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Wierdness at the BK

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  • Wierdness at the BK

    Okay I had to go into the city again today and for lunch I stopped at the usual BK that I stop at when I'm in that area. This is the same one that has had other wierd things occur like the psychic that randomly told me things would work out and not to worry. Today was no different. I think thats one reason i like eating there as there is usually some kind of show. Today I got double the show.

    Okay I walk in the door get in line behind the other guy there. The place is rather quiet. As I rarely order anything different (I am a bit of a stick in the mud in that regard) I just glance at the menu board and look around. Being male I notice the female behind the register is rather cute and in her early to mid twenties and rather well endowed shall we say (probably E or so).

    This becomes pertinent as I notice one seems to be riding higher than the other. Tryig to figure out if this is some sort of fashion statement or physical issue I do kinda stare I admit. This was kinda one of those thigns where your vision of reality is kinda skewed for a moment as normality is tilted out from under you.

    Stepping up I place my order and then make small talk.
    Rah: You doing ok?
    BG (Busty Gal): No My bra broke.
    Rah: Ahh that sucks, must be uncomfortable? (Thinking that maybe she should go fix it or get another one.)
    BG: Yeah it sucks but my manager wont let me go get another one or go without.
    Rah: Ahh. That really sucks.
    At which point I tell her about this place and give her the url (and my yahoo) and chat her a bit til my food comes up. At which point I bid her good day and retire to a booth in the far corner away from people.

    This is where the second phase occurs.
    I am sitting there in my corner booth, I hav my food on the right side of the table. I have the newspaper spread out in front of me. I have the headphones for my MP PLayer on. (I cannot use those stupid earbuds as my ears are a wierd shape/size and the standard cheap ones wont fit so I use actual over the ear headphones) I am pretty much ignoring everyone around me. I am dressed rather business like (white dress shirt, black tie, black jacket, black wool coat on seat by me and black pants with black oxfords) as the job that brought me to the city was not rednecky at all, and no judging by the wardrobe it was not knocking on doors and asking people if they found jesus... Now does this look like someone who is being open, inviting and saying come sit and talk to me? I hope not as that wasnt what I was wanting. Unfortunately that is what I got.

    I'm sitting there when i notice someone standing on the other side of the table. thinking it was an employee or somethign important I look up and its some geeky white guy. You know the guy who played shaun in shaun of the dead? (Simon Pegg?) This guy looked kinda like him. I take one of the earpieces off and look at him with the Are you being served kind of questioning look. This is the conversation:
    SOD: Hi? Mind if I join you?
    Rah: Yes I do actually.
    SOD: *sitting down, placing his tray over my paper* Cool thanks. So How are you doing?
    Rah: *Giving him the Spock eyebrow* Good until you interrupted me.
    SOD: Oh. Umm. My therapist told me I needed to get out and talk to people more in the real world.
    Rah: *Doing a ben stein* Reallllly. *switchign into talking to 2 year old mode* Well my therapist told me I needed to find more alone time to control my stress so I dont snap and try to kill someone, *looking down at table* again.

    By the time I looked back up he was off going to another table where he had just as much luck. I'm not sure what the deal was I'm thinking a recovering WOW or crackquest addict. Either way he went about making friends the wrong way. He eventually wound up sitting alone in the other corner booth.

    And the finale of this dinner show visit was the raised voices coming from the back room. 1 male one female. Looking up and removing the headphones I caught this interesting gem:
    BG: *storming out of back area still having wardrobe issues* You can run this effing place without me I quit and youre gonna be so effed (Apparently she has a bit of a temper)
    Manager: Well you cant quit because I fired you!

    Yeah take that BG. While I applaud him for getting the last word in for that argument they where rather poorly chosen last words. Shall we say? And rather empathically saying them so that beethoven could have heard him in front of several witnesses is not going to be pleasing to corporate I am sure.

    As I am not going to be goin back down there until next month at the earliest unless BG signs in and talks about it or emails me I wont be able to tell you more about this. And by next month I imagine there will be new management and some other wierd event. I swear that place in on a ley line nexus of strangeness.

  • #2
    crackquest addict
    !!! Hey I resemble that!

    I quit back in 04 cos the computer was stolen. I will confess that once in a while I had a dream where I was running around inside the game but... these days I'm too busy with other stuff.


    • #3
      Love your response to the guy. Kind of reminds me of something Wednesday Addams would say (high compliment, coming from me).
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Never understood the obsession with MMORPGs, and I'm a game addict. I tried playing WOW once and it bored the crap out of me. But yeah, some of those people that plan their life around it, it's scary.

        I'm willing to bet BG doesn't really have that bad of a temper, poor girl's boobs just hurt!
        Would you like a Stummies?


        • #5
          Quoth Rahmota View Post
          Well my therapist told me I needed to find more alone time to control my stress so I dont snap and try to kill someone, *looking down at table* again.

          I really have to try that one at work.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            I give you compliments for the response to the guy.

            Don't rule out that he could have had some form of Ashberger's or other social anxiety disorder.

            True he was going about things the wrong way.

            I seriously doubt anything about your manner specifically invited him over. Other than maybe the thought process of . . .wow that man looks successfull maybe he could be my friend and I could have a better life.


            • #7
              Wow, Rah.

              Was this 'the City' as in HB? Or closer to where I live? Not sure what constitutes a 'city' in your neck of the woods.

              Seriously though, not letting her go change was reason enough to exit like that, in my book. Any woman who has had a wardrobe malfunction like that can probably totally relate to how she reacted.
              "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


              • #8
                All this in one visit?

