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Cannons and Safety Issues

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  • Cannons and Safety Issues

    I belong to a group that does a lot of reenacting and Living History events. We also train people on the SAFE operation of muzzle-loading black powder cannons. One of the states wherein we operate has a person heading the State Parks system that has chosen to ignore our safety rules. Due to legal considerations, I do not wish to mention the state.

    When the cannon goes off, it emits a huge flash fireball from the muzzle (we have it on film). The people working on the front of the cannon are required to wear wool coats to protect them from the fire. Wool may smoulder, but it doesn't burn, and rates almost as high as firefighters suits for protection. The person in question has said that nobody on the guns is to be allowed to wear a wool coat.

    There is a 3-minute rule that says a minimum of 3 minutes must pass before another shot may be loaded. This is to help be sure there are no embers still in the barrel. We also sponge out the barrel twice between shots--before and after every shot. He wants us to "ram and jam" and has forbidden watches to be used to be sure ample time has passed.

    Nothing besides the black powder is to be packed in the load--no flour, no sawdust, no nothing. They turn into projectiles and do not contribute to the "smoke effect" yet he wants to load all kinds of foreign stuff in with the gunpowder.

    I, and my group, are appalled. It's not enough for us to just say that we will not participate in their events. We do intend to take it to the state governor and let it be known that the situation is a tragedy waiting to happen. We have a few members who are living testament to the need to follow these safety rules. We also had a few others that, had rules been followed, might still be with us.

    I really just needed to vent about the situation, and I hope we can get things changed.
    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

  • #2
    I hope you can get something done about that guy. That's insane. It's beyond reckless, it's malicious. If anything happened, that guy would be personally responsible. Maybe if he wants stuff in the powder, use his FLESH. Bastage.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      + Asshat =

      That is all.
      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


      • #4
        Wow. That guy needs to be put in the front of the cannon without a wool coat with his loadout to see what sort of thigns you are talking about graphically...\

        Blackpowder is not somethign to fart around with recklessly. There have been accidents. I was at a civil war renactment and a guy almost had a ramroad blown through his skull or something when he tried to speed load his rifle between shots and apparently didnt have the embers out. Fortunately it didn't kill him or cirpple him for life or anything but it did give him flash burns to the face and hand and knocked him down for a bit. Brought everythign to a screeching hault to as safety people came pouring out of the sidelines.


        • #5

          Dude has issues, for sure.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Wow. what is his explanation for wanting to do these things?

            You guys don't happen to have a pirate theme going, do you? I am wondering if I know you.


            • #7
              Primer's part of a re-enactment group. No pirating, as far as I know.
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



              • #8
                This sounds bad, real bad. If you don't get any satisfaction from the governor consider finding out who they use as their insurance carrier. Let the insurance carrrier know that this guy is not using safe methods and is putting lives at risk, that should cause the problem to stop real quick.
                My Karma ran over your dogma.


                • #9
                  Wow, as a fellow re-enactor and someone who has been around black powder artillery for 12 years, I say just don't do these events any more. F'em it's your crews behind on the line if something goes wrong.



                  • #10
                    Quoth Rahmota View Post
                    Wow. That guy needs to be put in the front of the cannon without a wool coat with his loadout to see what sort of thigns you are talking about graphically...\
                    We do have some of our members that can show him first "hand" so to speak...
                    Quoth Rahmota View Post
                    I was at a civil war reenactment and a guy almost had a ramroad blown through his skull or something when he tried to speed load his rifle between shots and apparently didn't have the embers out. Fortunately it didn't kill him or cripple him for life or anything but it did give him flash burns to the face and hand and knocked him down for a bit.
                    Can you imagine what it would be like to have that happen with a cannon?

                    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                    Wow. what is his explanation for wanting to do these things?
                    It doesn't "look" good. I'd almost like to see how good he would look after an accident.

                    Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                    Primer's part of a re-enactment group. No pirating, as far as I know.
                    Nope, no pirating. We do primarily Civil War and Texian (Texas/Mexico) stuff, with some good ol' Cowboy stuff on the side.

                    Quoth bitsyww2 View Post
                    Wow, as a fellow re-enactor and someone who has been around black powder artillery for 12 years, I say just don't do these events any more. F'em it's your crews behind on the line if something goes wrong.
                    Yes, we have cussed and discussed that, but we also do not want anyone else getting hurt needlessly. That's why we are staying involved in the situation. We will not practice anything unsafe, but we will not stand around and do nothing if somebody else wants to, either.

                    Safety first and foremost!
                    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                    • #11
                      Can you imagine what it would be like to have that happen with a cannon?
                      Unfortunately yes. I can imgaine quite a bit more unpleasant at the least shall we say.Look sorta like this ...

                      Considering how at the civil war/revolutionary war re-enactments I've been to around ohio here sitting 50 or so yards away from the cannon volley still feels like getting thumped in the chest I figure being right on top of it must be more akin to being mule kicked in the chest.

                      Nope, no pirating. We do primarily Civil War and Texian (Texas/Mexico) stuff, with some good ol' Cowboy stuff on the side.
                      Ahh dang no pirates. Oh well Cowboys make up for it...

                      Safety first and foremost!
                      Always. Keep up the good work. And good luck.


                      • #12
                        Ah. My friends are the ones who fire off the cannon at Pennsic. Pirates. Just checking!


                        • #13
                          Quoth Primer View Post
                          It doesn't "look" good.
                          Oh, and people getting shredded by shrapnel would?!

                          I hope the state governor or other appropriate parties can put the kibosh on this idiot's ideas. If he has his way, someone's going to end up severely injured / crippled / dead.
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                          My LiveJournal
                          A page we can all agree with!

