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Ten steps to never dealing with DHL again.

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  • #31
    I understand about the whole DHL thing. My mom decided to use DHL to ship a bunch of packages from the west coast to the east coast since we were helping move someone. NEVER AGAIN!

    Needless to say they broke a bunch of stuff, like the computer(which took all summer to even get it to start up, it's been replaced), they dented the tv(it didn't break but now there is a phantom green spot), mangled a toaster and almost all the boxes had gashes in them. Since my mom was dealing with it I don't know how it ended but I do know that they refused to give us anything at first. And if I remember right they said we didn't insure anything even though we had the slips to prove it.


    • #32
      Quoth toranoko View Post
      ...mangled a toaster.......
      How do you do that? It's gotta take some effort.
      I know nothing and I can prove it!


      • #33
        DHL totally sucks. I ordered a computer from Dell and they shipped it DHL. It was going to my house, a residence. They delivered to a pawn shop, on the other end of town (not even remotely near my house) which was on a street name that didn't resemble mine at all. And it's not like there were a bunch of boxes and this one got mixed up. He drove to the shop and delivered just the ONE box to the wrong guy and took off. WTF?


        • #34
          I don't think I'll be using DHL for anything either, but for reasons that are...obscure at best. Okay, here's the deal. As I've stated before, I'm going to Tech Skills (awesome place to get certifications quite easily that I highly recommend). Well, instead of my company paying them directly for my courses, they put it on my check. Problem? Well, my account was overdrawn and when the direct deposit went got it.

          I was fortunately able to make payment arrangements with them and they were pretty lenient about it. I was to pay a fairly large chunk of change each month toward the middle until February. No big deal...I already earned one of my certs, close on the second, and thus a raise has already come into effect. As I wasn't told exactly WHO to pay toward the middle of the month, I gave a check to the administrative assistant at the front desk at my location.

          She explained to me that normally I'm supposed to contact or mail the local office the payment, but no worries, she'll be putting my check in the next DHL box to go to the local office. Oh okay. No big deal, right? Never used DHL before, but whatever. Yeah...unfortunately, it is a big deal because toward the end of December, the jackoffs at the local office called up, got my wife, and chewed her out wondering where my payment is.

          I go to Tech Skills and ask the AA what the deal is. She doesn't know either and is CERTAIN she put my check in the DHL box, so she'll call the local office and figure it out. When they got back to her, they claimed it wasn't in the box. I contacted them immediately to sort out a payment over the phone and here's why I won't be using DHL again...not because they're necessarily an unreliable company, but because of the following exchange...

          Me: "Well, the AA said she contacted you guys and it was determined the check was lost."
          Monkey from Local Office on the Phone: "Yeah, you might want to make sure she didn't forget to send it!"

          An aside...I don't know the AA very well, but certainly a lot more than this douchemonger. He's already going to claim she's at fault despite the fact that somehow either DHL or they lost it? Brilliant!

          Me: "...Well, anyway, I can make a payment today, but I'm thinking I should probably cancel that check."
          Monkey: "Well, if you cancel that check, then we receive it, you'll be charged a fee."
          Me: "Uh, should I cancel it or not? It's for a pretty sizeable amount!"
          Monkey: "Well, I mean, hundreds of checks come through here a day, so we're not going to just check and find yours and rip it up or something."
          Me: (Gee, isn't that what account comments are for?) "Well, what do you recommend I do then?"
          Monkey: "Sorry?"
          Me: "I don't want someone to go off and cash that check somehow. Even if you guys received that check TOMORROW, I wouldn't have the funds in my account if we make this transaction TODAY. Yet, you're claiming Tech Skills didn't even send the check, so which is it? Should I make the payment today and cancel the check, hoping you don't find it or should I wait and assume you'll eventually find the check?"

          Yeah...I can't even remembered how he responded because the situation rapidly got stupider. Seriously, I can understand a company wanting to charge a fee if a check bounces, is cancelled, etc., but when you have a situation like that, why would you screw the client TWICE? Twice, how? Once where I have to go and cancel the check because you'll obviously cash it if you get it and the cancelled check fee through my bank is high and twice where you're saying you will be charging me if you TRY to cash it, but can't?

          You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


          • #35
            Quoth mrtauntaun View Post
            DHL totally sucks. I ordered a computer from Dell and they shipped it DHL. It was going to my house, a residence. They delivered to a pawn shop, on the other end of town (not even remotely near my house) which was on a street name that didn't resemble mine at all. And it's not like there were a bunch of boxes and this one got mixed up. He drove to the shop and delivered just the ONE box to the wrong guy and took off. WTF?

            Thats what they did to a customer's package. I had a woman call in saying they had delivered a box to her from us, but she never ordered anything, and it wasn't even her address on the box.

            Now the sucky thing was, this woman that called in refused to give me her address so I could schedule a pickup, saying that DHL should know where they delivered the package. I felt like saying, well if they can't even deliver it to the correct address, I highly doubt they know where they dropped it off. So this woman now has another woman's jacket and refuses to give it back to DHL or send it back to us.


            • #36
              Quoth hawkchick11 View Post
              Now the sucky thing was, this woman that called in refused to give me her address so I could schedule a pickup, saying that DHL should know where they delivered the package.
              Have you tried doing a reverse lookup on her number? I assume she called you from her land line.

              My Pointless Links collection.

