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There are other parking spots

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  • #16
    Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
    For what it's worth...

    As a gas station employee, we prefer that people do NOT leave the pump until AFTER they pay for their gas. Some customers think they are doing us a favor by moving, but really they aren't.
    In my case, she had already paid for the gas. She sat and blocked the pump so that she could get a sandwich, the dumb bitch.

    I am seriously surprised I didn't get arrested that day. I rarely get that mad, but I was just SOOOO appalled.
    "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


    • #17
      What I forgot to add was she was wrong in hogging the pump to get a sandwich...if that was the only thing she was there for. If she was there for the sandwich AND gas...
      Last edited by Bella_Vixen; 01-26-2008, 02:36 AM.
      I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

      Oh, and your tool box got out again.


      • #18
        I saw a vulture wait nearly 10 minutes for a spot right next to the handicap spaces. The lady was impatiently chewing her gum with an annoyed look on her face as she waited for two little old ladies to load up their minivan, and they certainly took their time.

        In considerably less time we found a spot, walked, got a cart, and went into the store. I think it wasn't until we got over a quarter of our stuff that I saw her walk in XD
        "Reverse racism" lol


        • #19
          Quoth Lingering Grin View Post

          Me and a friend were coming out of a store once, and we were walking down the lane to my car, when I hear an engine slowly humming behind us. I look back, see the vulture, and 2 cars behind em... all idling. This person was FOLLOWING us through the parking lot in order to get our space... so I told my friend "Quick, cut over to the other lane." So we just walk between two cars to the other lane.

          The vulture speeds up, slams around the corner (trying to catch up to us, still wanting our spot). So we dart back to the other aisle again. As we're getting in our car, we see one of the other cars that was behind the vulture, and the guy driving is just laughing his ass off (he saw the whole thing).

          I do this for fun. I let them follow me to a car then hop to the next isle. I also will put my stuff in and start walking back to the store. I hate parking sharks....(cue Jaws theme....)


          • #20
            I had an opposite version of this yesterday. I was leaving Wal-Mart, heading out down one of the aisles, and I felt the urge to sneeze coming. Well, I didn't want to jerk the wheel when I sneezed and careen off into someone's trunk, so I braked literally for five seconds to get it over with, and the person behind me just lays down on their horn and starts screaming at me out the window to move my ass and get out of the way. I could see that it just so happened that there was a spot opening up ahead of me and of course it was HIS.

            So, just to be a bitch, I decided it was a good time to park IN HIS SPOT OH NOES, and clean the gunk out of my ears while serenely watching him stroke out in his car. That was a fun three minutes
            "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


            • #21
              I remember going shopping in Massachusetts with my grandmother, my mom, and my aunt this one time when we laid the best pwnage of a parking vulture ever. This was right around the holidays so naturally the mall we went to was packed. My aunt happened to find the best parking spot ever not too far from the door, which was great due to the fact that we had grandma with us. Anyway, my mom and I had quite a few bags that we decided to bring to the car rather than carry around the mall with us. SO we head out to the car, bags in tow when, naturally, a line of vultures began to follow us. We walk, open the trunk of the car, put the bags in, then we decide to sit in the car for a moment (and pretend to look for something). Meanwhile we had cars waiting in both directions, blinkers at the ready, drivers waiting for our coveted spot. After our rest, we got out of the car, locked up, and laughed at the people who were waiting. Sure, people were pissed, but they just continued on to vulture for another spot.

              Typically, when I go shopping, I park in the back and walk in. I've found that I can usually be parked, in the store, and half way done with shopping before the vultures even park their cars.
              Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


              • #22
                a couple days ago I saw someone cut off another car, and then the cutter offer laid on THEIR horn for a solid 5 seconds


                • #23
                  Quoth GolfCart34 View Post
                  I remember going shopping in Massachusetts with my grandmother, my mom, and my aunt this one time when we laid the best pwnage of a parking vulture ever. This was right around the holidays so naturally the mall we went to was packed. My aunt happened to find the best parking spot ever not too far from the door, which was great due to the fact that we had grandma with us. Anyway, my mom and I had quite a few bags that we decided to bring to the car rather than carry around the mall with us. SO we head out to the car, bags in tow when, naturally, a line of vultures began to follow us. We walk, open the trunk of the car, put the bags in, then we decide to sit in the car for a moment (and pretend to look for something). Meanwhile we had cars waiting in both directions, blinkers at the ready, drivers waiting for our coveted spot. After our rest, we got out of the car, locked up, and laughed at the people who were waiting. Sure, people were pissed, but they just continued on to vulture for another spot.

