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SC almost spit on my sister!!!!!

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  • SC almost spit on my sister!!!!!

    I can't believe I forgot to post this story I heard from my sister. I almost didn't believe her but she's dictating it to me as I type.

    My sister was in the concession line at the movies. The "lady" in front of her got a whole bunch of stuff (popcorn, soda, candy, nachos, ad nauseam).

    -Sis (the only one I have)
    -SL (Sucky Lady)
    -NC (Nice cashier lady)
    -LM (Loudmouth guy)

    SL, screaming: F*$@ing b$*ch, that's too much! You charged me too much for all this s@&*!

    NC: No, I'm sorry ma'am (goes through all the items again), $X is what you have to pay.

    SL: Get me the manager, b*#@%!

    LM (from the back of the line): Ay, b*&$#, you're holding up the line!

    SL: Shut the f*&$ up, n*#$%a, was I talkin' to you?

    A bunch of arguing ensues and she hocks this huge, gross, loogie at LM.

    Sis: Holy crap. This is not happening. This lady is not going to spit on someone in a public place. Oh. Hell. No.

    Security ends up having to break up a fight that almost broke out, and the cow ended up throwing her slushy on the floor as she was being escorted out.

    My sister is REALLY short, which was probably the only reason she didn't get spit on. She was standing right between these people. It's taken a lot to get her to the movies ever since.
    "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago

  • #2
    That's just disgusting. But yes, people do spit on each other. It happened a lot in high school, and I'm sure those idiots are still doing that to whoever pisses them off in public.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      The last time I was spit on, it was in high school, by some skank accusing me of calling her some nasty name, which I did not do. She had the wrong person.

      Closest I ever came to hitting a female. I might have done it if it weren't for the fact we were in school, during passing time.

      You spit on me and you'll wake up the hospital asking for license plate number of the truck that hit you.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        I've never actually spat on anyone, but lemmee tell you, if someone is in your face, THREATENING to do it will certainly encourage them to give you some breathing room.

        It's like waving a turd on a stick. You will clear the room.

        Can't you get charged with assault or something for doing that?


        • #5
          Sounds like a textbook example of someone trying to scare an employee into giving them something for free. As annoying as Loogie Lady was, Loudmouth Lady should have kept her mouth shut. Some people just go looking for trouble!
          ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


          • #6
            On a recent visit to GAMEWORKS AT EASTON IN OHIO...and I'll say it again because apparently those that own it don't really care about how downhill it really is getting...GAMEWORKS AT EASTON IN OHIO...something very interesting happened. Actually, what I really ought to say is that a NUMBER of interesting things have happened there, but this is directly relatable.

            I'm a DDR addict. I'm not as much of an addict as I used to be, but if we're at Easton, you can put money on me wanting to go DDR at Gameworks. I've been DDRing for a while, when suddenly my wife and youngest sister-in-law (I believe 16 at the time) come up to me.

            WF: "Honey, when you're done, we need to leave."
            Me: "Uh...okay...what happened?"
            WF: "It's nothing. But we need to go."

            I finish off my round, hop off the machine, go up and go out. Finally, I turn to my wife...

            Me: "Alright, now what happened?"
            WF: "A group of thug kids came by and spit on us."
            Me: "...WHAT."
            WF: "Honey-"
            Me: "Who was it?!"
            YSIS: "We...don't know. It was a group of kids. We aren't sure."
            Me: "POINT EM OUT TO ME!"
            WF: "No, let it go."
            Me: "Fuck that! AND FUCK THEM!"

            Yeah, unfortunately I never did found out who it was. The worst part is that we barely go there, so it's not like it was anyone they knew either. Random, pure bullshit. Maybe it was better than I was on the DDR machine, though, because I really don't think I could've contained myself if I'd have been there when it happened. Group or not, under 18 or not, I really don't think it would've mattered.
            You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


            • #7
              A skinhead couple spat either at or on my husband and the girl he was dating years ago.

              My husband is a lot stronger and more of a badass than he looks. As skinhead found out.


              • #8
                I had some jackass spit on me when I was a kid - about 9 -10 years old, I think. Jackass was probably 13 - 14 or so; not that much older but he looked enormous to little prepubescent girly me. I don't know what his problem with me was, but he ran out into the road when I was riding by on my bike, grabbed the handlebars and spit on me two or three times (he was chewing grape gum from the smell of it) then tried to wrench the handlebars out of alignment with the wheel. I managed to get away from him (or maybe he was playing with me and let me go) and tried to ride off - Jackass grabbed the 'sissy bar' behind the seat (I had one of those old ones about a foot tall) and it broke off. He let go and I rode home, holding the bar and crying my eyes out. Thought I was gonna get in trouble for getting my bike broken.

                (This was also the second occasion this asshole spit on me. The first time he and some older girl chased me into somebody's yard, cornered me against the back door and she watched while he spit on me and I cringed and cried, thinking he was going to beat the shit out of me. I never told anyone about that until years later. Never did find out who she was, but I never saw her again, either.)

                When I finally 'fessed up to my father he was livid. Not at me, but at the jackass. He promptly drove down to where the guy was hanging out with his friends (also assholes, one of whom I think was the guy I pulled a knife on - another story), got out of the car -

                "Hey, [insulting diminutive of his real name]. I wanna talk to you. About picking on little girls."

                I didn't hear the rest of the 'conversation' (I was in the car during all this) but it had to have been the most embarrassing moment in that guy's life, being condescendingly read the riot act in front of his buddies. My dad must also have put the fear of God into him - or at least the fear of Father, because he never picked on me again after that. I only wish I had told him about the previous incident earlier.

                Footnote: the broken bit of the bike was replaced and it was otherwise undamaged.
                Civilized men tend to be ruder than savages because they know they can be impolite without getting their skulls split, as a rule.
                - Robert E. Howard

