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Bad drivers, mean drivers, old drivers, funny drivers.

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  • Bad drivers, mean drivers, old drivers, funny drivers.

    Here are four short tales a sucky drivers I've been witness to and encountered.

    Numero uno:
    I'm heading to school in the morning. I need to take a right and I'm on one of those little curved things that branches form the main road so that people don't get stuck behind others who are just turning. A few cars go by and then there is a LARGE space before the next car comes. I think sweet, I've can go. I begin to pull into the lane of the street I'm turning onto. The street I'm turning onto has two lanes, therfore there's one for people coming from the left and right, of course people from the left always swing into the far one before they even reach the road so I wait.

    You remember that LARGE gap, well the lady driving the car at the end of that gap, sees me begin to pull into the streets and apparently has a melt down at the sight of it. She guns it, whips around the turn and nearly runs me off the road. I go up onto the curb a bit and bent the rims of my tire. Again, this lady, about fifteen feet away from the line where one stops on red freaks out, accelerates, takes the turn going forty and swings into the lane I'm pulling into. Oh and the best part is this nasty look she gives me afterwards. Instead of speeding up so she can get on her precious way without me apparently obstructing it, she then slows down to a near stop, looks over at me with her mouth hanging half open in disgust and then guns it up the street only to come to a schreeching halt at a red light, nearly hitting the car in front of her....bitch.

    Numero dos:

    Ah, what a gem this one was. ON a scale from diamond to turd, this one is the turd of the turd.
    I'm heading out of town back to my house, it's been a pretty good day, of course there's still quite a few people on the road. I'm in the right lane going a little over the speed limit, there's loads of people in the left passing me as they're rushing to get home so I can't get into that lane. I pull up to a stop light with a few cars in front of me. Now I don't know what was running through this womans head at the time or if she just was felt like pissing me off was okay because I'm younger than her but whatever.

    The light turned the cars started going. She stayed put for a bit longer than neccesary. I think no big, maybe she was switching radio stations and didn''t see. Boy did I get it wrong. We hadn't gone twenty feet when she started to tap her breaks. I slowed thinking maybe a deer had just run in front of her. Nope, no deer, she just tapped it a few time then went about another twenty or thirty feet and did it again.

    You know that feeling you get, it's a strange sensation that you can't quite place. It starts as a small thrumming in the back of your head and slowly grows louder and begins to go from thrumming to banging erractically. It then becomes painful to the point where you want to start screaming until all the world knows your pain and then you want to choke the life out of someone just to prove how painful it is. Such is the pain this turd of a turd lady caused.

    I ended up going about five miles stuck behind this lady until I finally reach a point where I can pass her, but it doesn't get that far quite yet. Before I can reach my salvation there is an intersection. The light turns green the cars ahead move forward, this lady taps her breaks and then moves into the intersection and STOPS. I can see her head tilted back in laughter through the back window and then she ever so slowly begins to move through the rest of the intersection. It then comes to an off ramp and she begins speeding mercilessly down it. I'm pissed and so before she's out of sight I speed up (I have to go about 80 to reach and stay with her) As I pass by I flip her the bird and curse, I think quite loudly enough to be heard several miles away.

    Whew, I would have rather strangled her, but that will have to do.

    Finally, one that doesn't involve jerks, just people who probably shouldn't be driving.

    I was on the highway heading into town, when it suddenly seems I'm advancing quite quickly on this old whale of a car. I check, nope going the speed limit. I pull into another lane and pass by and as I look in it's and old guy driving with his wife in the passenger seat. He's squinting and leaning over his steering wheel and turning it back and forth quite a bit.

    I get up to the stop light, it turns green I go and then FWOOM! The same car I saw only a minute ago going about 30 in a 55 is now going about 70 in a 45 (the speed limit changed as the highway entered into town). If you can't drive at a consistant speed don't drive at all!

