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There are other parking spots

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  • There are other parking spots

    This Saturday I was visiting my dad and went shopping with him since my step mom has some bug that's going around. Has we got to the car a woman stops driving and waits for us to move.

    Now we had just gotten back to our car and had not even started putting away the shopping. This woman stood there and blocked the lane, making several people go around her because she wanted our spot. With the time she wasted she could've found another place to park her car and have already been in the store.
    How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?

  • #2
    Happens all the time. Hell I will do that too, if it close.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      I see it ALL the time while I just sit outside waiting for my boyfriend in the store. I sit on the bench, just enjoying the day, while I watch almost 1 out of 2 people in SUVs almost run over pedestrians while they are in the crosswalk. Mind you that the people in vehicles have a stop sign but they won't stop.

      I've also seen soccer moms on cell phones waiting for people in handicap spots *while the other lady has no HP sticker or sign or plate* to pull out. Why does humanity have to fail on me?


      • #4
        I see it every time that I work.

        Sometimes we place bets.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          If someone does that to me, I finish loading my car, and go to the Starbucks next to the grocery store. And I wave at the lurker when I head back.
          What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?


          • #6
            I don't mind it if I'm coming to my car with like, two bags, because then I know I'm going to be done and gone quick enough that the people behind the stopped car don't have to wait too long. It's when I have a full cart that would take me five minutes to put away anyway that I get miffed about it. Especially when it's not the holidays and I'm not even that close to the store...but for some reason, MY SPOT is THE SPOT. It's like the Highlander of spots or something and everybody wants it.
            "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


            • #7
              Had a funny situation like that a couple of weeks back, was out with my dad and we pull into the parking lot. Theres a guy sitting there waiting for someone to pull out of their spot, so we go around him and pull into the empty spot about 6 spaces down lol


              • #8
                two things....

                1 people who use handicapped parking spots without tags.... heh, call the cops on them and let them explain to the officer why they just HAD to have the spot

                or put up a sign reading, "if you use this spot without tags... we will ensure that, next time, you will qualify for it." (include a drawing of a baseball bat)

                (only exception... mom saw a guy take one of those spots once without tags... but the driver turned out to be a really old guy who could barely walk. normally she'd raise a fuss, but obviously he needed that spot)

                2) people who take up more than one spot just because they bought a special car. i'm sorry but... no. buying a nice car does NOT grant anyone the right to take up more spots and screw someonoe over just cos they want to be special. parking-entitlement-whores!


                • #9
                  Quoth PepperElf View Post
                  2) people who take up more than one spot just because they bought a special car.
                  Thus why I park in the "boondocks." Sure, I have a "special" car. But I bought it offa a traveling salesman. I've taken a baseball bat to it. It has over 300,000 miles on it. I'm grinding that sucker into the GROUND and it will see all seven signs of the apocolypse AND all nine circles of Hell before I give the sucker up.

                  Besides, it's just a car.

                  And a WALK will not kill me.
                  Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                  Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                  • #10
                    Language Alert!!!

                    This is sorta relevant, since it involves waiting for a spot at the gas pumps:

                    A couple years back, when one of the .30-.40 cent increases was imminent, people were lined up at the stations that were still at the lower amount. Since I had a gas-guzzling Suburban at the time and was nearly on empty, I waited in the disorganized lines to get a space at the pump.

                    There was a woman in a Subaru at the pump. She appeared to have pre-paid with her credit card. I was about 90 percent sure I saw her do this. Anyway, I was next in line, and there were two people behind me. She finishes up her gas, goes to the car, retreives her purse, and goes inside the store. I thought to myself: "Well, maybe she didn't pre-pay."

                    So I waited..

                    And waited..

                    About 5-7 minutes pass. Still no sign of her.

                    Finally she comes meandering out of the store, freshly-made SUBMARINE sandwich in-hand!!!!!

                    By this time, there are THREE cars behind me, waiting.

