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You're not the only one on break, lady.

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  • You're not the only one on break, lady.

    How exciting. I got to witness some suck on my lunch break today. Anyway, for lunch today I decided to treat myself to Subway. I figured that it's Friday and the end of the work week, so why not. Besides, I haven't been in a long time anyway. Now, when I go to the local Subway I expect to take 20 minutes to go up, get my sub, and come back, then I have 10 minutes to eat. So I get there at 12:30 and there's a short line (maybe 2 or three people in front of me). I was surprised because the parking lot was packed but Subway had a short line. I should also mention that this Subway is inside of a gas station so there is more room for a line if one should form.

    I get in line and I'm waiting patiently (I can see one of the people is new so I understand waiting a bit longer than usual) when this woman comes up behind me. She just has to stand so close to me that I could smell whatever foul perfume she had bathed in. She was also doing the "I'm in a rush and I wish these people would hurry the hell up" dance behind me, meaning she kept walking around me to see what the sandwich makers were doing, huffing about it, then going back behind me. She must also really like to tailgate people in her car, because she was behaving just like tailgaters do.

    No matter what I do this woman will not back of and let me have my personal space (I have a thing about strangers being to close to me). She's still doing the "I'm in a rush dance" when I step up to order. I knew what I wanted already (I get the same thing every time I go) so I didn't need to take time to decide, but I did make sure to take my time ordering, mostly just to piss the woman behind me off.

    Like most Subways, this location had the assembly line going. The woman working there was taking the initial order and preparing the meat portion of subs and the new guy was adding veggies and ringing customers out. The woman taking the orders seemed a bit frazzled from the lunch rush but also seemed to appreciate me taking my time ordering. The minute my sub got sent down for veggies the woman behind me butts right up to the counter and spits off her order rather quickly. The lady making the subs had to ask her to repeat herself several times because "antsy woman" was just talking too fast.

    Now at the veggie station I'm waiting to order what toppings I want on the sub and the kid doing veggies was ringing up the customer in front of me. Well, apparently ringing up a customer who was in line well ahead of us, as well as this employee actually taking the time to properly wash his hands before returning to making subs was taking to long for "antsy woman." She huffed rather loudly, "Geez, this is taking too fucking long. I wish they would hurry up." I ordered my veggies and toppings, my sub was wrapped, and we both went over to the cash register so I could get my slip and go pay. Not even two seconds after we both went to the cash the woman decided to blurt out her veggies and was surprised when the clerk ignored her and cashed me out. She also had to repeat herself to the veggie guy twice because she was speaking way too fast for anybody to understand.

    Seriously, if I go out at lunch time I expect to wait for my food. I'm not stupid and if I only have half an hour I only go places that are relatively quick. I so wanted to tell this lady to go to McDonalds across the street if she was in such a rush. Seriously, what did she expect at 12:30 in the afternoon? She obviously doesn't realize that she's not the only on taking a lunch at that time. I didn't stick around much after I paid but I'm assuming that this woman complained about the wait to the new kid. I kind of felt bad for him (but he made a good sandwich and even added lots of extra mayonnaise like I asked for).
    Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.

  • #2
    Really if you walk into someplace and there's a line, it's YOUR choice if you wait or not. If you decide to wait then you really have no reason to bitch about the length of time it takes.
    My Wajas cave


    • #3
      Quoth Bramble View Post
      Really if you walk into someplace and there's a line, it's YOUR choice if you wait or not. If you decide to wait then you really have no reason to bitch about the length of time it takes.
      Exactly! I hate waiting in line myself, but I certainly wouldn't get all huffy if there were only two people in line in front of me. I will not, however, wait in line for a sit down restaurant, especially the trendy chain restaurants. I could never see waiting 2 hours to go to a place like the Olive Garden. Ok, I lied, there are two places where I will wait in line to eat. One is a hole in the wall Italian restaurant called Ronaldo's and the other place is a regional Mexican restaurant chain called Margaritas. Other than that, forget it. I'll go somewhere else where I can eat quicker.
      Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


      • #4
        I'm actually excited...When I go full time in my new job (December 26!!) I'll have an hour for lunch, plus I will be at the front of the building (instead of the at least 5 minute walk it takes me to get to the door from the office, and that is walking at a faster-than-normal pace for me). If I so desire, I'll actually have time to go out, get in my car, go to Subway or the pizza place in town, have lunch, and get back to the office! I usually try to bring my lunch, and the cafeteria at work is pretty decent, but their pizza kinda sucks. Unfortunately (or fortunately) there is no McDonald's that I know of that's close by.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