    This one's short and a bit funny.
    My moms driving and I'm in the passenger seat. We're on the highway and we pull up next to a van. The van is packed! It's so full that the driver actually had the seat so far forward that his/her (can't remember the gender) body was touching the steering wheel, and the seat was inclined forward so that his/her nose was literally about an inch away from the windshield. Try to imagine that. It was hilarious and we were cracking up about it the whole way home.
    We Pick Up the Pieces

  • #2
    Funny as it may look that last one's just asking for a tragedy. First of all, driving in that position probably doesn't make it easy to see around you or properly use your mirrors, and if they were to get in an accident they are practically guaranteed to get their internal organs crushed by the steering wheel.

    I will never understand what possesses people to purposely try to piss other people off while driving 2 ton steel death machines. You make a wrong move and cause an accident, or your mess with the wrong person and trigger retaliation. Either way it's just stupid and so not worth it. Whenever I see someone driving erratically, or too fast or too slow for the conditions, all I want is to get away from them. All the more so if they seem to be doing it on purpose.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      This reminds me of a couple incidents I've run across:

      First, I was heading down the ramp to get on the interstate. I'm speeding up to merge when I notice that the old guy in front of me has slowed down, and then I noticed he's stopped at the bottom of the ramp. I'm already up to 55, so I slam on the brakes and put up a nice cloud of smoke as I stop just a few feet from his bumper. I think about what could have happened if I'd reacted a second too late, and then wonder what the hell was going through this guy's mind. The kicker? Traffic was minimal. He stopped because he saw a car nearly 200 yards back, and was going to wait for it to pass. Freakin' idiot.

      Second, I'm following along behind another old guy onto a highway overpass. Next thing I know, the guy is braking to a stop and putting on his turn signal, to turn onto the exit ramp. I manage to get around him, but thankfully this guy realized what he was doing and moved up to the entrance ramp. Good thing, too, otherwise that could have been messy.
      A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


      • #4
        My driving-to-work pet peeve: People who don't know how to merge on the highway.

        People, honestly, if you're going to get on the highway, don't start slowing down at the bottom of the ramp! I swear, I'll let you over! I do it everyday. If you start slowing down just as you get to the bottom of the ramp, I start getting worried that you'll miss me in your blindspot and sideswipe me. When I speed up to buzz ahead of you and get out of the way, don't then act like I cut you off. By law, I don't have to even adjust my speed for you. The driving laws basically state that merging is the resposibility of the merging driver, not the drivers already on the road, unless two roads are becoming a new road. I could merrily think, "go f*** yourself," and go my merry way, but I try to be a nice guy. Do your part and keep your speed up with the traffic you're merging with.

        DISCLAIMER: I know there are jerks who will purposefully mess with meging drivers, I'm talking about general behavior. Also, Newton's Laws of Mass and Momentum still trump the driving laws. Not going to tangle with a semi (lorry for the brits) if I can help it.
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #5
          Ah, the joys of driving....I used to commute in the DC area, and think i've seen just about everything. I only really snapped once, though. I stopped just before an intersection at a green light to avoid gridlock. The guy behind me started flipping out and honking his horn and screaming at me. I got out of my car , turned around and screamed "It's called gridlock a**hole!" and got back in. He stopped yelling. It had been a long day.

          I've had to teach myself not to flip people off, though. The last time I did it, the other driver decided to have "fun" with me and ran me off the road, nearly into a jersey wall.
          "I don't like it when I say people should die and then they do. I don't want that kind of responsibility. At least not until I've got a job in middle management."


          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            Funny as it may look that last one's just asking for a tragedy. First of all, driving in that position probably doesn't make it easy to see around you or properly use your mirrors, and if they were to get in an accident they are practically guaranteed to get their internal organs crushed by the steering wheel.
            Back when I was in high school one of my classmates was tiny - stopped growing somewhere in grade school i think. And yes, the steering wheel will kill you when you have to sit that close to it. She passed away right before exam week in our junior year.