                    I just couldn't help myself. I got out of my car, slammed my door and yelled:

                    "Seriously??? Are you fucking SERIOUS????? You actually had the utter GALL to leave your car parked here, with ALL these fucking cars lined up, waiting??? To get a SANDWICH?????"

                    The woman behind me had rolled down here window at this point and yelled some obscenities at her too.

                    She looked at us and calmly got in her car and drove off.

                    The woman behind me and I just looked at each other in utter amazement. No words needed be exchanged, we were sisters who just suffered at the hands of the ultimate entitled SC.
                    Last edited by Peppergirl; 01-24-2008, 04:20 AM.
                    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                    • #11
                      !!! bleh i hate when people do that.
                      i pay-at-the-pump whenever possible, but once i'm done if i need more at the store i pull out and take a parking spot. yeesh the nerve of some people.


                      • #12
                        Very simple solution to this. Turn your cart around, walk back into the store. Be sure to have a big smile on your face as you do so and watch the reactions. Funniest thing ever. Well, one of them anyways. Especially if they're waiting SO close behind you that you have literally no room to back out of the space.

                        However, I agree that pulling this at a GAS station is unreasonable, good grief! The pumps are not parking spaces.
                        The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


                        • #13
                          For what it's worth...

                          As a gas station employee, we prefer that people do NOT leave the pump until AFTER they pay for their gas. Some customers think they are doing us a favor by moving, but really they aren't.
                          I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                          Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                          • #14
                            Quoth LadyBarbossa View Post
                            Very simple solution to this. Turn your cart around, walk back into the store. Be sure to have a big smile on your face as you do so and watch the reactions. Funniest thing ever. Well, one of them anyways. Especially if they're waiting SO close behind you that you have literally no room to back out of the space. .

                            Yep. I hate people who do it... they're just holding everyone up.

                            Me and a friend were coming out of a store once, and we were walking down the lane to my car, when I hear an engine slowly humming behind us. I look back, see the vulture, and 2 cars behind em... all idling. This person was FOLLOWING us through the parking lot in order to get our space... so I told my friend "Quick, cut over to the other lane." So we just walk between two cars to the other lane.

                            The vulture speeds up, slams around the corner (trying to catch up to us, still wanting our spot). So we dart back to the other aisle again. As we're getting in our car, we see one of the other cars that was behind the vulture, and the guy driving is just laughing his ass off (he saw the whole thing).

                            I've also had someone stop almost directly behind me when i was trying to back out... I knew I didn't have enough room. I back out a little bit and stopped, hoping they'd get the hint. They didn't. I back out a little more and stopped... they don't move. So I say screw it... lay on my horn and back up right to their bumper (another inch or two and I would have tapped them). This scared the crap outta them and they quickly switched into reverse and backed up about 10 feet

                            Another time, and this wasn't one purpose, when I was at school I was coming out of one class and had to get books for my next class. I'm walking out into the parking lot (which was always PACKED at this time), someone pulls up behind me and starts following me. I looked back and shook my head no, they don't get the hint. So I did what I had to do. Opened my car door, through my bookbag in the back seat, grabbed my other books, turned around and walked back inside.

                            They had the most annoyed look on their face... but, hey i tried to tell them
                            <Insert clever signature here>


                            • #15
                              I don't really see it all that much,what I do see though, I used to commonly work alone and come in to a trashed parking lot(500+ carts out there) , so there would be a bunch of carts left in/around a random parking space that was most convenient for the customers(and to be quite honest, I prefer this than people taking their carts all the way back to the corral, they're just so fucking far away, but if you park behind the corral, it's really best to put your carts in the corral) then someone crammed their car in, and when they left i'd go start clearing out that spot. If it was slow, and there were several parking spaces that were closer to the door nearby I'd just line up the carts and leave them in the space and add the nearby carts to it, and it rarely failed that someone would wait for we to vacate the space, til they realized that wasn't happening any time soon

