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Ahh, the dangers of electric carts...

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  • Ahh, the dangers of electric carts...

    So, this is the second day in a row I've gone to Kroger after work. And the second day in a row I've come out of the store thinking "Did that just really happen?". I have to share

    So Thursday, I get my groceries, I go to the checkout, minimal fuss. While the (teenage) cashier is scanning my groceries, a teenage boy walks up to the register (not 2 feet from where I'm standing), and says to the cashier "I'm mad at you". She looks up at him and giggles, and they start into a conversation, leaning over the counter to whisper and everything. WHILE SHE'S STILL RINGING UP MY GROCERIES. And no, he didn't have anything to buy, he was just standing there. I think what really pissed me off about it was I ended up bagging most of my groceries myself, because it seemed that she was unable to do that while her head was turned, carrying on her conversation. And at the end, no "bye" "thank you" "have a nice day" or anything. It was like I wasn't even there! I thought about calling or complaining or something, but I generally give myself 24 hours to think about something like that before I'll actually react to it, cause I don't wanna fly off the handle or anything, and today it just didn't seem like a big deal anymore.

    So today, I needed to pick up a few more things, and my six-year old was with me. I get to the register, and there's a lady in one of those electric carts, with a teenager with her, helping her check out. No big deal, she's taking awhile, but hey, we don't have anywhere we need to be. So she finishes, and moves up, so I push my cart up to the card machine. I start to run my card thru, and all of a sudden, I get slammed by my cart. I look up, and the lady has backed the electric cart into my cart! I made sure my son was ok, then reentered my card info. The bagger smirked and said "I hope she isn't driving". Seriously, though, my son was standing really close to me, between me and the card machine, and the only thing that kept our cart from hitting him in the head was, um, my well-endowed...well, you know. The lady was apologetic, and I didn't throw a hissy fit or freak out, it was an accident after all, but just a lovely end to a looooong week

  • #2
    This type of thing happens all the time down in here in the Palm Beaches and areas of Broward. Anywhere I shop these days, I cannot get good customer service, whether it's at the grocery store, hardware store, or a restaurant. The people that are supposed to be serving you are more into serving their friends and themselves, and there are times when they bring their shitty bad mood to where they work instead of leaving it at home.

    As for the electric carts, those are the most hated thing around. Sometimes, the people I see using them walked from their car into the store at a brisk pace, with no cane or anything to help them. These are probably the same people who hog up the handicapped spaces when some other poor soul has to park 100 feet away and hobble into the store, and they don't know how to drive them!


    • #3
      Just the other day, I saw a woman slam an electric cart into a plexi-glass divider at the grocery store. The plexi-glass cracked and a display of chips on the other side was knocked over.

      This woman got off the cart and ran away giggling like a teenager. She had to have been 40 years old.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        Quoth Sacknahalf05 View Post
        the only thing that kept our cart from hitting him in the head was, um, my well-endowed...well, you know.

        Advertising there, are you?
        "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


        • #5
          please don't take this personally, it's more of just a generalized rant, mostly caused by an incident that would make my exact store painfully obvious to any of my customers who may be reading this, so it didn't get posted

          I hate when people get all whiny about their kid getting knocked over. kids get knocked over, they fall, that's what they do, if the people around them act like it's no big deal they get right back up and are fine, with no crying, even 2 year old girls do this, so when parents are all "well it's a good thing that happened to me, and not my kid" I just want to say "no it's not bitch, you whine to management that it's a safety risk, and you scraped your knee and it huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurts, when your kid would have just got up and asked to go to McDonalds". you don't mention saying that, but your post gave me flashbacks

          don't get me wrong, i dont chase down little kids with my carts, but kids are tougher than people give them credit for


          • #6
            Quoth AKWalMartCartGuy View Post
            but kids are tougher than people give them credit for

            And if you think about it, they are less likely to get hurt by just falling down on the floor... adults have farther to fall!

            This is assuming they don't get slammed or run over in the process...

            But the OP just made sure the kid was ok, and went on with the transaction...which would be the rational response to a simple accident such as described.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Don't worry WMCG, I have thicker skin than that. I suppose I could have went off on a tangent, freaked out "OMG you could have hit my child you're a menace to society AHHHHH", but you know what? It was an accident. I didn't talk to management. I didn't really see the need, as nobody was really hurt. Sure, I wish the woman would have looked behind her before she backed up, but I don't really think that's a problem a manager could do anything about lol!

              No need to advertize Gawd, they do that for themselves Glad I've found a use for em though: Protector of small children from runaway carts


              • #8
                This thread is useless without photos.


                • #9
                  Quoth Bagga View Post
                  This thread is useless without photos.
                  *Standing ovation.*

                  Actually a one-man standing ovation would just look like some crazy guy standing around in a public location clapping and cheering to himself, so:
                  "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


                  • #10
                    I love this site.


                    • #11
                      Quoth MMATM;
                      some crazy guy standing around in a public location clapping and cheering to himself
                      Ive done that before


                      • #12
                        Are we talking ( . Y . )? Cause I don't think Raps allows that. (The most risque thing I think I've seen on this site is Raps in his red and yellow flowered shirt. And that was pretty )
               do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                        Chickens are Asexual!


                        • #13
                          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                          less likely to get hurt by just falling down on the floor... adults have farther to fall!
                          Well, yes, but they raise the bigger ruckus about having fallen down. Had a mother and her son come through my line the other day, as I was ringing them out, the kid got a little shifty, moving from one foot to the other. All of a sudden, the kid fell down, right onto his butt. And immediately started wailing.
                          "I call murder on that!"


                          • #14
                            Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
                            Are we talking ( . Y . )? Cause I don't think Raps allows that. (The most risque thing I think I've seen on this site is Raps in his red and yellow flowered shirt. And that was pretty )
                            I'm a pretty, pretty princess!

                            Quoth SiteRules
                            4. No Pornographic Material
                            There will be absolutely NO linking to or posting of pornographic material on Customers Suck!. Violation of this rule will result in an immediate and permanent banning. Links to sites which may contain adult content (i.e., a site with naked people, adult jokes, etc.) must have a warning before the link to warn people that the link may contain adult content. Remember, some of our members are surfing at work and adult images will get them in trouble.
                            Of course, PMing me pictures of yourself in a state of undress if you're a female to test if it would be offensive would be amusing acceptable.



                            • #15
                              Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                              Of course, PMing me pictures of yourself in a state of undress if you're a female to test if it would be offensive would be amusing acceptable.
                              If I were to do that, you would be scarred, and blinded, for life!
                              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