            • #7
              Ahh, merging on the highway is my biggest pet peeve too. Also tailgating when the person in front of you is going at least the speed limit. The thing I've seen the most that irritates me with merging on the highway is the route I normally take to get home. It is a two lane highway, and not heavily populated at the point I hop on. I have seen people in the right lane *SLOW DOWN* to about 35-40 mph to let the person merging onto the highway in... when the left lane is COMPLETELY clear. Yes, I understand it's not the travel lane, but it's the passing lane, and also the "get the hell out of the way of the people merging onto the highway lane (when it is safe to do so)".

              Road rage is also a terrible thing. People should be given some sort of a personality test before they are given a license. Like one that measures blood pressure levels as they get pissed off or something.
              Jim: Fact: Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Gallactica.
              Dwight: Bears don't eat bee... Hey! What are you doing?
              The Office


              • #8
                is it really the law that you don't have to adjust your speed for merging drivers? It just seems like common decency and sense to do so. It pisses me off to no end when I'm driving for a long period of time with my blinker on trying to get over and the other car either won't speed up or slow down - and THEN decides to cut me off so they can exit. If they had let me in, I would have let them in - we could have switched places. OR they could put their freakin' turn signal on so I could figure out what the heck they were doing!!!

                People who don't use their turn signals infuriate me. How the heck are all the other cars on the road supposed to "magically" know that you are going to come into their lane? If you put your signal on, we could react instead of screeching to a halt as you barrel yourself in between us and the other car - which there isn't enough room to do anyway.

                I also drive on the expressway a lot and can't for the life of me figure out why we're going 60 miles an hour and then we dead stop - then go about 50 miles an hour - dead stop. I've learned to leave lots of space between me and the next car, but I just don't understand how the highway dead stops. Traffic is one thing - nobody is moving - but moving fast and then stopping and moving fast and then stopping - it drives me nuts

                Still in all of this, I've never flipped anyone off. You never know who's got a gun, or a temper, or is just plain insane.....


                • #9
                  Quoth air914 View Post
                  is it really the law that you don't have to adjust your speed for merging drivers? It just seems like common decency and sense to do so.
                  Disclaimer: cultural and legal background is Australia. Non-Australians may find this answer doesn't apply to them.

                  Legally, yes. The onus is on the merging-in driver, not the drivers already on the highway/freeway/whatever. However, the drivers on the highway can be charged with dangerous driving, negligent homicide, or whatever other thing can be thrown at them.

                  The legally-expected behaviour of the highway cars is to remain predictable. Stay doing what you're doing, stay in the lane you're in, so the merging driver can plan their merge.

                  The courteous behaviour on a mostly-quiet freeway is to get into the passing lane, let the merging driver have the main travel lane, and get back into the main travel lane once you're both at highway speed.

                  The courteous behaviour on a busy freeway is to figure out where the merging driver intends to go, and give them a little more space if you can safely do so.

                  However, remaining predictable is more important than being courteous. If everyone's predictable, we all stay safe.
                  Seshat's self-help guide:
                  1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                  2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                  3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                  4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                  "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                  • #10
                    I can't stand the idiots who can't merge either. Nearly every damn day, when I get on the parkway, the ramp is bumper to bumper. Never mind that the parkway itself is moving quickly...and that the parkway goes from 2 to 3 lanes there. The ramp becomes its own lane for a few miles. Nope, what holds things up, is the dumbasses who *slam on the brakes* about halfway down the ramp to look for traffic

                    About the ramps--here, if you can, you're supposed to move over temporarily to allow traffic to merge. It's not really a law, but it's much safer. Many times, the people trying to get onto the highway will *not* wait, which is *not* a good thing on some of our roads. Many of them were designed to handle 55mph traffic...meaning that the ramps now either aren't long enough, or are too close together.

