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Wherein my finger and mouth cause trouble (long, language)

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  • Wherein my finger and mouth cause trouble (long, language)

    Again, long & language, title may be too long to show it.

    I started this last night in notepad, due to the cable being out. Enjoy.

    So, my GF is sick and up most of the night, which means I (being a very light sleeper) am also up half the night. And I think I'm coming down with the flu as well. Thus, I am uber grumpy and somewhat sucky myself.

    Going to Work

    My normal commute involves dodging suicidal pedestrians (yes, I do have to yield to you if you're in the crosswalk. However, the laws of physics dictate that my 1,800 pound car, traveling at 35 MPH, cannot come to a complete stop in 10 feet) and avoiding the six schoolbuses whose routes coincide with parts of my route.

    Today, having made it past the stoplights and the multilane crosswalks I was at the head of the huge line of cars when we merged. The merge is poorly placed, coming only about 50 feet before a four way intersection. I merge, glance down to adjust my heat, and look up in time to see a white utility van in the oncoming lane making a U-turn through the middle of the intersection.

    Being so calm and reasonable, I utilize my middle finger to make a rude gesture as I slam on the brakes and swerve to avoid slamming into his fender.

    The van pulls forward about 20 feet then comes to a stop in the middle of the lane, giving me enough to space to get in line behind him. The driver then jumps out of the van and comes storming back to my window.

    AVG - Average (I keed!) actually Angry Van Guy
    Me - Lollipop to whoever can guess this one correctly!

    AVG: F*** you! I'll take finger and shove it right up your a** you rude f***! You will treat me with respect or I will f*** you up!

    Me: Attempting to roll down frozen window thinking Did he seriously get out of his van for this? Moron, you made a U-turn through the middle of a four way intersection into oncoming traffic. That's illegal and really dangerously f***ing stupid. If you don't like that, then don't drive like an idiot.

    AVG: Using both middle fingers at once (talented!) and doing a crouching hopping from foot to foot in a classic primate dominance display - classic if you're a monkey, that is... F*** YOU!! YOU WILL RESPECT ME!!!!eleventy!!! YOU WILL RESPECT ME OR YOU GO NOWHERE!!! F*** YOU!!!

    At this point, I just had to laugh... The little dance was so ridiculous. I felt like I was watching a National Geographic special. I kind of hoped Jane Goodall would come over and show me her notes on this incident.

    My laughter, of course, was not well received. He continued yelling and hopping about even faster. Which only made it funnier. I figured this could go on for a while and I had to get to work, so I rolled up my window, gave him a smile and wave and demonstrated my ability to steer around his van and drive away.

    The last I saw of him was in my rearview mirror, still hopping and yelling. I feel he may not be long for driving that van, as the name of the company was marked on the side and there were quite a few dumbfounded witnesses to this whole display...

    At the grocery store on my way home

    Our local grocery stores now not only have handicapped spaces and cart returns, but they've added Customer with Child parking spaces into the mix as well. These are all lined up at one end of the rows, like so:

    Front entrance of the store

    Handicap space ][ Handicap space
    Handicap space ][ Handicap space
    Customer w/ child ][ Customer w/ child
    Regular space ][ Regular space
    Regular space ][ Regular space
    Cart return ][ Cart return

    Not perfect, but you get the idea. Then there's about 20 more spaces out into the middle of the lot past the cart returns. So, I'm stopping to grab a couple things, including cough medicine, and I managed to park right next to one of the customer w/ child spots. Close to the store, yay!

    As I'm leaving, there's a woman with several small children in her car waiting to turn into the Customer w/ Child spot, but she waves me past first so I can go to my car. In the meantime, a guy with his empty cart walks up past the cart return, in front of this woman's car, and shoves the cart into the middle of the empty Customer w/ Child parking space.

    SCG - Sucky Cart Guy
    Me - Cookies for correct guesses this time!

    Me: Dude! What're you doing? That woman is trying to park here. <pointing at woman's car>

    SCG: What the f*** is your problem? Mind you're own godd*** business. It's the f***ing cart return, she can't park here anyway. Read the godd*** sign. <pointing to the Customer With Child Parking Only sign>

    Me: Are you illiterate or just such an a** that reading is too good for you?

    SCG: What the f*** did you just say to me?

    Me: Read that sign out loud to me, then think about it. <pointing to the Customer With Child Only Parking sign

    SCG: <finally LOOKING at the sign IT SAYS!!!eleventy! dramatic pause! Customer with Child... F*** YOU, JACKASS!!! <storms off, leaving the cart behind>

    Me: Is it that hard to admit you were wrong?

    I pull the cart out of the way and put it in the proper return rack. The woman thanks me as it is now raining and she actually has four small children with her.

    Anyway, I now leave you to draw your own conclusions...
    Last edited by Gerrinson; 12-12-2007, 06:26 PM. Reason: I'm an idiot, forgot the part about avoiding the van. So I bolded my stupidity.