                  Typically, when I go shopping, I park in the back and walk in. I've found that I can usually be parked, in the store, and half way done with shopping before the vultures even park their cars.
                  Ugh this pisses me off to no end. I understand that sometimes people have to go back to their car - or drop something off to their car - but is it so hard to wave me around, or just tell me "we're not leaving"?? Sometimes I've spent 10 minutes circling the parking lot looking for a spot - ANY spot - even one far far away from the front door - and when I've finally found someone that looks like they're leaving and they pull that kind of crap - it just infuriates me. Yes, you got there first and you have the right to not be leaving at the moment, but just wave me on.... it's not that hard - barely requires any effort, really. Even shake your head at me "no" so I understand you're not leaving and I can move on. Don't make me wait for you to put everything in your car, and then walk away.

                  (By the way - there usually ARE no other parking spots - it's not like the case where there's a parking spot 3 spots away and I'm just being a vulture - it's because there are no spots ANYWHERE - or the next spot is about a mile away - it's like that at one movie theatre we go to - it's probably not a real mile, but in the cold, it really feels like it).

                  I also hate when people sit in their car with their lights on - so it LOOKS like they're about to back out....when they have absolutely no intention of doing so.


                  • #24
                    Quoth air914 View Post

                    I also hate when people sit in their car with their lights on - so it LOOKS like they're about to back out....when they have absolutely no intention of doing so.
                    that one pisses me off too. I especially hate the cars that the reverse lights turn on when they unlock it or start it up. if I see reverse lights I usually stop, unless I'm in a hurry


                    • #25
                      Quoth GolfCart34 View Post
                      I remember going shopping in Massachusetts with my grandmother, my mom, and my aunt this one time when we laid the best pwnage of a parking vulture ever. This was right around the holidays so naturally the mall we went to was packed. My aunt happened to find the best parking spot ever not too far from the door, which was great due to the fact that we had grandma with us. Anyway, my mom and I had quite a few bags that we decided to bring to the car rather than carry around the mall with us. SO we head out to the car, bags in tow when, naturally, a line of vultures began to follow us. We walk, open the trunk of the car, put the bags in, then we decide to sit in the car for a moment (and pretend to look for something). Meanwhile we had cars waiting in both directions, blinkers at the ready, drivers waiting for our coveted spot. After our rest, we got out of the car, locked up, and laughed at the people who were waiting. Sure, people were pissed, but they just continued on to vulture for another spot.

                      Okay, I hate to be negative but based on your info I think you and your family were very rude for no reason. Whenever I go to the mall during the holidays and it is packed (as you described in your situation) then it is difficult to actually find an empty parking spot anywhere. As a result, people usually have to wait for someone else to leave in order to park. Really if you weren't leaving, just put the bags in and go or wave the other drivers away. I don't see why you felt the need to PURPOSELY get in the car, act like you were leaving and then get out just to piss people off.


                      • #26
                        My libarary is right beside a senior centre, anyways a few months ago went to go pick up my precious books and there where two women blocking almost the entire lane. With a cement island in between them. One of them was even blocking the entrence/exit!!
                        V-Con 2009 and Anime Evolution 2010


                        • #27
                          I hate it when there's a small car parked as far forward as they can go in the spot, so from a distance it looks like the spot's empty (because you can't see around the cars next to the spot).

                          I drive a small car, but I always park so the back end's still within the spot but sticking out enough that you can see it.


                          • #28
                            Quoth PepperElf View Post
                            two things....

                            1 people who use handicapped parking spots without tags.... heh, call the cops on them and let them explain to the officer why they just HAD to have the spot
                            Around here, you can be deputized and write them a ticket yourself.

