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Caution! Hot Surface!

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  • Caution! Hot Surface!

    I was talking with a friend of mine who's also a model railroader and he passed this story along to me. I'm including some links here so you better understand what I'll be describing. (train wise)

    My friend I'll call Froggy (don't ask).

    Froggy owns a neat little locomotive and set put out by a company called "Hornby". You brits may know the name, but for those that don't, here's their website. Couple years ago, Hornby released a special OO (HO) guage trainset that's live steam. Meaning that the locomotive uses real water to produce steam and run. While at a model train show, Froggy had opted to set up his train layout and run the steamer. to prevent people (especially children) from touching the locomotive, he had placed several panes of plexiglass around his route. It was reasonably high enough to keep children's hands away...however he never expected parents. He also included, at the organizer's request, a large sign saying "DO NOT TOUCH!" in several places around the route.

    Well, after having been set up for a good hour or two, a gentleman comes along with his nine year old boy. They pool around his route for a bit, watching as Froggy has to lift the locomotive with heavy leather gloves and rerail it, then refill the water tender and send the train on its way. During one pass he looks up just in time to see that the father had lifted the boy up and he (the kid) was reaching after the locomotive. Without really thinking, Froggy yelled at the kid not to touch the train, causing the boy to jerk his hand back and then the fight was on. The boy's father, irate at his hellspawn...I mean child's foiled attempt to touch the toy put the boy down and turned on Frog. The father starts yelling that it's just a toy and can't hurt the boy, and he didn't see why Frog was throwing such a fit. It's a toy train after all and he (the dad) had seen them in stores for thirty bucks, so he didn't see why act like that thing cost much anyway. Frog tried to explain to the dad that no, this one cost over six hundred dollars US, and that it's not your typical toy. Eventually he just gave the guy up for a lost cause and said to the man. "Touch it and you'll get hurt." Well this caused the man to puff up, his ego had been bruised. "Is that a threat!? I think it's a threat!" The man was obviously upset. Turning to the train as it made one last pass he reached in saying "I'll show you what I think of your little toy train."

    Frog figures the man's intent was to throw it down. However that's not what happened.

    Steam is hot you see. VERY hot.

    When the man's hand came in contact with the hot boiler, his reflexs told him to release it. The thing is hot and it hurt. Problem was his natural reaction was to contract his hand. Meaning he held on tighter. When he did drop the locomotive into the display, the skin on the palm of his hand was cooked. Cooked to the point that Frog swears up and down the guy's palm FELL OFF when he pulled it back.

    Frog's just waiting to see if the guy tries to sue. Though his lawyer is convinced he (Frog) has a great case. The man had been warned, needed to reach over the plexiglass, and was apparently about to commit a crime when his injury was sustained.

    One can hope he learned his lesson.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    Quoth repsac View Post
    He also included, at the organizer's request, a large sign saying "DO NOT TOUCH!" in several places around the route.
    It's almost like he's psychic..... or he knows his customers.
    How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


    • #3
      In just a teeeeeny bit of fairness: your version* doesn't have Froggy telling the man "It boils water! It will be like touching a stove!" (I think I've heard of trains that are less dangerous and act as a mini smoke machine somehow, not actually operating on steam. Than again, I am not very knowledgeable on the subject.) But it doesn't really matter, because it was the wrong thing to do anyway.

      *Being that it's second hand, it's completely understandable if he did say something along those lines and you just didn't mention it.
      The icon is a bunny with a spiked collar from some carpet ad.


      • #4
        Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but skin burned like that wouldn't fall off, but instead stick to the locomotive, yes?
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          It might. Steam would sort of boil the flesh, so it could just fall off, depending on how long the skin had been in contact with the steam, and how hot the steam was.


          • #6
            Quoth napoleana View Post
            In just a teeeeeny bit of fairness: your version* doesn't have Froggy telling the man "It boils water! It will be like touching a stove!"
            *Being that it's second hand, it's completely understandable if he did say something along those lines and you just didn't mention it.
            Even if he didn't he was told 'not to touch', in a situation like that wgere you are trying to give an urgent safety update you can't always give your reason, that comes when you have compliance, ie

            Your kid is playing in the road do you
            a) Scream at him to get out of the road now
            b) engage in a lengthy conversation (in the middle of the road) about the inherant risks of playing with the traffic
            c) a) followed by b) once he's on the footpath.
            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


            • #7
              Is anyone else singing "Froggy went a'courtin' uh huh..." ?
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #8
                Nah, Froggy didn't owe the guy an explanation. The train did not belong to the man, so he had no right to touch it. Froggy did not owe it to the guy to give him a detailed explanation, thus giving the guy the option of deciding if he wanted to go ahead and do what he was going to do based on said explanation. If the owner of an object says "don't touch" you don't touch. That's all you need to know.

                Skin will fall off. I burned the roof of my mouth on a pizza so bad the top layer of skin was hanging down in rags right after. Gross, I know, but it can happen.


                • #9
                  Quoth napoleana View Post
                  (I think I've heard of trains that are less dangerous and act as a mini smoke machine somehow, not actually operating on steam. Than again, I am not very knowledgeable on the subject.)
                  They do make "Cold Smoke" formula for stage productions, there may be some sort of model train that utilized similar. I can't remember what is in it, but the stuff is usually scented in some pretty strange scents like bubblegum and popcorn.
                  The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                  • #10
                    To borrow/modify from Dune a little bit...

                    "Karma. Pure, unrefined Karma."

                    This is a situation where the guy's ego wrote a check that his body couldn't cash, or more specifically in this case, his hand. The guy was warned, the guy was told it was not your average toy, and he went around a safety barrier to reach it, with the obvious intent of smashing the locomotive. As RK said, he wasn't owed any more explanation. There were signs, and the owner told him hands off. If his ego hadn't translated 'You'll get hurt' into 'I'll kick your ass', things would have ended differently.

                    Semi on-topic, at my local hobby shop the owner was selling a garden scale Shay live steam locomotive that someone had built, complete with radio control for throttle. Ah, if I'd only had the money and the space...
                    Last edited by IT Grunt; 12-12-2007, 01:44 PM.
                    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


                    • #11
                      Just my Frog would have been more in the right had his sign been the title of this post rather than simply "Do Not Touch." But I digress the moron who burned himself got what was coming to him.


                      • #12
                        Quoth napoleana View Post
                        In just a teeeeeny bit of fairness: your version* doesn't have Froggy telling the man "It boils water! It will be like touching a stove!" (I think I've heard of trains that are less dangerous and act as a mini smoke machine somehow, not actually operating on steam. Than again, I am not very knowledgeable on the subject.) But it doesn't really matter, because it was the wrong thing to do anyway.

                        *Being that it's second hand, it's completely understandable if he did say something along those lines and you just didn't mention it.
                        The only problem with the SC trying to use this as a defense is where the OP mentions this:

                        They pool around his route for a bit, watching as Froggy has to lift the locomotive with heavy leather gloves and rerail it, then refill the water tender and send the train on its way.


                        • #13
                          Heh. His nickname is "Tree Frog". He's actually a history professor from what I recall. He posts on another bboard I go to.
                          Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

