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drive thru fun at McDonalds

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  • drive thru fun at McDonalds

    ok..I think I spend waaay too much time at McDonalds...they know my name and where I work now... *sigh* N E I was there for breakfast before I had to go open the store and these teenagers who probably just got their license yesterday showed up and drove through the drive through area making the buzzer ring inside....then continued driving through the drive through..past the windows....and then around the building...then through the drive through...around the building...etc....the staff inside was seriously getting pissed off, and so the manager got on the phone to the police department.

    I hurried outside to my car, and just sat there for a few minutes to wait for the police department to show up. someone who was actually a customer drove into the drive through...thus interrupting the teens' fun so they backed into a parking spot waiting for the drive through to open up again...soooo...being the jerk that I am...I backed out of my parking space...drove down the parking lot...and parked right in front of them...thus blocking them in...couldnt go anywhere....curb behind them with a huge snowbank on top of the curb...and me in front of them so close they cant move....I turned off my engine and went back into the restaurant to wait for the police....

    The police showed up, so I moved my car back into the parking space I was in and went back in to get a refill on my coffee...the manager gave me a week's worth of free breakfast

    I tried to explain to the manager that I wasnt doing it because I wanted free food, but that I work in retail and I know how working with idiots can get but he insisted.
    "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney

  • #2

    I think it was pretty obvious you were only trying to help get those stupid kids what they had coming to them.

    Who is so damn bored that they go around and around and around a drive thru?!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      That was a pretty bold move; teenagers tend to not think about the consequences of their actions (that lot in particular) and could have decided to ram your car. But kudos to you for taking action!
      ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


      • #4
        Quoth kerrisan View Post
        That was a pretty bold move; teenagers tend to not think about the consequences of their actions (that lot in particular) and could have decided to ram your car. But kudos to you for taking action!
        Which, given the amount of noise that would make, and the numerous, willing witnesses already pissed off by their earlier asshattery, would lead to a little thing I like to call Vehicular Assault, on top of the moving violations, lawsuit from King or his insurance company, etc. Almost a shame they didn't, since we'd likely end up with a warstory.
        And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


        • #5
          At the hobby shop, we call Mc Donalds "Mc Heart stoppers" and since it's within walking distance, we eat there all the time.
          Check out my cosplay social group!


          • #6
            ..I think I spend waaay too much time at McDonalds...
            Dont feel bad back in college the local Long Johns saw me at the same time every day ordering the same thing to the point where the lady behind the counter saw me and repeated my order before I got to say it....

            I too am surprised they didnt try and do something. Maybe not involving the vehicle but trying to trash talk you or something else stupid.


            • #7
              Quoth Rahmota View Post
              I too am surprised they didnt try and do something. Maybe not involving the vehicle but trying to trash talk you or something else stupid.
              They could have been mostly good kids trying to do something they thought was funny, which is probably why they stuck around after the legit customer came in. The hellions are the ones that not only do obnoxious things, but think through on how not to get caught, making them infuriatingly obnoxious.
              Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
              Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
              The Office


              • #8
                Quoth Gabrielle Proctor View Post
                At the hobby shop, we call Mc Donalds "Mc Heart stoppers" and since it's within walking distance, we eat there all the time.
                Well, it's in walking distance, so it shouldn't be that much of a threat.
                "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                • #9
                  I told my dad about these guys and described the 2 of them to him. He teaches in this particular city and said these 2 guys are the worst behaved guys in the school. whenever they leave the classroom, school security and the principal are notified that they are out of the classroom and they are basically escorted where they need to go in between classes.

                  Turns out this escapade might have broken some type of probation. One of my ex-boss' daughters goes to school with them and saw one of them wearing an ankle monitor.
                  "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney


                  • #10
                    Quoth king4aday View Post
                    I told my dad about these guys and described the 2 of them to him. He teaches in this particular city and said these 2 guys are the worst behaved guys in the school. whenever they leave the classroom, school security and the principal are notified that they are out of the classroom and they are basically escorted where they need to go in between classes.

                    Turns out this escapade might have broken some type of probation. One of my ex-boss' daughters goes to school with them and saw one of them wearing an ankle monitor.
                    Hmm, suddenly I am remembering Tim Wilson's most excellent song, It Takes a Village (To Raise a Nut). Wonder if these two will come to the same end...

                    We can only hope.
                    Last edited by Geek King; 12-20-2007, 03:16 PM.
                    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                    Hoc spatio locantur.

