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My modem arrived! (finally)

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  • My modem arrived! (finally)

    Two weeks ago I set up a new internet account, and ordered a modem along with it. Last week I got a phone call saying it was all good to go but they couldn't ship the modem until it's been payed for (the account is on a bill-me-later type basis). So I payed over the phone and they said it would take about 3 days.

    Day 4 arrived and no modem... it was a weekend so I waited until Monday of this week to call (when the sales department would be open). According to dispatch, the modem hadn't been payed for. According to sales, it had.

    It took about half an hour of "I'll just transfer you to sales so you can pay that" and "I'll transfer you to dispatch to see what the problem is" before I encountered somebody who knew what they were doing and checked the checkbox that tells dispatch it's been paid for.

    So here we are, three days after that (and a week late) and I'm online!

    (also I nearly missed the delivery, I got home to find a courier there filling in a sorry-i-missed-you-now-you-have-to-get-to-our-depot-tomorrow-or-we'll-send-your-package-back card)

  • #2
    Sounds like the crap I got at Comcast. After a couple weeks of the left hand not knowing what the right was doing. I cancelled everything, including my credit card payment, and went with Verizon.
    This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.


    • #3
      We've had all kinds of crap getting set up with Verizon Internet. The first time we had it, it just wouldn't work. It turns out that they had to run a dedicated line from the NID (Is that the correct term, the box on the outside of the house?) and it worked fine. After our term was up we cancelled it (we didn't use it at home and got our fix at work anyways).

      When we bought the laptop we wanted dsl again so we signed up for some cheap ass special. Well the first modem was DOA, no lights etc. The second modem had lights working but still wouldn't sync up. I said screw it and tried one of the older modems I had from the previous time and it worked fine.

      I didn't feel like calling tech support and playing 20 questions off the script when I knew it was a crappy modem. I figured, hell the old one works (I had a couple of 'em) so I've been running off of that for the last year and a half now.

      I guess I'm just a impatient butthole, but I couldn't bring myself to call in and have to go thru power cycling the modem and checking settings when I had a old one working right, the lazy as hell factor won out.
      My Karma ran over your dogma.


      • #4
        Quoth digilight View Post
        It turns out that they had to run a dedicated line from the NID (Is that the correct term, the box on the outside of the house?) and it worked fine.
        CID - Customer Interface Device is what I've seen it called, but NETWORK Interface Device would certainly make more sense, so maybe your company is a little more on the ball?


        • #5
          Now that we're actually online the service is great... fast connection, email gets through really quickly, the mirrored content that doesn't count towards bandwith limits is awesome... So my fellow Aussies, if you're looking for ADSL2, I recommend Internode (as long as you don't mind waiting a week and a half for your modem)

