloping icy driveway. So you can see where this went she got stuck. So to get her butt out of here I tried to be helpful and give her direction to get the van up and into the turnaround. She ignored me.I suggested I go get my truck and pull her out she said "I dont want some redneck damaging my van!" Well then get the van out yourself. I did sugested she go easy with the gas butt she wouldnt listen and kept spinnign the tires. Finnally she would burn through the ice and get mud and slide a bit/ She wound up going into the flowerbed by the edge of the driveway. She wound up getting it into the woodpile. She missed my paw paw tree by inches. But finally she got turned around and back out to the road.

    I told her that she couldnt drive and to never set foot on my property again and that if she ever did I would personally see her removed from the property and she needed to learn how to drive. her commetns where that sicne I was a man I knew how to drive an d was only saying she didnt know how to dive because she was a woman and well the conversaon ended there as I said you got you van unstuck get the hell outta here. Told her she was number 1 and turned and went inside. Where I immediately called the store and complained to the manager, and called and complained to corporate.

    They both agreed she would not be coming back to my property (I told them I woudl call the sheriff and have her arressted for criminal tresspass if she set a toe on my property) and that they can come back to get their stuff but leave her at home. They are goign to be coming back tomorrow at noon (A specific time) They are also going to be bringing me some new flower bulbs to replace the ones she dug up with the van and supposedly she is goign to apologize to me. I somehow doubt that last one but it would be nice.

    I am sorry if this is long and venty ranty but I wanted to share with you this. This lady was a total female canine and needs to learn how to handle a vehicle or they need to put her behidn the wheel of a vehicle she can handle. Hell my mother in her 60s could handle a 30' panel van with a trailer behind it on ice why cant this lady handle a simple f350?

  • #2
    Wow, I'm surprised she's still got a job after pulling a stunt like that. I might have missed it, but is she related to the owner or something?

    And I bet you *do* get an apology. The wimpiest, most insincere apology ever, because she's probably going to be strong-armed into it.

    I am glad your flower bed is getting replaced, though. That's probably the best you can get out if the situation.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      Quoth Rahmota View Post
      her comments where that since I was a man I knew how to drive

      There is only one job that is specifically male, and only two which are specifically female. And if you extract the gametes, the rest of the male job can be done by anyone with a turkey baster. Having a suitable substitute for the milk permits one of the specifically female jobs to be done by anyone as well.

      Note to any woman who thinks otherwise: DRIVING SKILL IS NOT HANDED OUT WITH PENISES.

      Which, of course, leads me to come up with the rather amusing mental image of a line of people walking along being issued with stuff. "Okay sir, here's your penis, move along to the next station and we'll implant driving skill into your brain. You'll also get plumbing skills and home carpentry. Next!"

      Rant below. Skip if you're sick of this sort of ranting.

      Anyway - it really annoys me when someone does the whole 'Oh, I can't do that I'm a woman' thing. It's not true. You may be unable to do that because you're a small person - and yes, it's true that the bell curve for female size is shifted to the 'smaller' side than the bell curve for male size. But not because you're a woman.

      Oh: I also object to reducing the standards for women in some areas. A fireman (okay, fireperson) needs to be able to haul an unconscious co-worker out of a building, regardless of the gender of the fireperson. If the fireman is unable to do it because he/she isn't strong enough, that person needs to either hit the gym or find a new line of work.

      So yes, in those cases there will probably be more men than women. That's because of the different mechanical advantages of the male and female bodies, which we can't do anything about short of genetic engineering or long-term selective breeding programs. And I don't think those are necessary or desirable for such a relatively trivial purpose.

      However, those cases excepted, there are only a VERY few jobs that I see as being male or female-specific, and those only because of cultural modesty rules. Examples are bra-fitting, hairdressing for Islamic women, and for many people, medical tasks dealing with genitals.

      End rant.

      Back to the rental agency: they suck. If you're going to make appointments, TRY to keep them! Sheesh.
      Seshat's self-help guide:
      1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
      2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
      3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
      4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

      "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


      • #4
        Quoth Seshat View Post
        Note to any woman who thinks otherwise: DRIVING SKILL IS NOT HANDED OUT WITH PENISES.
        Actually, Seshat, I'm pretty sure that was meant in a sarcastic way meant to dismiss his legitimate claim of her incompetence in handling a truck on icy dirt/gravel roads... i.e. "Oh, so you can drive because you're a big, bad man, and you think I can't because I'm a woman, huh?"
        And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


        • #5
          Yeah I didnt tell her she didn't know how to drive because she was a woman. I told her she didn't know how to drive because she was an idiot.She chose to interpret my words slightly differently. *sigh* I'll agree seshat that driving skills are not dependent on gender. Like I said about mother, one of the girls from my high school is now a top fuel drag car champion, my exbestfriend rolled three cars within 2 years all his fault. Then there was one of the guys from high school who couldnt drive his way out of an empty parking lot.

          It was winter and I was driving into school on black ice I found out the hard way as I went spinning aroud and into the ditch. One other guy came along and saw me there in the ditch. He found this quite funny and ragged about my driving skills for several weeks until he was driving through the school parking lot early one morning and somehow drove into a basketball pole. In an empty parking lot. Though there where a few witnesses at least to report it to everyone and since he hit it hard enough to bend it not just dent it there was a bit of evidence (as well as his truck had a nice V shape front end too) of his goof. Needless to say he shut up about my driving skills as whenever he would start in I'd say something like "Anyone wanna play basketball?" Whats even sadder is he did it again the next year to the same pole. The principal started to think he had something against the poles. When they remodled the place a few years back they finally got rid of the pols in the parking lot.