  • #2
    Quoth Gerrinson View Post

    The last I saw of him was in my rearview mirror, still hopping and yelling. I feel he may not be long for driving that van, as the name of the company was marked on the side and there were quite a few dumbfounded witnesses to this whole display...
    A word of caution if you haven't already reported this then don't do it. I'm not sure how long ago this was. I'm also not sure where you are in the world. In any case in most states in the US (this may be different if you don't live in the US) This is a hit and run on your part since you left the scene of an accident. From the sounds of it this was not your fault but you still could be charged with leaving the scene of an accident if this moronic primate wants to be vindictive about it, this of course assumes he can identify your vehicle and as much as it would be great to see him get whats coming to him I would hate to see you get into trouble over this as well.
    Last edited by Chanlin; 12-12-2007, 06:05 PM. Reason: edit for clarity


    • #3
      Quoth Chanlin View Post
      A word of caution if you haven't already reported this then don't do it. I'm not sure how long ago this was. I'm also not sure where you are in the world. In any case in most states in the US (this may be different if you don't live in the US) This is a hit and run on your part since you left the scene of an accident. From the sounds of it this was not your fault but you still could be charged with leaving the scene of an accident if this moronic primate wants to be vindictive about it, this of course assumes he can identify your vehicle and as much as it would be great to see him get whats coming to him I would hate to see you get into trouble over this as well.
      Um, I don't see any accident in the OP. I see someone skidding to a stop, being blocked in and sworn at, and swerving around the blocking object. Am I missing something?


      • #4
        I'm a little unclear here. Did you hit the van or not?

        There may have been a word missing in the OP's post.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Quoth morgana View Post
          Um, I don't see any accident in the OP. I see someone skidding to a stop, being blocked in and sworn at, and swerving around the blocking object. Am I missing something?
          No, you didn't miss anything, I did miss the idiot in the van. I wasn't even 'blocked in' really, as I had room to move around him. Just when he stopped and hopped out my mind took a moment to comprehend that I was seeing reality.


          • #6
            Quoth Chanlin View Post
            A word of caution if you haven't already reported this then don't do it. I'm not sure how long ago this was. I'm also not sure where you are in the world. In any case in most states in the US (this may be different if you don't live in the US) This is a hit and run on your part since you left the scene of an accident.
            I don't think there actually was an accident. I think the sentence was meant to read "as I slam on the brakes and swerve to [avoid] slamming into his fender".

            It seems the guy did an illegal u turn, Gerrinson almost hit the van and flipped him off in the process. Guy in van stops in the middle of the road and gets out to confront Gerrinson.


            • #7
              Quoth Gerrinson View Post
              Being so calm and reasonable, I utilize my middle finger to make a rude gesture as I slam on the brakes and swerve to slamming into his fender.
              You missed a word here then this it what makes it sound like you were in an accident.


              • #8
                Quoth Chanlin View Post
                You missed a word here then this it what makes it sound like you were in an accident.
                Yes, I did. I'm an idiot. Please forgive me.

                I edited it and bolded my edit.


                • #9
                  No worries, nothing to forgive, 'twas a simple misunderstanding

                  Might I also add that it is more on my part than yours since I was the only one who missed the fact that there was in fact no accident
                  Last edited by Chanlin; 12-12-2007, 06:38 PM. Reason: added to


                  • #10
                    I can't believe people get out of their cars and go up to cars they cant' see into.

                    I am going to assume someone approaching my car is either armed or dangerously crazy or both. The reason for this is because they can't see into my car. I could be holding ANYTHING. I could be nuts. I could be waiting to shoot them. I could be ready to run them over. So, if they still approach with that in mind, they must either be packing or nuts.

                    And I'm going to react accordingly.


                    • #11
                      Me - Lollipop to whoever can guess this one correctly!
                      Me - Cookies for correct guesses this time!
                      Ooh! Nobody's answered yet!

                      "Me" is.....YOU!!!!!

                      Lollipops and cookies....

                      Cherry Tootsie-Pops??! are the cookies chocolate chip?

                      So, I'm stopping to grab a couple things, including cough medicine, and I managed to park right next to one of the customer w/ child spots. Close to the store, yay!
                      This, my friend, is what is known as "Rock Star Parking"

                      (well, true rock star parking is right next to the door, but given the position of handicapped and mommy spots, well...)
                      Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 12-14-2007, 02:57 AM.
                      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                      • #12
                        Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                        Ooh! Nobody's answered yet!

                        "Me" is.....YOU!!!!!

                        Lollipops and cookies....

                        Cherry Tootsie-Pops??! are the cookies chocolate chip?
                        Cherry tootsie pops and chocolate chip cookies? Oh, no, sorry, we're eating healthy now.

                        You get a Spinach tofu pop (like tootsie pops but with tofu in the middle!) and sugar free asparagus wheat germ cookies.

                        Well, okay, no, you can have whatever kind of virtual lollipops and cookies you want. You can even have as many as you want, too!