                    I have no problem with people doing the speed limit either. It annoys the hell out of me though, to be doing the legal 55 (or 65mph, or whatever)...and have some idiot pull out in front of me doing well under that. That's just dangerous!
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #11
                      The key word is "merge." The traffic is supposed to merge. This means the vehicles moving on the highway are supposed to adjust to the vehicles moving onto the highway. Otherwise, the signs would say, "Yield."

                      Frankly, the combination, at least in my area, of a huge growth of traffic, immigrants (legal and illegal) with few or no driving skills (often with no licenses and insurance), the lack of decent public transit (which means that people who are poor or fearful drivers drive anyway), infrastructure that's always behind the growth curve, and the usual idiots, psychos and stupidity, have made me hate driving.

                      I've been enjoying letting the bus driver deal with it, although the whole public transit ordeal of having to deal with multiple agencies is a regular pain, but I'm probably going to have to start driving again in a few months, and I'm not looking forward to it.
                      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                      HR believes the first person in the door
                      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                      Document everything
                      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                      • #12
                        Quoth wagegoth View Post
                        The key word is "merge." The traffic is supposed to merge. This means the vehicles moving on the highway are supposed to adjust to the vehicles moving onto the highway. Otherwise, the signs would say, "Yield."
                        Very nearly every freeway ramp I've been on in the US that did not have a light, and every single one in my area, has a yield sign that applies to the ramp traffic.

                        That said, the decent, and safe, thing is for everyone to pay attention. Much easier if the ramp traffic upholds their end of the bargain.
                        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                        Hoc spatio locantur.


                        • #13
                          Quoth IT Grunt View Post
                          This reminds me of a couple incidents I've run across:

                          First, I was heading down the ramp to get on the interstate. I'm speeding up to merge when I notice that the old guy in front of me has slowed down, and then I noticed he's stopped at the bottom of the ramp. I'm already up to 55, so I slam on the brakes and put up a nice cloud of smoke as I stop just a few feet from his bumper. I think about what could have happened if I'd reacted a second too late, and then wonder what the hell was going through this guy's mind. The kicker? Traffic was minimal. He stopped because he saw a car nearly 200 yards back, and was going to wait for it to pass. Freakin' idiot.

                          Second, I'm following along behind another old guy onto a highway overpass. Next thing I know, the guy is braking to a stop and putting on his turn signal, to turn onto the exit ramp. I manage to get around him, but thankfully this guy realized what he was doing and moved up to the entrance ramp. Good thing, too, otherwise that could have been messy.
                          *points up* And now you know how my boss ended up with 11 broken ribs, compression fracture and a wrecked truck. He got stopped, idiot behind him didn't though. *shakes head*
                          Today was going to be just one of those know, full of zombies.


                          • #14
                            Depending on where the vehicle attempting to merge is, and whether there's traffic trying to pass me, I will slow down, speed up, or move to the other lane to give the merging vehicle a place to enter the freeway.

                            My dislike is for those people who refuse to give you space to merge in, even thought they could easily move to the other lane, and then tailgate you and get all road-ragey for no good reason.

                            Like the screaming assbag in an almost brand new Dodge Ram I had the displeasure of encountering one day. Son of a bitch tailgated me, swung out, sped up and passed me, then yanked back into my lane, slammed on his brakes, and flipped me off.

                            I still wonder how I managed not to rear-end him. Traffic was really light on the freeway so he could've moved over.

                            I'd also like to re-announce my disdain for metered ramps, which Milwaukee and other large cities have. When they're in use you end up coming to a dead stop at the end of the entrance ramp, and when the light turns green you have to floor it so you don't get blasted by the traffic moving full speed ahead behind you.
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              Yes: the whole point of an entrance ramp is to allow you to get up to freeway speeds so you can merge safely.

                              I've only seen a few traffic-lighted ramps, and they all have the light a decent distance back from the merging point.
                              Seshat's self-help guide:
                              1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                              2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                              3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                              4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                              "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.