          Back on topic:

          Amazingly.She did give me an apology. Sorta. It was on a small postcard with the company logo on one side and blank writing space on the other.
          "I am sorry your driveway was not clearly marked or cleared."
          Gahr! Ack! *growl* Lets see a big line of shrubbery on one side, a building on one side, A big freaking gate! A woodpile... Hmm I would think the do not drive areas are rather apparant.

          And as for appointments they at least are consistent. Consistently late. They where supposed to be here at noon. They showed up at 1330. So only an hour and half late.

          Oh and no flower bulbs. To have these people out of my hair I'm willing to forgo any landscape/flower restitution as the guys who came today missed my mailbox by about an inch I swear.

          Oy vey. At least we are done with them.
          Last edited by Rahmota; 12-09-2007, 01:36 AM. Reason: changed comments on people as got wrong person in story.


          • #6
            Quoth JustADude View Post
            Actually, Seshat, I'm pretty sure that was meant in a sarcastic way meant to dismiss his legitimate claim of her incompetence in handling a truck on icy dirt/gravel roads...
            Well that was a waste of a perfectly good rant. Thanks JAD.
            Seshat's self-help guide:
            1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
            2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
            3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
            4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

            "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


            • #7
              Well that was a waste of a perfectly good rant.
              Aww thats okay seshat. I'm sure there'll be another chance. There always is...


              • #8
                Quoth Rahmota View Post
                My wife(2)
                Maybe its just cause I'm half asleep but I kept reading this as though you had two wives.


                • #9
                  Quoth PhotoChick View Post
                  Maybe its just cause I'm half asleep but I kept reading this as though you had two wives.
                  You read it right. Our friend Rahmota is either very happy, or very insane. I'm voting both.
                  The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                  "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                  Hoc spatio locantur.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Geek King View Post
                    You read it right. Our friend Rahmota is either very happy, or very insane. I'm voting both.
                    Well, he is from Ohio...

                    But seriously, we have plenty of idiots here in PA who can't drive worth a damn. Just last weekend, I got to see some dumbass try to drive through the gate at my grandmother's apartment complex. It's not too surprising, since that's a rather wide walking path. Most people think it's some sort of driveway, but turn around or stop after they see the signs.

                    One guy though, decided to prove them wrong. Rather than back up, he forced his Honda between the guard posts...literally destroying both sides of the car, along with one of the headlights Needless to say, the complex manager was *not* amused
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #11
                      Good grief what a beyotch.

                      She got an F-350 stuck in the ice? Correct me if I'm wrong since I've never driven anything that large, but aren't those things designed for harsh conditions? Me and my tiny Corolla only got stuck in the ice once last winter. I've also driven a 4+ hour trip in heavy snow, during the night, in an equally not-so-rugged Prius. I live in a city and I know how to handle winter, so what's Ms I-Can't-Drive-Because-I-Don't-Have-a-Dick's excuse?
                      Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Rahmota View Post
                        Back on topic:

                        Amazingly.She did give me an apology. Sorta. It was on a small postcard with the company logo on one side and blank writing space on the other.
                        "I am sorry your driveway was not clearly marked or cleared."
                        Gahr! Ack! *growl* Lets see a big line of shrubbery on one side, a building on one side, A big freaking gate! A woodpile... Hmm I would think the do not drive areas are rather apparant.
                        I would get hold of the company again with that 'apology', as it's clearly not. And since it was probably a requirement after a chewing out, to not get a more severe write up, if you can do anything that goes towards getting that woman off delivery\pick-up jobs the world would be a better place
                        Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


                        • #13
                          Quoth Talon View Post
                          She got an F-350 stuck in the ice? Correct me if I'm wrong since I've never driven anything that large, but aren't those things designed for harsh conditions?
                          Yes, and yes, Talon. Hence why we're all laughing at her. Hammering the throttle is, like, the exact wrong way to deal with ice.
                          ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                          • #14
                            Photochick: Yes you read that right. Technically I only have papers on one of them (or she has them on me depending on your POV) and the other is a mutual girlfriend but it all works out the same and is easier to just say it like that.

                            Geekking: There are days I wonder which as well. But your vote counts too......

                            Protege: What do you mean. Is that a slight dig that we have only three speeds? Slow, fast and ludacris speed?hehehe.

                            Wow. I've seen somethign similar to that at the loveland bike trail. someone tried to drive through the steel I beams they sunk into the street opening of the trail. Lets just say steel I beams versus modern plastic cars bet on the steel.

                            Talon: Yeah. A 350 is designed for heavy duty applications. Getting stuck on flat ground is inexcusable in one of those things even if there was ice, unless you're talking ice age levels. And yeah unless you are trying to have the vehcile go out of control hammering the throttle is very very bad.

                            Naaman: *shrug* I'm not gonna worry about it too much. Somehow I get the feelign wither her attitude and ability they'll figure it out a lot better anyhow. I just hope its only their stuff she messes up and not someone elses's stuff or someone else.

                            Justadude: Defiantely. It was rather funny to see her sit there and spin. Kinda ruined her dramatic exit.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Rahmota View Post
                              Protege: What do you mean. Is that a slight dig that we have only three speeds? Slow, fast and ludacris speed?hehehe.
                              Something like that. I was picking on you because you're from Ohio. Oh, and we have "light speed" and "ridiculous speed" here in PA
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

