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I didn't get carded..

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  • I didn't get carded..

    For the first time evah.......*drumroll* I went to the liquor store! Yesterday was my 21st birthday.

    I went with my mom so I could pick out a cake and my very first liquor purchase at a store.

    There were two boys ahead of me, who, if I still worked at the gas station, I would have carded, no doubt. Neither appeared over 20, and policy everywhere around here is under 30, card em.

    The clerk did not even look at me, rung up my bottle of Hurricane, and sent me on my way. I don't know, maybe he figured since I was with my mother, it was ok?

    Maybe it was because we went out of the way and went to a more rural type city (I had a gift card for this place, there's 3 of them around here, and I did NOT want to go to the grocery stores in the bigger towns because of the after church crowds who loot grocery stores on Sundays). I'm pretty sure if I went to a different store, I would have been carded, no doubt.

    I mean, at midnight the other night, I wasn't 3 inches inside the door at the bar and the bouncer said "SHOW ME ID!" and looked at me like I was some stupid 17 year old trying to sneak into the bar (the same look I always get when I buy cigarettes. I don't mind it, I know it's their job, the only time I get frustrated is when the clerk seems to be out to prove that I'm one of those stupid kids or police informants). I had no problem making him look like an ass when I could prove I was indeed 21, though.

    I can't believe I did not get carded on my 21st birthday at the liquor store. That really makes me mad. He didn't card either of the boys ahead of me. Hell, a fine for liquor is bigger than tobacco.

    That store is just begging for a fine....
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Maybe a phone call to the local PD might be in order, we always love to know who IDs and who doesn't, I don't know about where you live but youth disorder through alcohol is a huge problem over here so cutting off the source is always a good thing.
    A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


    • #3
      I know how you feel. My fiance and I went inside this gas station and we both look really young. I mean, I'm 23 and he's 24 but we both could pass for high schoolers.

      Anyway, I forgot my ID in the car and while my fiance was in line, I ran out to the car to get it. When I came back in, neither of us were carded...

      They're begging for a fine too. Its not the fact that I want to be carded (which okay is fun too) but I have a bad feeling a few minors got some alcohol more than once or twice.


      • #4
        I don't get carded often because apparently I look "in my late twenties."

        I'm only 21. My first trip to the liquor store was with my mom, too, and the guy behind the counter kept trying to guess my age. "Lemme guess, twenty five?"

        Would you like a Stummies?


        • #5
          I always get told I look like I'm in high school, but when I turned 21, I wasn't ID'd at the restaurant with my roommates or at the liquor store.

          I still rarely get ID'd anymore.. and I'll be 25 in a week


          • #6
            The first time I ever got carded, I was well past forty! I love telling people that.
            "Wouldn't that be unethical?"
            "That's only an issue for those who aren't already in Hell."


            • #7
              I've only been not carded twice. Once was at a liquor store in Virginia (I was with my bf and they said they only needed to card the person who was paying, which happened to be him) and the other time was at a Wal-Mart in New Hampshire. I'll be 26 next month but most people swear I'm only 18 or 19. I don't drink but I usually do accompany my bf into the store when he buys stuff.

              The strange thing is, my bf is 31. About 50 - 75% of the time if he goes to the liquor store by himself he won't be carded. If he goes in with me he always gets carded.

              The funniest carding had to have been when we went to a Hooters in Virginia. BF was buying a beer and, naturally, got carded. The waitress looked at his ID and said, "Damn! You're an old man!" Apparently she though he was about 25 and was shocked to find that he was over 30.

              Ooh, one more funny carding story. I was at Wal-Mart with my mom and she was buying a case of beer. She's 56 and she got carded but I did not! She felt insulted at first but I told her she should feel complimented since they thought she looked so young.
              Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


              • #8
                heh. reminds me of the first time i ever bought alcohol....

                i didn't get carded but... mom & dad had used that store for years and knew the owners. So the first time I actually went in alone to purchase, they knew I was 21.


                • #9
                  wow, those stores are beggin for fines. Where I work it's up to the discretion of the employee( since they're the ones who have to pay both their fines and the stores fines.) I personally go with the if you look over thirty I won't card you, but if I have to second guess it even once, then you are carded.
                  We Pick Up the Pieces


                  • #10
                    Once when I was 18 and my girlfriend was 17, we went out to eat at a nice Italian restaurant. Without us asking they gave a a pitcher of the house wine and told us to "keep track of how many glasses we drank". I politely told the waitress that neither of us drank alcohol, and she smiled and took the pitcher away.

                    It was kinda surreal, being 17-18 and just having a restaurant give you alcohol.
                    My Pointless Links collection.


                    • #11
                      Quoth PepperElf View Post
                      heh. reminds me of the first time i ever bought alcohol....

                      i didn't get carded but... mom & dad had used that store for years and knew the owners. So the first time I actually went in alone to purchase, they knew I was 21.
                      My story's similar - my 18th birthday (drinking age here is 18) I went to the local liquor store and wasn't carded. But the next day my dad went to buy some wine and the owner asked him "Your oldest lad just turned 18, right?"


                      • #12
                        The only adult products I'm interested in are lottery tickets and even when I was just barely legal age (18), I was never carded but once or twice (AT MOST). I guess places generally don't take carding for lotto as seriously as adult beverages or tobacco?


                        • #13
                          I got carded on my 21st... though I kinda asked for it

                          I went into the liquor store at 11:55pm, grabbed what I wanted, and stood next to the counter staring at my clock.

                          At exactly 12am I walked up and set my bottle down at the register, the guy takes my ID... sees the date, looks at his watch, and laughs. Then gives me a free one of those little one-shot liquor bottles.
                          <Insert clever signature here>


                          • #14
                            I guess I should have appeared more eager or should have gotten that "doe" look in my eyes instead of playing it cool.

                            Gah.....cursed be the talent of looking like I know what I'm doing.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              It's funny, I've never been carded for alcohol and I've been served in restaurants since I was 18. In fact the only time I ever got carded for anything was at the grocery store buying cigs for my mom when she smoked (I was probably about 23 at the time). I was a little taken aback because there was never any debate when I was at the liquor store, and here I was being asked to prove I was over 18.
                              "You know, there are times when it's a source of personal pride not to be human." - Hobbes

