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and they just keep coming..I should really stay in bed till the new year

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  • and they just keep coming..I should really stay in bed till the new year

    I stopped at the gas station to get some gas tonight. I lost my ATM card over the weekend and am waiting for the new one. In the meantime, all my purchases are being made by cash.

    So I go to the station that's on the way home from work and it's one of the few stations in the area where I don't have to go in to pay first. I press the button and wait. Usually someone comes over the intercom to give the go ahead and start pumping. Nothing. I hear this tinny voice over the loud music that sounds like it's the next pump or two over and wait some more. Finally, I go in and hand the cashier my money.

    Cashier: what is this for?
    me: for pump 5.
    Cashier: all of it? *I'd given her 25 dollars, probably more than enough, but I wanted to be sure*
    me: yes.
    Cashier: *punches at buttons* well pump 5 is in use. I activated it. So..go pump already.
    me: *blink* okay. I wasn't sure. I didn't hear anyone say anything.
    Cashier: *gets a little snotty* I made the announcement. Not my fault you didn't hear *uh, yeah it is. because the damned music is too loud*
    me: Okay, sorry. It's just noisy out there, what with the cars passing by on the main road and the loud music over the speakers(emphasis mine; I didn't yell it)
    Cashier: Whatever, just pump your stupid gas.
    me: you know what? forget it. Just give me my money back. I think I'll go elsewhere. somewhere where they appreciate the honesty of people.
    Cashier: what? you can't do that.
    me: I can and I did. Can I have my money or am I going to have to call the police for theft?
    Cashier: *throws money at me that lands at my feet* here. *starts mumbling*
    me: Gee, I'd hate to see how you act when someone does a drive off.

    I left and went up to the QT by my house. Seriously, what is it with people? Is there some invisible sign on my head that says "please, be stupid?'
    Random conversation:
    Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
    DDD: Cuz it's cool

    So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

  • #2
    gah i want to squish his head!


    • #3
      WTH?!? There has GOT to be something in the water these peeps are drinking, or you just have some crap luck. *snuggles* hope things get better and these nasties go back to the rock they were under.