                One of the first times I left the farm and went into the "big city" I ate at McDonald's and was absolutely flabbergasted at the weirdness I encountered. It made me think that everyone living in a city was a complete nut case.

                Having now lived and worked in several large cities, I have grown to realize that downtown fast food restaurants are like magnets for the crazies. Everywhere else is fairly normal.

                If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                • #9
                  Quoth Rahmota View Post

                  I'm sitting there when i notice someone standing on the other side of the table. thinking it was an employee or somethign important I look up and its some geeky white guy. You know the guy who played shaun in shaun of the dead? (Simon Pegg?) This guy looked kinda like him. I take one of the earpieces off and look at him with the Are you being served kind of questioning look. This is the conversation:
                  SOD: Hi? Mind if I join you?
                  Rah: Yes I do actually.
                  SOD: *sitting down, placing his tray over my paper* Cool thanks. So How are you doing?
                  Rah: *Giving him the Spock eyebrow* Good until you interrupted me.
                  SOD: Oh. Umm. My therapist told me I needed to get out and talk to people more in the real world.
                  Rah: *Doing a ben stein* Reallllly. *switchign into talking to 2 year old mode* Well my therapist told me I needed to find more alone time to control my stress so I dont snap and try to kill someone, *looking down at table* again.

                  By the time I looked back up he was off going to another table where he had just as much luck. I'm not sure what the deal was I'm thinking a recovering WOW or crackquest addict. Either way he went about making friends the wrong way. He eventually wound up sitting alone in the other corner booth.
                  HAHAHA! That is EXACTLY, down to specifics how this one kid at school acts. Apparently he's homes schooled and his mother drops him off at the highschool in so he can have lunch there, which is in itself wierd. But he has absolutely no idea how to approach other people and he will do pretty much what that guy did, EXCEPT he will not ask. He will just randomly sit down next to someone and talkm then get up and do the same thing. Today he went and sat next to the dance team and tried to hit on them. One day he sat down next to me and started talking about how he carries around the motherboard of a computer. And we've all had fun telling him to get lost as he's creepy, we don't know him, and he needs some serious therapy.
                  We Pick Up the Pieces


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the compliment about the comment. It was the first thing that came to mind that was not going to be really rude just kinda smart alecky. I mean I didnt wanna just snap at the guy to get the eff away as he really didn't do anything really wrong just wierd. I mean in an entusiastically awkward kinda rude way. And yeah the idea he might have ADD or aspergers or something did cross my mind after he went off but I was already having a grumpy day myself just being in the city and sorry to say didnt feel like playing Junier Jack therapist for this guy.

                    And yeah I'm sure it wasn't comfortable. My wife said she'd have smacked the boss and called sexual harrassment on him right there for that.

                    Emrld: Well thank you for the compliment. I didnt think I looked all that special. Oh well at least he didnt hit on me. That would have turned things up to 11 on the wierdness scale.

                    peppergirl: It was down in Cincinnati. When i say the city I mean cincy. When I say town I usually mean HB. Although I have referred to burg as town before as well. But the city always means cincinnati. And by cincinnati i mean anythign inside the 275 betway. its all cincy to me.

                    Boozy: Yeah all in the space of reading the enquirer, eating a simple Double Cheesebuger meal with a york peppermint patty pie piece (Which are awesome! BTW). Say 30 -45 minutes tops. This has been the wierdst one so far. I wont go as far to say everyone in the city is crazy but a lot I meet do seem to have a rather different view on the world. and whats really sad is this BK isnt realy downtown. Its kinda out towards the suburbs. But still inside the urban region. I try and stay out of downtown as much as possible.

                    d92#s: Okay. some people have their moments. I mean I've homeschooled my youngest for 1st grade but we still worked on the social skills.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Rahmota View Post
                      d92#s: Okay. some people have their moments. I mean I've homeschooled my youngest for 1st grade but we still worked on the social skills.
                      hope you didn't take offense at that comment. I was just mentioning that it was wierd that the parent homeschooled her kid, and then dropped him off at school to eat lunch. I mean, seriously, if someone doesn't have the money to feed her own kids, why would she be homeschooling them when, at this school(which is in the top twenty in the nation) he could not only get a really good education, he could actually learn some acceptable social skills. This kid actually went up to a friend of mine and asked her out, then when she turned him away, he asked the girl sitting right next to her.
                      Anyway, I hope you didn't misinterpret what I said, I know I'm not always clear when I say things.
                      We Pick Up the Pieces


                      • #12
                        hope you didn't take offense at that comment. I
                        hehehe oddly enouh no. While I may et grumpy if peple use the term rednek loosely I am not so sensitive that I get bent about every little thign. I mentioned homeschooling as in if you do homeschool a person needs to make sure not to forget the social skills otherwie you wind up with case an point indeed.
                        This kid actually went up to a friend of mine and asked her out, then when she turned him away, he asked the girl sitting right next to her.
                        Well at least he didnt let the rejection get him down...


                        • #13
                          My brastrap broke at my first job.

                          The manager (female) took the stapler and stapled it back onto the bra.

                          I did throw it away when I got home....but she saved me from humilation the rest of the day.
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            Quoth marty View Post
                            I'm willing to bet BG doesn't really have that bad of a temper, poor girl's boobs just hurt!
                            She's a weakling, I'm a 50DD and I'm fine without a boulder holder. Now WITH a boulderholder I become one cranky bitch


                            • #15
                              Quoth Rahmota View Post
                              I mentioned homeschooling as in if you do homeschool a person needs to make sure not to forget the social skills otherwie you wind up with case an point indeed.
                              Mayhaps that's why I'm anti-social myself. <--Homeschooled from 4th-12 and graduated early at 16. HATES people.
                              Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                              Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.

