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Urge to kill rising....

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  • Urge to kill rising....

    I picked this story up second hand from a friend of mine. I must warn you, expect to lose several brain cells, along with any hope in humanity you may have still had.

    Buddy of mine was doing some christmas shopping and opted to swing by a "Christian" book store. Apparently they tend to have great selections of Christmas music...(ok I know I know I'm stupid. Still it was news to me) and you can usually find a nice ornament or two while you're there. Bud's mum loves TSO (trans siberian orchestra) so he'd gone in there looking for that.

    As he tells it, he was back in the store's music department when a woman comes in through the front door. Now normally he'd have not paid her any attention, but something about the lady made him look up. Maybe the fact she was dressed like your average gothic teenager, or more likely it was the effect that said clothing has on a middle aged woman. Either way she caught his attention. Now he didn't hear the whole conversation between the woman and the cashier, just something about her wanting to buy a certain kind of book.

    A few minutes later, the lady comes stomping back up to the cashier and starts making a scene. She's yelling, screaming, and having a total hissy fit.

    Why? Well apparently she said to the cashier quote:

    "I came in here looking for a spell book. Not some stupid Wicca is evil book! If I'd wanted that, I'd have gone to one of those stupid Christian bookstores! I wanna see your manager..." you know the drill. We've heard it all before.

    Well, bless her soul, bud swears up and down that the poor girl behind the counter waited it out and then sweetly said

    " are in a Christian book store."

    He claims that the woman's look was classic, and I'll have to take his word at it.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2

    Something kind of the opposite happened to a co-worker of mine some years ago... he was a Christian and into death metal. He couldn't understand why record stores kept offering him the same few albums. Eventually he figured out he should go to the music section of the local Christan bookstore.


    • #3
      If you ever go into a Christian bookstore at Christmas, you would know why complaining about the commercialization of Christmas is Borg, resistance is futile.


      • #4
        Do you happen to know what the store was called?
        "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


        • #5
          Family Christian Books.

          I think at least. I'm not sure but I think they got bought out by a larger company :P
          Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


          • #6
            Quoth repsac View Post
            "I came in here looking for a spell book. Not some stupid Wicca is evil book! If I'd wanted that, I'd have gone to one of those stupid Christian bookstores! I wanna see your manager..."
            Probably a good thing she didn't get that book, really, since a moronic, overgrown, self-deluded idiot (and I'm speaking as a pagan, myself) like that wouldn't know real magic if it bit her on the ass, anyway. If you can't tell some place is a Christian Bookstore when it has the words in the name, you don't need to be dicking around with cosmic forces. She probably thinks Ouija Boards are a good thing*, for crying out loud!

            I could go on, but I think I've disassociated normal pagans from that particular breed of nutjob well enough.

            *They're not. They're very, very bad. As in,"an unguarded invitation for anything that wants to come along and make trouble" bad. I won't let them in my house, and I'll leave any other house where one is being used.
            Last edited by JustADude; 12-10-2007, 02:26 AM.
            And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


            • #7
              Heh, I don't even call myself or let anyone call me pagan, I have to stay vigilant to make sure I don't get lumped with those nutjobs. I went to a meeting once, never again. That put me off ever actually going out of my way to meet other pagans. In my neck of the woods they're nuts, abusing drugs, or needing attention, (or trying to get in my pants, and I was MARRIED!)

              Ever had a psycho stalker/psychic vampire/witch? Scary combo. One thing that made me make the decision to join the Army, just to escape HER!

              And Justadude: Nice to see someone has the same opinion on those things that I have. I have house rules about them, too.
     do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

              Chickens are Asexual!


              • #8
                Oh my goodness, have you ever been into the Laurie Cabot store in Salem MA? I had some relatives visiting over thanksgiving and they wanted to bop around the town. We went in and they were playing CHRISTMAS music!! Like, not just general old yule-y music that doesnt necessarily talk about jesus, but honest to god "silent night" stuff. There was also some poor tourist in there who went poking his nose too far into a room that was labeled off limits, and the woman behind the counter said very sharply, "SIR?? That's where Laurie does her READINGS. You CAN'T go back there."



                • #9
                  Quoth repsac View Post
                  Family Christian Books.

                  I think at least. I'm not sure but I think they got bought out by a larger company :P
                  Hee. Reminds me of an anecdote:

                  There is a store near the house where I grew up called "Christian Family Stores." It's your typical Christian store, with books, music, and little Jesus statues and the like. My dad and I used to drive by it at least once a week, and it became a running joke that we would have this conversation:

                  Dad: "Hey, Saydrah, there's the Christian Family Store!"

                  Me: "Oooh, Dad, can we buy a Christian family?"

                  Dad: "They used to use them as gladiators in the Roman empire!"

                  Me: "Shucks, I'm fresh out of lions!"

                  Dad: "We'll get one next time, then."

                  This started when I was about four years old and continued for years, with both me and Dad cackling like hyenas after every recitation of our canned conversation.

                  Then I made a friend who was deeply religious, and we, on autopilot, made the mistake of repeating our usual spiel while 'Jane' was in the car on the way to a movie.

                  Jane was horrified.

                  Jane's parents demanded I attend church with Jane.

                  Dad thought it might be amusing and suggested I go ahead and go.

                  I was forcibly removed from youth group for explaining why I had attended church for the first time that day.

                  It was some months before I spent another night at Jane's house or she at mine.
                  My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                  Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                  • #10
                    Quoth edible_hat View Post

                    Something kind of the opposite happened to a co-worker of mine some years ago... he was a Christian and into death metal. He couldn't understand why record stores kept offering him the same few albums. Eventually he figured out he should go to the music section of the local Christan bookstore.
                    Christian Death is far from a deathmetal band. Just my 2 cents.
                    Pwetty pictuwes: DeviantArt | Flickr

