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Cyclists, traffic and fog

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  • Cyclists, traffic and fog

    A few days ago we had really bad fog at night. even with my fog lights on I could barley see 100 feet in front of my car. All the other dives we driving slower, byt they emo punks on their bikes were not. In Masshole bycalists have to stop at a red, just like a car, but they are invincible (or so they think). While stopped at a red a cyclist comes flying down the side walk, pedaling as fast as possible and into the intersection. He sees the car driving in front of hum and tries to stop. He looses his balance and falls of the bike and rolls into the travel lane. He was not hurt, but a semi crushed the front half of his cycle. He then dragged the remains of his bike out of the road, go on his phone and called someone, probably mommmy to give him a ride home.

  • #2
    Over here, cyclists over the age of 15 or so must ride on the road, so they don't endanger pedestrians. They are to stick to the left lane and ride single file, obeying all traffic signs/signals. But OMG I can't drive along the beach on Sundays anymore because it's their big riding day - they take up the whole left lane, sometimes half of the next one (note: there are only 2 lanes for either direction of traffic). And 50% don't obey red lights. If I had a nickel for every time, as a pedestrian, that I've almost been run over by a bike, I'd be rich.
    Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
    Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
    <3 Arrested Development


    • #3
      I've seen similar all too many times, cyclists just behave like they rule the road.

      I guess I've got a slightly different view though as I'm a cyclist myself. That said I'm one of those rare cyclists who stop at red lights and have been known to spew massive verbal abuse at cyclists who should dare to pass in front of me when I'm stopped at said red lights...

      but all that said and done I do get equally annoyed at cars who do not give way when I have right of way
      "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

      CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
      Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


      • #4
        The Mass state law states "same road same rules" The PD I work for issues citations to bikes that don't follow the rules. Sadly I get a lot of calls from these people whining that they are on bikes and should be able to run red lights!

        No helmet= ticket. Run a light= ticket. Ride on sidwalk=ticket. No headlight at night=ticket..


        • #5
          Quoth Slayergrrl View Post
          whining that they are on bikes and should be able to run red lights!

          What?! Do they not realize that red light means there is traffic coming in the other direction that does NOT have to stop for THEM?!? How long before they start requiring Riders' Licenses?
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            How long before they start requiring Riders' Licenses?
            It would be great to, but try enforcing it, it would be nigh on impossible unless you registered bikes and gave them Registration Plates. I can't see that happening any time soon!
            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


            • #7
              i prefer the sidewalks myself, though i always keep a headlight on the bike.

              and might consider getting a tail-light like my bf did


              • #8
                In our downtown all bicycles must be ridden in the road, following all same traffic laws that cars must.

                Of course that doesn't mean I haven't come thisclose to hitting some guy pedaling the wrong way down a one way street.

                I gave him a nice one finger salute.
                My Pointless Links collection.


                • #9

                  "and might consider getting a tail-light like my bf did"

                  How much do they cost? What harm do they do? Maybe they make the bike a bike heavier, and the ride a bit more like hard work, but that will make your legs even shapelier.

                  Why haven't you got one already?

                  People who buy pushbikes should realise that they are using the riskiest form of transport on the road, and should add a budget for the absolute maximum amount of safety equipment - if necessary buy a cheaper bike and more safety gear.

                  Lights everywhere, reflectives discs on the spokes, a bell or hooter device, reflective Sam Browne belt, helmet (with reflective bits on it, or even LEDs). Yeah yeah you will look like a dork maybe, but it's better than looking like a pizza when some idiot doesn't see you. Also, if you make it so he would have to be a blind idiot to not see you, that could bump the compensation claim up when you have your inevitable accident - because most bike riders get involved in an incident while riding.

                  My favourite was when I was going around a long smooth left turn, but a bullying car driver was making his turn tighter and tighter, forcing me into a high kerb. The path he was taking would have eventually have pushed me onto my left side, run over my front wheel, and pinned me under the bike. My front tire bounced off the kerb a bit, steering me slightly to the right - I was basically out of control at that point, and shouting at him, ringing my bell. I rejoiced as I watched the rolled steel brake lever on my right-side handlebar gouge a lovely long scratch in the left front wing and front door of his car. The horrible noise it made finally attracted his attention, so he immediately stopped, leapt out, and shouted:

                  He "What have you done. you fucking hooligan! You have damaged my car! I am gonna call the police!"

                  Me "Yeah yeah, you bastard, didn't you hear me shouting and ringing my bell? You were behind me when we entered that corner, so what are you gonna tell them? That I savagely attacked your car with my pushbike? Learn to drive arsehole! Go get them, see what they say."

                  He got in his car and drove off. Tee hee, I bet that repaint job cost him about ten times more than I had paid for the bike, which was a single speed Triumph.


                  • #10
                    Holy shit, Bagga, that guy could have killed you! I would have gotten the plate and called the cops. With an obvious injury, he couldn't very well deny it. Where I live, it is illegal to pass or crowd a bike. What everyone does, however, is if the biker moves to the shoulder, then we drive halfway in the turn lane to pass them. It averages out to a full lane between us.
                    "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


                    • #11
                      Quoth Sylvia727 View Post
                      Where I live, it is illegal to pass or crowd a bike.
                      I couldn't imagine not being able to pass a bike. Out where my parents live, all 55mph country roads, there are tons of bikers. I'd go insane if I wasn't able to pass someone going 45-50 mph under the speed limit.
                      My Pointless Links collection.


                      • #12
                        Well, I've never had or heard of any problems by passing them in the turn lane. The only reason I know it's ticketable is by reading the official driver's guide cover to cover when I was going for my license. It was so weird, it stuck with me And actually, the guide just said that bikers need a full lane, and that one should not drive side-by-side with one. So maybe passing in the turn lane is okay?

                        And yes, it would drive me crazy if I had to drive 5 mph on a 40 mph road. There's only one real suburb that has bikers though, the rest usually congregate in the various parks.
                        "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

                        "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

