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Another nominee for parent of the year (mucho sarcasim)

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  • Another nominee for parent of the year (mucho sarcasim)

    Saturday night I went out with a group of about 7 other friends to celebrate one of the girls birthdays. We all decide to hit Indigo Joe's (food was really good btw) and end up sitting on the patio which was great because the weather was nice.

    Another group was already there before us sitting at the opposite end next to a big open fire pit thing they have. I am sitting next to the door that everyone uses going into the resteraunt from the patio. I look down after we order drinks and there is a very cute little boy 1 1/2 to 2 years old standing beside me just smiling his butt off. I smile back at him and look up thinking his parents are close by. Wrong. They are part of the group at the other end of the patio. After a few seconds he runs back down to them . He did this [B]8 more times . Instead of coming to stand by me like he did the first time though he is running to the door that everyone is using and no one could see him from the other side. And yes on the 9th trip the inevitable happens. I tried to grab the door to stop it from hitting him but missed it. He got clocked and knocked down. The waitress realizes she has just hit a child and the parents who have watched him do this multiple times now finally meander down to collect their now crying child with the waitress apologizing ( not her fault - there was no way she could have seen him). The parents were smiling the whole time like morons because they found it all funny. Retards.

    Well they finally decide it might be a good idea to have someone hold him in their lap so all is well for about 10 minutes. By the way while the parents did not appear to be drinking, the rest of the group they were with seemed to be in the middle of a drinking contest. After a bit I hear the sound of glasses breaking and getting knocked around. A guy that I shall call jackass, that is by that point holding the cute little boy, (and sitting right beside the large open flame) starts chugging beer, slammed it down on the table and causes two other drinks to go flying towards the fire. The parents just kept smiling and let the child stay in his lap.

    So just to sum it up the parents are retards because 1) they let their small child run off by himself 8 times behind a door that they knew people were constantly coming in and out of, and 2) they chose to bring him out to a gathering of their friends (he was the only child there) who are too stupid to realize drunks and open flames don't go together. So in my humble opinion - they FAIL.

    My first real posting on here - Hope I didn't bore you to death
    You want it when? Yeah, Good luck with that!

  • #2
    I see groups of people like that all the time. They come in with a large group of friends and one small child and proceed to drink themselves stupid while the poor kid wanders around. Once, I witnessed the parent hand their child money and told them to go on the gambling machine! Which, you know, is illegal. There should be tighter laws and restrictions regarding drinking around children. Although there are ones in place, they just aren't good enough. The government are too busy trying to punish and fine the poor establishments that these morons walk into, instead of putting the blame where it really belongs: on the parents.


    • #3
      It makes me angry that there wasn't anything someone could call the cops and get them in trouble for. There seriously needs to be better laws.
      Pit bull-

      There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


      • #4
        As a father who loves his children and would happily tear the head off of someone who hurt them and shit down their neck, I must say that after hearing that story the urge to kill is rising.
        My Karma ran over your dogma.


        • #5
          as a parent myself i find the parents actions unbelievable

          Some people are just too dumb to have kids
          We are the willing, led by the unknowing, doing the impossible, for the ungrateful, we have now done so much, for so long - for so many, with so little, we can now do anything with nothing!!!

